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Pimco Trends Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class I-2 (PQTPX)

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10,290 +0,040    +0,39%
17/12 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Pimco
Activaklasse:  Andere
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 3,89B
PIMCO TRENDS Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class P 10,290 +0,040 +0,39%

PQTPX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Pimco Trends Managed Futures Strategy Fund Class I-2. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van PQTPX.

Managed Futures

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Contact Informatie

Adres 840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100
Newport Beach,CA 92660
United States
Telefoon +1 8667462602


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Matthew P. Dorsten Senior Vice President 2013 now
Biografie Mr. Dorsten is an executive vice president in the Newport Beach office and a portfolio manager in the quantitative strategies group. He is the lead portfolio manager for managed futures in addition to having portfolio management responsibilities in multi-asset alternative risk premia and beta replication strategies. He was previously a member of the financial engineering group working on mortgage-backed securities and event-linked bonds. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2006, he received his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the California Institute of Technology, where he was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. He holds undergraduate degrees in mathematics and physics from Ohio State University.
Graham A. Rennison Executive Vice President 2013 now
Biografie Executive Vice President, PIMCO. Mr. Rennison is a member of the quantitative portfolio management group, focusing on multi-asset class systematic strategies. Mr. Rennison was a senior vice president in the quantitative portfolio management group in the Newport Beach office, focusing on multi-asset-class systematic strategies. He was previously a member of the client analytics group, advising clients on strategic asset allocation. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2011, Mr. Rennison was a director and head of systematic strategies research at Barclays Capital in New York and also spent five years at Lehman Brothers, researching and publishing widely on quantitative strategies in the credit markets . He has 15 years of investment experience and holds master's and undergraduate degrees in mathematics from Cambridge University, England.
Josh Davis Member 2015 2018
Biografie Mr. Davis is an executive vice president and portfolio manager in the Newport Beach office. He is a senior member of PIMCO’s quantitative strategies portfolio management team and manages multi-strategy alternatives, managed futures, managed volatility and tail risk hedging portfolios. He has conducted research and published extensively on systematic strategies, innovative hedging solutions and alternative risk premia. He began his career at PIMCO in the portfolio analytics group, where he worked on developing the core infrastructure for analyzing multi-asset portfolios and advised institutional clients globally. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2008, he was a consulting strategist with Prime International Trading in Chicago. He has 14 years of investment experience and holds a Ph.D. in economics with an emphasis on macroeconomics and finance from Northwestern University, where he also earned his master's degree. He holds undergraduate degrees in pure mathematics and management science from the University of California, San Diego.
Vineer Bhansali Founder & CIO 2013 2015
Biografie Vineer Bhansali is Founder and Chief Investment Officer of LongTail Alpha, LLC, an investment management firm based in Newport Beach, CA which is focused exclusively on diversifying strategies. His 28-year investment career started at Citibank, where he founded and managed the Hybrid Options Trading Desk. He later joined Salomon Brothers in its Fixed Income Arbitrage Group, followed by the CSFB Proprietary Trading Group. He was at PIMCO for 16 years, serving the last eight years as Managing Director and Head of the Quantitative Portfolios Team, which he founded in 2008. He has written four books on finance: “Pricing and Managing Exotic and Hybrid Options”; “Fixed Income Finance: A Quantitative Approach”; “Bond Portfolio Investing and Risk Management”; “Tail Risk Hedging”, and authored over 30 refereed papers on option pricing, fixed income, tail hedging, and asset allocation. He has received the Graham and Dodd Scroll Award from the FAJ and TIME magazine’s college achievement award. Dr. Bhansali received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Harvard University in 1992 and M.S. and B.S. degrees in Physics from Caltech in 1987. He is an ATP rated pilot with over three thousand five hundred hours in aircraft including jets and helicopters. He has run over fifty ultramarathons, including a silver buckle at the Western States 100 mile Endurance Run. He currently serves on the Investment Committee of the Margaret A Cargill Philanthropies, as a Member of The Board Of Directors of The Q Group, and as a Trustee of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.
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