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Blackrock Multi-asset Income Portfolio Institutional Shares (BIICX)

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10,30 -0,01    -0,10%
05/09 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  BlackRock
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 6,06B
BlackRock Multi-Asset Income Instl 10,30 -0,01 -0,10%

BIICX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Blackrock Multi-asset Income Portfolio Institutional Shares. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van BIICX.

Allocation--30% to 50% Equity

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Contact Informatie

Adres 12 Throgmorton Avenue
London,RI EC2N 2DL
United Kingdom
Telefoon 020 7743 3000


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Alex Shingler Managing Director 2015 now
Biografie Alex Shingler, CFA, Managing Director, is a portfolio manager for a suite of income-oriented investment solutions. Mr. Shingler is a member of the BlackRock Multi-Asset Income team, which is responsible for portfolio management, risk monitoring and tactical asset allocation across global income strategies. Prior to his current role, Mr. Shingler served as a research analyst and portfolio manager within BlackRock's European and US credit businesses. Before joining BlackRock in 2009 in London, he focused on special situation equity and debt investments. He began his career as an analyst with J.P. Morgan. Mr. Shingler earned an AB degree, summa cum laude, in philosophy from Princeton University.
Justin Christofel Managing Director 2011 now
Biografie Justin Christofel, CFA, CAIA, Managing Director, is a portfolio manager for a suite of income-oriented investment solutions. Mr. Christofel is a member of the BlackRock Multi-Asset Strategies & Solutions Income team, which is responsible for portfolio management, risk monitoring and tactical asset allocation across global income strategies. Prior to the launch of the Income strategies, Mr. Christofel managed customized asset allocation portfolios for institutional investors. He also managed volatility control strategies, and a multi-asset real return portfolio. Mr. Christofel joined Blackrock in 2007 from Oliver Wyman, a consulting firm specializing in financial services. His projects spanned from retail banking to structured finance. Mr. Christofel graduated from Yale University with a BA degree, with honors, in economics and mathematics.
Michael Fredericks Managing Director 2011 2023
Biografie Michael Fredericks, Managing Director, is head of Income Investing for the Blackrock Multi-Asset Strategies group and lead portfolio manager for the Multi-Asset Income, Global Multi-Asset Income, Dynamic High Income, and Managed Income funds. Mr. Fredericks joined BlackRock in 2011 from JPMorgan Asset Management where he was an Executive Director and portfolio manager in the Global Multi-Asset Group (GMAG) responsible for retail asset allocation solutions. At JPMorgan he co-managed the JPMorgan Diversified Fund and the JPMorgan Income Builder Fund, and served on the GMAG New York investment committee. Previously he was an equity analyst responsible for global consumer discretionary stocks at Nicholas Applegate Capital Management. Mr. Fredericks holds a B.A. in Economics and History from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.P.I.A. from the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He regularly contributes to financial news media and has been featured in print and broadcast outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Associated Press, CNBC and Bloomberg TV, among others.
Lutz-Peter Wilke Managing Director 2011 2015
Biografie Lutz-Peter Wilke, CFA, is a member of Wellington Management’s Global Multi-Asset Strategies Group, which is responsible for developing and managing multi-asset portfolios as well as outcome-oriented investment solutions. In addition to working on new product launches, Peter manages several portfolios for clients in different regions with a particular focus on income-generating asset classes. His investment philosophy involves blending thematic and quantitative insights in order to meet clients’ investment objectives. He is also working with researchers on his team to develop an investment platform that will allow clients to customize his investment approach according to their risk/return and income preferences. Prior to joining Wellington Management in April 2015, Peter was a member of the Multi-Asset Portfolio Strategies Group at BlackRock (formerly Merrill Lynch Investment Managers) where he spent 10 years as a portfolio manager and macro researcher in London and New York (2005 – 2015). He was responsible for the equity and commodity allocations across his team's book of business and was a portfolio manager on their flagship mutual fund, BlackRock Multi-Asset Income. He was a co-manager on many other approaches, including mandates focusing on Global Tactical Asset Allocation, and he also headed up the group’s Global Research team. He started his professional career at Deutsche Bank (1999 – 2001) before joining Merrill Lynch Investment Managers in the UK in 2005. Peter earned a BSc degree, with honours, in international economics from Nottingham University in 2004 and an MSc degree in economics and finance from Warwick Business School in 2005.
