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Carret Kansas Tax - Exempt Bond Fund Institutional Class (SEKSX)

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9,98 -0,02    -0,20%
01/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  American Independence
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 121,01M
American Indep Kansas Tax-Exempt Bond I 9,98 -0,02 -0,20%

SEKSX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Carret Kansas Tax - Exempt Bond Fund Institutional Class. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van SEKSX.

Muni Single State Interm

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New York,NY 10122
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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Jason R. Graybill Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie Jason is a Principal and Senior Managing Director at Carret Asset Management. He also serves on the firm's Executive Committee. He has over 25 years of experience in the investment management industry. At Carret, he is the Co-Director of the firm's Fixed Income Strategy. In this capacity, Jason Co-Chairs the Fixed Income Investment Policy Committee (IPC) and is responsible for all facets of Carret's Fixed Income capabilities. He also serves as a member of the firm's Equity IPC. He has been a guest on Bloomberg TV and Radio, BNN TV and CBS News Radio. He is frequently interviewed by leading industry publications including The Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek, and is a guest speaker at securities industry events. Prior to joining Carret, he was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Abner, Herrman and Brock Asset Management in Jersey City, NJ and a Research Analyst at Oxford Capital Management in Baltimore, MD. Jason is a member of the CFA Institute and the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA).
Neil D. Klein Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie Neil is a Principal and Senior Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Carret Asset Management. He also serves on the firm's Executive Committee. He has over 25 years of experience in the investment management industry. At Carret, he is the Co-Director of the firm's Fixed Income Strategy. In this capacity, Neil Co-Chairs the Fixed Income Investment Policy Committee (IPC) and is responsible for all facets of Carret's Fixed Income capabilities. Neil has been a guest on Bloomberg Radio and has been interviewed for his market perspective by such media outlets as: The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Week/Bloomberg, Debtwire, and The Financial Times. Prior to joining Carret, he was a Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Abner, Herrman & Brock Asset Management. Formerly, Neil spent nine years with Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. in New York City as a Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager managing the fixed income investment strategies for Oppenheimer Investment Advisers’ discretionary portfolios. Neil began his investment career in 1987 at Merrill Lynch. Neil is a member of The Municipal Analysts Group of New York (MAGNY) and the National Federation of Municipal Analysts (NFMA). Mr. Klein graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1987, with a Bachelor of Science degree in AgriBusiness Management and from Temple University, Fox School of Business with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Neil resides in Gladstone, NJ with his wife and two children.
Robert A. Campbell Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2000 2016
Biografie Robert A. Campbell, CFA, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, joined Carret Asset Management in September, 2016. Prior to joining Carret, Mr. Campbell was with American Independence Financial Services from March 2006 thru August 2016. Prior to AIFS, Mr. Campbell was a senior portfolio manager with Galliard Capital Management, Inc. since August 2000. Prior to his employment with Galliard, Mr. Campbell served as a municipal/fixed income portfolio manager with First Commerce Investors (1997-2000), U.S. Bank/First Bank (1996-1997) and Firstier Bank (1995-1996).
Thomas S. Gangel Vice President, Director 2001 2006
Biografie Gangel is vice president and director of strategy and research at INTRUST, his employer since June 1997. Prior to joining INTRUST, he was director with First Asset Management and vice president with FirstTier Bank.
Michael B. Colgan vice president and trust Investment Officer 1990 2001
Biografie Colgan is a vice president and trust investment officer for the First National Bank of Wichita, Kansas. He takes a modified barbell approach to investing; his portfolios range in average maturity from seven to 11 years. Prior to joining First National, Colgan was an account representative for Prudential Securities from 1983 to 1984. He also spent four years as a district manager for C.I.T. Corporation. Colgan was named Instructor of the Year for the ABA's Wichita Chapter in 1990-91.
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