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Neuberger Berman Absolute Return Multi-manager Fund Class I (NABIX)

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11,92 +0,01    +0,08%
01/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Neuberger Berman
Activaklasse:  Andere
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 80,92M
Neuberger Berman Abs Ret Multi-Mgr Instl 11,92 +0,01 +0,08%

NABIX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Neuberger Berman Absolute Return Multi-manager Fund Class I. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van NABIX.


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Contact Informatie

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New York,NY 10104
United States
Telefoon 800-866-6264
Fax 212-476-9192


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Fred Ingham Managing Director 2017 now
Biografie Fred Ingham, ACA, CFA, Managing Director, is a member of the Investment Committee and also serves as the Head of International Hedge Fund Investments on the NB Alternative Investment Management team. Prior to joining the firm, Fred spent three and a half years at Coronation International Ltd, where he was a portfolio manager and senior sector analyst. Responsibilities covered portfolio construction, manager selection, due diligence and risk management. Prior to Coronation, he spent three and a half years at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the corporate tax division, advising global financial institutions on international structuring and M&A. Previously, Fred worked as a research intern with the COBA Group, a strategy consultancy based in London. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant in the United Kingdom (ACA) and holds an MA from Oxford University. Fred has been awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Jeffrey Majit Managing Director 2012 now
Biografie Jeff Majit, CFA, Managing Director, is Co-head of the NB Alternative Investment Management team and a member of its Investment Committee. Prior, Jeff was in the global power and project finance group within the investment banking division of Lehman Brothers, where he worked on M&A advisories as well as capital markets financings. Jeff graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst College, earning a BA with concentrations in economics and Asian languages and civilizations. Jeff has been awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
David Kupperman Managing Director 2012 now
Biografie David Kupperman, PhD, Managing Director, is Co-head of the NB Alternative Investment Management team and a member of the team’s Investment Committee. Prior to joining the firm in 2011, David was a partner and member of the investment committee at another asset management firm, Alternative Investment Management, LLC., that focused on alternative investing and managing fund-of-hedge funds. Before that, he was a managing director and member of the executive committee at Paloma Partners Management Company, a multi-strategy hedge fund focused on relative value trading strategies. Previously, David was a principal at The Carlyle Group, one of the world’s largest alternative investment managers. Prior to joining Carlyle, he was a vice president in both the private equity and portfolio strategy groups at Goldman, Sachs & Co. In his portfolio strategy role, he authored papers on asset allocation and helped develop Goldman’s quantitative asset allocation framework for high-net-worth investors. David holds an MA and a PhD in physics from Johns Hopkins University and a BA and an ME from Cornell University.
David Heller Portfolio Manager 2014 2015
Biografie David Heller, is a Portfolio Manager of Cloud Gate. Mr. Heller was one of the founders of Cloud Gate in 2012. Prior to forming Cloud Gate, David spent ten years working at Delaware Street Capital. Before joining Delaware, David was a Mergers & Acquisitions analyst with Merrill Lynch and an Investment Banking analyst with Banc of America Securities.
Brian Newman Portfolio Manager 2014 2015
Biografie Brian Newman, is a Portfolio Manager of Cloud Gate. Mr. Newman was one of the founders of Cloud Gate in 2012. Prior to forming Cloud Gate, Mr. Newman was a managing director at a private equity firm.
Paul Sinclair Managing Member 2014 2015
Biografie Paul Sinclair, is the Managing Member and Portfolio Manager of Blue Jay. Mr. Sinclair founded Blue Jay in 2012. Prior to forming Blue Jay, Mr. Sinclair managed health care equity long/short strategies at another alternative asset manager.
Matthew R. Bills - 2014 2015
Biografie Director, Portfolio Manager/Analyst Lazard Asset Management LLC Mr. Matthew Bills is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst at Lazard Asset Management LLC. He began working in the investment field in 1998. Prior to joining Lazard in 2005, he was a Hedge Fund Manager for Deutsche Trust Bank. Previously, he was an Equity Analyst and Fund Manager at Fidelity Investments Japan. He has a BA in Japanese from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an MBA in Finance/Investment Management from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Bills speaks fluent Japanese.
Scott Swid Portfolio Manager 2013 2015
Biografie Scott Swid is Portfolio Manager, Managing Member and Senior Securities Analyst.Mr. Swid founded SLS Management, LLC in 1999.
Jean-Daniel Malan Director 2013 2015
Biografie Jean-Daniel Malan, Director, Portfolio Manager/Analyst, is the Portfolio Manager/Analyst of Lazard’s Global Hexagon Strategy. Mr. Malan re-joined Lazard in 2008 after working as a Hedge Fund Manager for two years at BlueCrest Capital. He originally joined Lazard in 1998 as an Equity Analyst and then worked as a Portfolio Manager for European Equity. Mr. Malan studied at Dauphine University and is a “Maitrise” of Economics and Finance. He is a native French speaker and is proficient in German.
Franklin J. Collins - 2013 2015
Biografie "Mr. Collins is Co-Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner of Good Hill responsible for firm investment decisions and strategy. Mr. Collins has over 21 years of experience managing and trading ABS/MBS and fixed income securities. Prior to Good Hill, Mr. Collins founded Coar Capital and formed a partnership with Bear Stearns Asset Management. Coar Capital managed a hedge fund for five years with above-average returns and no negative months. Prior to Coar Capital, Mr. Collins was Senior Managing Director and head of Asset-Backed Securities Trading and Syndication at Bear Stearns. Prior to Bear Stearns, Mr. Collins ran the Credit Suisse First Boston Asset-Backed Securities Trading Desk. Mr. Collins began his career in 1988 at Delaware Management Company where he worked on the Fixed Income Trading Desk. Mr. Collins majored in economics and finance at the University of Pennsylvania. "
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