Philip Brides Head 2011 2013
Biografie Philip Brides is Head of Portfolio Management, Investment Solutions and a Managing Director at UBS Asset Management. Mr. Brides has been at UBS Asset Management since 2014. Prior to joining UBS Asset Management, Mr. Brides worked at BlackRock where he was responsible for managing global tactical asset allocation mandates for retail and institutional investors and, prior to that, was Co-Head of BlackRock's dynamic diversified growth strategy.
Michael C. Huebsch Managing Director 2011 2013
Biografie Michael Huebsch, Managing Director, heads BlackRock's Multi-Asset Client Solutions (BMACS). BMACS is responsible for developing, assembling and managing investment solutions involving multiple strategies and asset classes. He is a member of BlackRock's Leadership and Operating Committees. Previously, Mr. Huebsch headed the Financial Institutions Group which manages balance sheet assets for insurers, banks and financial guarantors. Prior to joining BlackRock in 1989, Mr. Huebsch was a Vice President in Fixed Income Research at The First Boston Corporation. Mr. Huebsch is a member of the Board of Overseers of the School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science at St. John's University in New York City and serves on the Board of Fellows of Trinity College. He earned a BA degree in political science from Trinity College and an MBA degree in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Matthew Marra Managing Director 2009 2011
Biografie Deputy Head of Retail and Mutual Fund Products of BlackRock, Inc. and Co-head of Mutual Fund Multi Sector Portfolios since 2010; Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2006; Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2002 to 2005.
Kathleen M. Anderson Managing Director 2009 2011
Biografie Kathleen Anderson, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is an associate portfolio manager for the Equity Dividend Fund. She is also the lead portfolio manager for the BlackRock Utilities and Telecommunications Fund. Ms. Anderson's service with the firm dates back to 1993, including her years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. At MLIM, she served several roles, including analyst and portfolio manager for the Utility and Telecommunications Fund and associate portfolio manager for the Equity Dividend Fund. Prior to joining MLIM, Ms. Anderson served as a research associate at Chancellor Capital Management (formerly Citigroup Investment Management) from 1983 until 1993. At Chancellor Capital Management, Ms. Anderson was a research associate for entertainment and media and an analyst on a real estate fund. In 1987, she assumed coverage as the analyst for the utilities and telecommunications sectors. Ms. Anderson earned a BA degree in economics and finance from Baruch College in 1980.
Robert M. Shearer Managing Director 2008 2011
Biografie Shearer has been a Managing Director of and Portfolio Manager with BlackRock, Inc. since 2006. Prior to joining BlackRock, he was a Managing Director of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, L.P. (“MLIM”) from 2000 to 2006 and was First Vice President of MLIM from 1998 to 2000. He has been a Portfolio Manager since 1997. Prior to joining MLIM, Mr. Shearer was a Vice President with David L. Babson & Company, Inc., at Concert Capital Management, Inc. as a Vice President and Sector Manager and at Fiduciary Trust Company International as a Vice President. Shearer holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Curtis Y. Arledge CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2009 2010
Biografie Curtis Arledge is the Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income, within BlackRock’s Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group since 2010, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, is co-head of US Fixed Income within BlackRock's Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group. Mr. Arledge is a member of BlackRock's Leadership Committee. Prior to rejoining BlackRock in 2008, Mr. Arledge was with Wachovia Corporation for 12 years, most recently as Global Head of the Fixed Income Division and a member of the Corporate and Investment Bank's (CIB) Executive and CIB Risk/Return Committees. He had oversight for various business lines in the United States, Europe and Asia, including Leveraged Finance, Investment Grade, Global Rates, Structured Products, Corporate Loan and Commercial Real Estate Portfolios and Financial Institutions Investment Banking. Before serving in this role, Mr. Arledge was head of Fixed Income Trading and, prior to that, head of Structured Products Trading. He joined Wachovia's proprietary trading desk in 1996. Mr. Arledge was a founding member of Mariner Investment Group in 1993, involved in fixed income arbitrage trading. From 1988 to 1993, he was a fixed income portfolio manager with BlackRock. He began his career as an Analyst with Salomon Brothers in 1987.
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