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TMC the metals company Inc (TMC)

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Discussies TMC

Saw it coming but you are right. White board crooks.
Free fall. It wasn't a integer move from their Financial director to sell a lot of shares just before the conference call on the results of 2023 and probably illegal as well.🤮
Time to step in, according to the indices. I'll give it a try 🫣
Trump for president! 💪
They think a Republican president will speed up developments. Lets hope so.
It's about time for Barron to talk to Chinese investors.
Japan is dumping radioactive water into the ocean. The critics within the ISA better try to prevent this instead of blocking sea-mining activities, which are far less harmful than open-pit mining.
China is closing the door. This might speed up the process ..
TMC will get permission to collect the nudels commercially. As their CEO mentioned the other day: it's not a question if but when it will happen.
Come on mr President TMC needs some TLC. Don't let those Greenpeace hypocrites win. Open sea mining is far less harmful than open-pit mining. Why aren't they protesting more against the real polluters of our planet: the industry in the Far East f.i. The impact of their polluted rivers is huge. ☠️
⛷️ yeeha 🉐
I hope all those idiots who thought they would get to ritch overnight will now focus on some other fantasy.
Correct. Fortunately the Germans are more realistic about the danger of China's monopoly on scarse metals.
Hypocrit English politicians. They were very quiet when mega-polluter Shell moved to their country. Now they pretend to be worried about a few micro-organisms on the ocean floor.
Allways great fun, people panicking. Easy money.
Tipping point
Mind the day traders. You can't beat them so join them. Look at the pattern. Timing is everything.
Time to step in.
Aaaand, it's gone.😀
OK. It was fun till it lasted.😄
I always keep an eye on the investors with a lot of shares. Quite a few bought additional shares recently which is also positive right?
Yes, day traders are still very active as you can see....🫤
Wow. Looks promising but you have to remain careful as they haven't made any profit yet and there are still obstacles...
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