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Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund Class I Shares (CCLFX)

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10,940 +0,010    +0,09%
28/06 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Cliffwater LLC
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 24,08B
Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund Class I Shares 10,940 +0,010 +0,09%

CCLFX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund Class I Shares. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van CCLFX.

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Adres 4640 Admiralty Way, 11th Floor
Marina Del Rey,CA 90292-6619
United States
Telefoon 310-448-5015
Fax 310-448-5001


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Samir Patel Senior Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Samir Patel, British. Samir joined Charlemagne Capital in October 2004. Prior to joining Charlemagne Capital, he was Senior Portfolio Manager responsible for investments in the Latin American and EMEA regions for Pictet Asset Management in London. He was the manager of the Pictet Latin American fund from January 2000, which was consistently ranked in the top quartile among its peers. He was at Pictet for nine years, before which Samir was employed by Fidelity and Datastream. Samir studied Financial Economics at University College, London.
Caitlin Kammerait Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Caitlin Kammerait, Portfolio Manager, leads the credit research and investment team for the Fund. She is responsible for the Fund’s new program development with Investment Partners, cultivating manager relationships, investment and co-investment selection and structuring. Prior to joining the Investment Manager in 2021, Caitlin spent over a decade at Antares Capital and its predecessor GE Capital, where she was responsible for structuring, underwriting, and managing sponsored transactions and helped build the firm's asset management business. Ms. Kammerait earned a B.B.A. in Finance, Investments, and Banking from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Frances Beyers Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Frances Beyers, Portfolio Manager, serves as the head of the Investment Manager’s capital markets group. In this role, she is responsible for sourcing middle market lending opportunities and maintaining manager relationships to support the Investment Manager’s rapidly growing multi-manager private debt asset management business. She also oversees the Fund's financing and liability management function. Prior to joining Cliffwater in 2020, Ms. Beyers was Head of Middle Market Loan Analysis for Refinitiv. Previous roles include underwriting and portfolio management at Churchill Asset Management and Corporate Finance Advisory at JPMorgan. She earned a B.S. in Business Administration from Washington University in St. Louis.
Stephen L. Nesbitt - 2019 now
Biografie Stephen L. Nesbitt, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of the Investment Manager, is primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund. Mr. Nesbitt has been the portfolio manager of the Fund since its inception. Prior to forming the Investment Manager in 2004, Mr. Nesbitt was a Senior Managing Director at Wilshire Associates. From 1990 to 2004, Mr. Nesbitt led the Consulting division at Wilshire Associates and also started and built its asset management business using a “manager of managers” investment approach, including private equity and hedge fund-of-fund portfolios. Mr. Nesbitt started his career at Wells Fargo Investment Advisors, an early pioneer in index funds, where he developed and managed index funds and oversaw asset allocation
Jason A. Breaux - 2019 2022
Biografie Jason Breaux serves on the Sub-Adviser Investment Committee. Mr. Breaux is Chief Executive Officer of Crescent Capital BDC, Inc. and serves as Chairman of the BDC Advisor’s investment committee. In addition, Mr. Breaux serves as a managing director of Crescent Capital within private credit and is a member of Crescent’s Management Committee. Prior to joining Crescent in 2000, he worked at Robertson Stephens where he served in the mergers and acquisitions group. Prior to that, he worked in the investment banking division of Salomon Brothers. Mr. Breaux received an MBA from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and an AB from Georgetown University.
John S. Bowman - 2019 2022
