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Brighthouse Funds Trust I T.rowe Price Large Cap Value Portfolio Class A (0P00003CJ0)

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26,350 -0,140    -0,53%
01/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  MetLife
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,41B
Brighthouse Funds Trust I T.Rowe Price Large Cap V 26,350 -0,140 -0,53%

0P00003CJ0 Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Brighthouse Funds Trust I T.rowe Price Large Cap Value Portfolio Class A. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P00003CJ0.

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Gabriel Solomon Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Biografie Mr. Solomon is a vice president at T. Rowe Price. He joined the Firm in 2004. During the past five years, he has served as an equity research analyst and a portfolio manager (beginning in 2014). Formerly he worked as a equity analyst intern at Wellington Management Company, LLP (to 2003) and as consultant at Sibson Management Consulting (to 2002).
John D. Linehan Vice President 2011 now
Biografie John Linehan is the portfolio manager for the Equity Income Strategy and co-portfolio manager of the US Large-Cap Value Strategy for T. Rowe Price. In addition, he is the chief investment officer of Equity and a member of the firm's US Equity Steering, Equity Brokerage and Trading Control, and Counterparty Risk Committees. Mr. Linehan is Chairman of the Investment Advisory Committee at T. Rowe. He is a large-cap value portfolio manager in the U.S. Equity Division and also co-chair of the Investment Advisory Committee for the Institutional Large-Cap Value Strategy. From February 2010 to June 2014, Mr. Linehan was head of U.S. Equity and chairman of the U.S. Equity Steering Committee. He is a member of the firm's U.S. Equity Steering, Equity Brokerage and Trading Control, and Counterparty Risk Committees. He earned a B.A. from Amherst College and an M.B.A. from Stanford University, where he was the Henry Ford II Scholar, an Arjay Miller Scholar, and the winner of the Alexander A. Robichek Award in finance. Mr. Linehan is a CFA® charterholder.
Mark S. Finn Chairman 2011 2022
Biografie Mark Finn is the lead portfolio manager of the US Value Equity Strategy and is also a co-chairman of the U.S. Large-Cap Value Equity Strategy. Mr. Finn is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. Mr. Finn has 14 years of investment experience, all of which have been with T. Rowe Price. From 2005 to 2009, Mr. Finn was an equity research analyst specializing in electric power generation, utilities, and coal. Prior to this, he was an analyst in T. Rowe Price's Fixed Income Division, where he also covered utilities and power generation. From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Finn worked with the T. Rowe Price Recovery Strategy team, where he evaluated financially distressed companies. Mr. Finn began his career with T. Rowe Price in 1990 in the Finance Division, where he served as controller of T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc., and as the principal accounting officer for the T. Rowe Price Realty Income Strategies. Prior to joining the firm, he had five years of auditing experience with Price Waterhouse LLP, where he worked on engagements for both public and private companies. Mr. Finn earned a B.S. from the University Of Delaware and has obtained the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a certified public accountant.
Heather K. McPherson Portfolio Manager 2015 2022
Biografie Heather McPherson is the co-portfolio manager for the US Large-Cap Value Equity Strategy and an associate portfolio manager of the Equity Income Strategy in the U.S. Equity Division of T. Rowe Price. Ms. McPherson is also a vice president and Investment Advisory Committee member of the Equity Income, Growth & Income, Global Technology, Large-Cap Core, New Era, Mid-Cap Value, and Value Strategies. Ms. McPherson is a member of the firm's U.S. Equity Steering Committee. She is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. Ms. McPherson has 19 years of investment experience, 17 of which have been with T. Rowe Price. Prior to joining the firm in 2002, she worked as a summer intern in 2001 at Salomon Smith Barney, covering the storage area networking industry. Prior to this, she was a vice president of finance and administration for Putnam Lovell Securities, Inc. Ms. McPherson earned a B.S. in managerial economics from the University of California-Davis and an M.B.A. from Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business.
Brian C. Rogers Chairman 2011 2016
Biografie "Brian Rogers retired as an executive of T. Rowe Price on March 31, 2017. He remains on the Board, serving as non-executive chair. He has been a director of Price Group since 1997 and was the chairman of the Board since 2007, the chief investment officer since 2004, a vice president since 1985, and an employee since 1982. He was a member of the Executive and Management Committees, a director or trustee of 39 T. Rowe Price funds, and the president of two T. Rowe Price funds.
Robert P. Fetch Partner 2010 2011
Biografie Mr. Fetch is the lead portfolio manager of the multi, large, and mid cap value equity strategies and oversees the domestic equity portfolio managers. Mr. Fetch joined Lord Abbett in 1995 as the lead portfolio manager of the small cap value equity strategy portfolio and Director of Small, Smid, Multi and Micro Value Equities. He was named Partner in 1998. His prior experience includes: Managing Director at Prudential Investment Advisors; Senior Investment Officer at Chemical Bank/Favia Hill & Associates; and Equity Analyst/Trader at Mutual Benefit Life. Mr. Fetch received a BS from Bucknell University and an MBA from Seton Hall University. He is a holder of a Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has been in the investment business since 1977.
Lawrence D. Sachs Partner 2010 2010
Biografie Lawrence D. Sachs, Partner and Portfolio Manager, joined Lord Abbett in 2001 from Red Apple Group where he was the Chief Information Officer. His previous experience includes Vice President and Director of Information Technology & Systems at Red Apple Group and IT Project Manager at Skandia America Reinsurance. Mr. Sachs earned a BBA from Hofstra University, an MBA in Finance from NYU Stern School of Business, and a JD from Fordham University School of Law. He has been in the investment business since 2001.
Eli M. Salzmann Senior Portfolio Manager 1999 2010
Biografie Eli M. Salzmann, Managing Director, is the lead Portfolio Manager for Large Cap Value. Prior to joining the firm, Eli spent nearly 14 years at Lord Abbett & Co. LLC as the lead portfolio manager, partner and director of large cap value. Eli received an MBA from New York University and a BA from Princeton University.
Kenneth G. Fuller Portfolio Manager 2009 2010
Biografie Mr. Fuller joined the firm in 2002. Prior experience includes: Portfolio Manager-Senior Vice President at Pioneer Investment Management, Inc.; Founder and Principal at Manley Fuller Asset Management, L.P.; Manager/Research Analyst-Vice President at Chase Investors/Union Bank of Switzerland; Research Analyst-Vice President at Kidder, Peabody and Co., Inc.; Research Analyst at Lehman Management.
Sholom Dinsky Managing Director 2007 2008
Biografie Mr. Dinsky came to Lord Abbett in 2000 from Prudential Investments where he served as Managing Director of Prudential Asset Management. His prior experience includes: Director of Equity Research and Senior Vice President at Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management; Vice President and Senior Analyst at Chase Investors Management Corporation; and Equity Analyst at Oppenheimer & Co.
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