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Dws Small Cap Growth Fund - Class A (SSDAX)

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31,500 -0,300    -0,94%
01/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  DWS
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 113,61M
DWS Small Cap Growth Fund - Class A 31,500 -0,300 -0,94%

SSDAX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Dws Small Cap Growth Fund - Class A. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van SSDAX.

Small Growth

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Peter M. Barsa Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Biografie - Portfolio Manager and Equity Research Analyst for Small and Mid Cap Equities: New York - Joined the Company in 1999, equity research analyst covering consumer discretionary and consumer staples and global small cap equity research generalist. - BS in Finance, Villanova University
Michael A. Sesser Assistant Vice President 2017 2023
Biografie Michael A. Sesser, Assistant Vice President. Portfolio Manager. Joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Asset Management in 2009. Equity Research Analyst inNew York Since 2009. Previously, Business Intelligence Analyst, Corporate Executive Board (now owned by Gartner) from 2005-2007; Research Associate, Compass Lexecon (now owned by FTI Consulting) from 2003-2005. BA in Ethics, Politics & Economics from Yale University; MBA from University of Michigan, Ross School of Business (2007 - 2009).
Joseph Axtell Managing Director 2006 2018
Biografie Portfolio Manager for Global Small Cap and US Small and Mid Cap Equities: New York Joined the Company in 2001 with 16 years of industry experience. Prior to his current role, Joseph served as a European Equities Portfolio Manager at Scudder Investments (which was later acquired by Deutsche Bank). Prior to joining, he worked as a Senior Analyst for International Equities at Merrill Lynch Asset Managers, as an International Research Analyst at PCM International and in various investment positions at Prudential Capital Corporation, Prudential-Bache Capital Funding and Prudential Equity Management Associates BS from Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota; CFA Charterholder
Rafaelina M. Lee Portfolio Manager 2008 2017
Biografie Portfolio Manager for US Small and Mid Cap Equity: New York Joined the Company in 1999 with 15 years of industry experience. Prior to her current role, Rafaelina served as a senior research analyst. Before joining, she worked as a Latin America market strategist at J.P. Morgan Securities. Previously, she was an equity strategist at UBS Securities and a research analyst in the portfolio strategy group at Goldman Sachs. Rafaelina was a Deutsche Bank Ambassador from 2011 to 2014 BA in Mathematical Statistics from Columbia University; MBA in Finance from Stern School of Business, New York University
Jeffrey A. Saeger Director 2008 2009
Biografie Mr. Saeger is a Portfolio Manager and Director with Victory Capital Management. He joined Victory and/or an affiliate in 2009 following 13 years prior investment experience. Mr. Saeger holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from SUNY at Fredonia and is a CFA charterholder.
Robert S. Janis Managing Director 2004 2008
Biografie Janis is the managing director with Deutsche Asset Management and portfolio manager of the funds, joining the firm in 2004. Janis previously served as portfolio manager for ten years at Credit Suisse Asset Management and its predecessor, Warburg Pincus Asset Management, where Janis was managing director, senior investment manager and research analyst from 1994 to 1998. Before that Janis served as vice president and senior research analyst with U.S. Trust Company of New York.
Samuel A. Dedio Senior Portfolio Manager 2003 2006
Biografie Samuel Dedio joined Artio Global Management LLC's predecessor organization, Julius Baer, in 2006 as a Senior Portfolio Manager focusing on US micro, small and midcap equities. Prior to this, he spent six years at Deutsche Asset Management, most recently as Managing Director, Lead Portfolio Manager and Head of US Small and Midcap Investment Management. His previous positions also include Senior Industry Analyst at Ernst & Young, LLP and Equity Analyst with both Evergreen Asset Management and Standard & Poor's Corp. Samuel received a Masters of Science in Accounting from American University's Kogod School of Business and a BA in Business Administration from William Paterson University.
Audrey M. T. Jones Portfolio Manager 1999 2004
Biografie Jones is a portfolio manager with Deutsche Asset Management, her employer since 1986. Previously, she was a vice president with Chase Investors Management Corporation. Jones has earned her Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Bob Grandhi executive vice-president, CIO 2001 2004
Biografie Grandhi is the executive vice-president and chief investment officer of the Monument Funds Group. Since 1990, He worked as senior vice-president of the Daiwa Group, where he served as an advisor to the Daiwa's Internet Fund. From 1980 to 1987, he was vice-president of the technology investment banking group for EF Hutton. For the two years prior to that, he was the technology financial analyst with Harris Bank. Grandhi holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Doris Klug Director 2000 2004
Biografie Klug serves as director and portfolio manager with Deutsche Asset Management, her employer since 2000. From 1993 to 2000, she was a vice president of Mutual of America. Klug holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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