Biografie John S. Bowman, serves on the Sub-Adviser Investment Committee. Mr. Bowman is a Managing Director of Crescent Capital focusing on Direct Lending. Prior to joining the team in 2012, Mr. Bowman was the President of HighPoint Capital Management, LLC. Prior to joining HighPoint Capital in 2005, Mr. Bowman was a Managing Director of Leveraged Finance at FleetBoston Financial from 1998 to 2003, where he was a senior member of Fleet’s preliminary structuring and loan screening committees. Mr. Bowman also had primary leveraged finance responsibility for covering New England middle market companies, including Fleet’s mezzanine loan origination business based in Boston. Prior to joining FleetBoston, Mr. Bowman was a Senior Vice President in Leveraged Finance with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation (“DLJ”), and was involved in DLJ’s start-up of its Senior Loan business in 1997. Mr. Bowman also worked at Kidder, Peabody, & Co. Incorporated, State Street Bank & Trust Company, Drexel Burnham Lambert Incorporated and Lehman Brothers. Mr. Bowman earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in Business Administration from Northeastern University.
Christopher G. Wright - 2019 2022
Biografie Christopher G. Wright serves on the Sub-Adviser Investment Committee. Mr. Wright is a Managing Director of Crescent Capital focusing on mezzanine,the Head of Private Markets, and a member of Crescent Capital’s Management Committee. Prior to joining the team in 2001, Mr. Wright completed the Financial Management Program with the General Electric Company and upon completion, worked in various finance roles within GE Industrial Systems. Mr. Wright is a current and former member or observer of the Board of numerous private companies. In addition, Mr. Wright is a member of the Board of Crescent Capital BDC, Inc. and other non-profit organizations including St. Raphael School Development Board. Mr. Wright received his MBA from Harvard Business School and his BA from Michigan State University.
Patrick Wolfe - 2019 2022
Biografie Patrick Wolfe, Managing Director, is a member of Blackrock’s Global Credit Platform. He is a portfolio manager responsible for US Direct Lending funds, BlackRock Credit Strategies Fund, and middle-market CLOs in the US. Mr. Wolfe joined BlackRock through the acquisition of TCP. At TCP, Mr. Wolfe launched the middle-market CLO platform taking the business to over $1 billion of assets. He also co-led led the development of the firm’s proprietary private credit software platform and was one of the creators of the Direct Lending fund structure designed for insurance company clients. Prior to TCP, Mr. Wolfe was in structured credit at Deutsche Bank for six years focusing on the structuring, issuance, and management of CLOs and other credit strategies. He began his career in 2006 as an accountant at KSJG LLP focused on mortgage banking. Mr. Wolfe earned a B.S. in Accounting from San Diego State University in 2006.
Kevin P. Magid - 2019 2022
Biografie Kevin P. Magid, President, Audax Private Debt. Mr. Magid joined Audax Group in 2000 and has led Audax Private Debt since its inception. Over the past 30 years, Mr. Magid has invested in or raised senior debt, high yield debt, junior debt and equity financing for companies and private equity sponsors in a wide range of industries. Previously, Mr. Magid spent over 13 years as a leveraged finance professional and served as a Managing Director in the Leveraged Finance/Merchant Banking Group of CIBC World Markets Corp. Mr. Magid started his career at Drexel Burnham Lambert, and also worked at Wasserstein Perella and Kidder Peabody, principally in a leveraged finance role. Mr. Magid received an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Economics from Tufts University.
Michael P. McGonigle - 2019 2022
Biografie Michael P. McGonigle, Managing Director. Mr. McGonigle joined Audax Group in 2007 and has led Audax Senior Debt since inception. Previously, Mr. McGonigle was a Managing Director for GE Capital’s Corporate Lending business. Mr. McGonigle joined GE in 1982 in the International Trading Operations Group and in 1986 he joined GE Capital’s Corporate Finance Group. While at GE Capital, Mr. McGonigle held various leadership positions in its leveraged finance businesses for private equity sponsor and non-sponsor transactions, including new business origination, credit underwriting, risk management, workouts and restructurings. Mr. McGonigle was a founding member of business units which invested in par, distressed and second lien loans, and built the sourcing and underwriting teams. Mr. McGonigle received an M.B.A. in Finance from Fordham University Graduate School of Business and a B.S. in Finance and Quantitative Methods from Fordham University.
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