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Touchstone Strategic Income Fund Class C (NAICX)

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3,23 +0,01    +0,31%
10/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  AIG
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 10,61M
SunAmerica Strategic Bond C 3,23 +0,01 +0,31%

NAICX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Touchstone Strategic Income Fund Class C. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van NAICX.

Multisector Bond

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Contact Informatie

Adres 303 Broadway, Suite 1100, PO Box 5354
Cincinnati,OH 45201-5354
United States
Telefoon +1 8005430407


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Daniel Carter - 2021 now
Biografie Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager
Austin R Kummer Credit Analyst 2021 now
Biografie Austin Kummer is a vice president and senior portfolio manager, focused on portfolio management and research functions within several strategies, including Total Return Fixed Income, Multi-Strategy, Private Debt, and Dividend Equity. Kummer joined the firm in 2013. Prior to becoming a portfolio manager, he was primarily focused on investment grade credit research. Kummer received a BBA from Ohio University in Finance and Business Economics and an MBA in Finance from Xavier University. He is a CFA charterholder.
Brendan M. White Senior Vice President 2021 now
Biografie Brendan M. White, CFA. Mr. White is a Senior Vice President and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Fort Washington. In this role, Mr. White is responsible for overseeing the investment activity for all assets under management with emphasis on all fixed-income functions while collaborating with James Vance, Co-Chief Investment Officer, on all investment decisions. Mr. White also shares responsibility for asset allocation and macro-positioning for both Fort Washington and Western & Southern Financial Group. Mr. White joined Fort Washington in 1993 and has more than 30 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the firm, he was with Ohio Casualty Corporation where he was a securities analyst supporting the High Yield and Mortgage-Backed Securities portfolios. He is a CFA charterholder with an MBA from Xavier University and a bachelor's degree in business administration finance from The Ohio State University.
Anders Faergemann Managing Director 2016 2021
Biografie Mr. Faergemann joined PineBridge in 2004 and is Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Fixed Income. He is part of PineBridge Investments's Fixed Income Asset Allocation team and is responsible for emerging market local currency strategy, emerging market blended portfolios and global government bonds strategy. He holds an MA in Economics of the European Union from the University of Exeter and the Investment Management Certificate.
Dana G. Burns Managing Director 2014 2021
Biografie Dana Burns, Managing Director, Investment Grade Fixed Income, joined the firm in 2007. He is currently a senior portfolio manager within the Investment Grade Credit Group and is responsible for the management of high grade institutional and retail fixed income portfolios. Mr. Burns’ primary focus at the firm is the management of investment grade total return portfolios and high quality insurance company assets. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Burns was Vice President and co-manager of the Fixed Income Separately Managed Account Group at Morgan Stanley. Additionally, Mr. Burns managed assets for high net-worth individuals through Morgan Stanley’s Private Wealth Management Group (PWM). Mr. Burns’ investment industry experience began in 1997.
John Yovanovic Senior Research Analyst 2007 2021
Biografie Mr. Yovanovic joined the firm in 2000 and is Co-Head of Leveraged Finance at PineBridge Investments. He is responsible for co-managing the Leveraged Finance Group and overseeing high yield portfolio management. Mr. Yovanovic became Portfolio Manager of High Yield for the firm in 2005. Prior to that, he held positions as a senior research analyst and as head of AIG's high yield trading desk; while in investment research, he served as the energy/utilities group head. Previously, Mr. Yovanovic was a senior research analyst and trader at Mentor Investment Advisors, a division of Wachovia Corporation. Mr. Yovanovic started his career in equity research at VanKampen Funds, where he subsequently moved into high yield research and trading. He received a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Houston and is a CFA charterholder.
Robert A. Vanden Assem Managing Director 2002 2021
Biografie Robert A. Vanden Assem, CFA, is a Porfolio Manager, Managing Director and Head of Developed Markets Investment Grade Fixed Income. Robert joined PineBridge in 2001 and is a Managing Director and Head of Developed Markets Investment Grade Fixed Income. He is responsible for the management of high-grade institutional and retail fixed-income portfolios. He received a BS in Accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University and an MBA in Finance from New York University. He is a CFA charterholder.
Anthony King Managing Director 2002 2016
Biografie Mr. King joined PineBridge’s predecessor company in 2000. He is a Managing Director, responsible for interest rate, currency and credit risk on both multi-currency and single currency bond portfolios. During his tenure at the firm, Mr. King has been in charge of initiating both Euro and Global Aggregate Bond products, both of which combine interest rate, currency and credit risk within a portfolio to provide a broad selection of alpha opportunities. Mr. King’s financial industry experience began in 1989 at J.P. Morgan Investment Management, where he was responsible for managing both single and multi-currency bond portfolios on behalf of pension funds and private clients. In his 11-year tenure with J.P. Morgan, Mr. King undertook positions in capital markets research, fixed income trading and portfolio management where he focused on risk management techniques, the use of derivatives and macro economic analysis. Mr. King received a BSc (Honors) in Geography and Statistics from the University of Southampton. He holds the Investment Management Certificate (IMC). Mr. King is also registered as a holder of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Series 3 qualification.
Tim Lindvall Portfolio Manager 2007 2013
Biografie Tim Lindvall, CFA Managing Director, Portfolio Manager PineBridge Investments, Houston Mr. Lindvall joined the firm in 2002 and became a Portfolio Manager in 2007. Prior to his current position, Mr. Lindvall was a research analyst responsible for the exploration and production, oil field services, refining, pipeline, and electric sectors. Previously, Mr. Lindvall was Manager of Structured Transactions at Aquila Energy Capital, a mezzanine fund. He was responsible for originating and structuring investments in energy companies. His prior experience includes research analysis at a hedge fund, corporate finance at EOG Resources, and private equity investing at Enron Corp. Mr. Lindvall received a BS in Finance and a BA in Economics from Southern Methodist University, and an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also a CFA Charterholder.
Rajeev Mittal Portfolio Manager 2002 2013
Biografie RAJEEV MITTAL Managing Director, CEO, PineBridge Investments Asia Limited (Asia ex Japan) Head of Emerging Markets and International Fixed Income Rajeev Mittal, in his role as CEO for Asia Ex Japan, is responsible for implementing PineBridge’s dynamic growth strategy across the Asia Pacific region where PineBridge has a long history of servicing both institutional and retail clients. Prior to taking on his expanded role in Asia and relocating to Hong Kong from London early in 2011, Rajeev was CEO for PineBridge Investments in Europe. Rajeev is also Head of Emerging Markets and International Fixed Income, overseeing all aspects of portfolio management, research and trading of emerging market strategies in hard and local currencies and credit default swaps. He is also a member of the firm’s Management Committee, a member of the Fixed Income Asset Allocation Team and also represents fixed income in the Global Asset Allocation Committee meetings. Since joining the firm in 1992, Rajeev’s responsibilities have included portfolio management of single currency U.S. Dollar, Sterling, and Irish Punt portfolios, as well as global bond portfolios. He became Head of International Fixed Income in March 2009, overseeing Global Sovereign strategies and various country specific strategies focused in Asia. He received a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Bradford.
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