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Allspring Emerging Markets Equity Fund - Class Inst (EMGNX)

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27,44 +0,40    +1,48%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Wells Fargo Funds
Onderliggend:  MSCI EM Net USD
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 2,87B
Wells Fargo Emerging Markets Equity Inst 27,44 +0,40 +1,48%

EMGNX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Allspring Emerging Markets Equity Fund - Class Inst. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van EMGNX.

Diversified Emerging Mkts

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Contact Informatie

Adres 1415 Vantage Park Drive, 3rd Floor
Charlotte,NC 28203
United States
Telefoon 1-833-568-4255


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Prashant Paroda Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Mr. Paroda joined Allspring Investments or one of its predecessor firms in 2012, where he currently serves as a Portfolio Manager for the Intrinsic Emerging Markets Equity team.
Richard Peck Portfolio Manager 2014 now
Biografie Richard Peck is a senior portfolio manager for the Intrinsic Emerging Markets Equity team at Allspring Global Investments. He joined Allspring from its predecessor firm, Wells Fargo Asset Management (WFAM). Prior to WFAM, he served as an emerging market equity research analyst at Fidelity Management & Research and American Century Investments focusing on the Latin American equity markets. Before that, he was an analyst at Goldman Sachs with the firm’s Latin America Equity Research department. He began his investment industry career in 2000. Richard earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a master’s degree in finance from Brandeis University. He has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation.
Derrick Irwin Portfolio Manager 2011 now
Biografie Derrick Irwin is a senior portfolio manager for the Intrinsic Emerging Markets Equity team at Allspring Global Investments. He joined Allspring from its predecessor firm, Wells Fargo Asset Management (WFAM). Prior to WFAM, Derrick was at Evergreen Investments, where he served as a senior research analyst. Earlier, he was an analyst with Advest Inc. and served as investment professional with Goldman Sachs & Co. Derrick began his investment industry career in 1993. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Colgate University and a master’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance from the University of Pennsylvania. Derrick has earned the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation and is a member of CFA Society Boston.
Yi (Jerry) Zhang Senior Portfolio Manager 2006 now
Biografie Yi (Jerry) Zhang, Ph.D., CFA, joined Wells Capital Management or one of its predecessor firms in 2004, where he currently serves as a Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of the Berkeley Street Emerging Markets Equity team. Previously, he served as a Vice President at Oppenheimer Asset Management (1999-2004). Jerry has been working in the investment management field since 1999. He received a BA in Finance from Nankai University (1993) and a PhD in Economics from Vanderbilt University (1999). Jerry has been awarded the use of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation by the CFA Institute, and he is a member of the Boston Securities Analysts Society.
Liu-Er Chen Senior Vice President 1999 2007
Biografie Liu-Er Chen, CFA, Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer — Emerging Markets and Healthcare, is a Portfolio Manager in Delaware Investments Fund Advisers, a series of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust. Mr. Chen heads the firm's global Emerging Markets team. Prior to joining Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) in September 2006 in his current position, Mr. Chen spent nearly 11 years at Evergreen Investment Management Company, where he most recently served as Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager. Mr. Chen began his career at Evergreen in 1995 as an analyst.
Antonio T. Docal Senior Vice President 1999 2001
Biografie Antonio Docal is the President of Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC and the Director of Portfolio Management for the Templeton Global Equity Group (TGEG). Mr. Docal has lead portfolio manager responsibilities for the TIF-International Equity Series and portfolio management responsibility for a number of other institutional commingled funds and separate account relationships. He also oversees the institutional segment of TGEG's global investment management business. Mr. Docal has research responsibility for the U.S. and previously served as the Deputy Director of Research, and in the past has covered various global sectors. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton in 2001, Mr. Docal was a vice president and director at Evergreen Funds, a principal and co-founder of Docal Associates, and an assistant treasurer in the mergers and acquisitions department at JPMorgan. He entered the financial services industry in 1979. Mr. Docal holds a B.A. in economics from Trinity College in Connecticut and an M.B.A. with concentrations in finance and international management from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.
Eleanor H. Marsh Vice President 1999 2001
Biografie Marsh is a vice president of SSgA, and a principal of SSgA FM.She joined the firm in 2004 as an Equity Analyst. Prior to joining SSgA in 2004, Marsh was a portfolio manager for International Equities at State Street Research; a portfolio manager for International Equities at Evergreen Investments; and a senior analyst at S.G. Warburg Securities in Tokyo. She has been working in the investment management field since 1987.
Francis X. Claró Senior Portfolio Manager 1999 2000
Biografie Francis is a senior portfolio manager and managing director who heads Evergreen’s International Small Cap Equity team. He joined Evergreen in 1994. Prior to joining Evergreen, he served as an investment officer with Inter-American Investment Corporation from 1992 to 1994, where he was responsible for making private equity and debt investments. Francis holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
David F. Marvin Chairman 1994 1999
Biografie Marvin is chairman of Marvin & Palmer Associates, the company he cofounded in 1986. Previously, he spent 11 years as a vice president and portfolio manager with DuPont Corporation, and seven years as a portfolio manager with Investors Diversified Services. Marvin also served as a securities analyst with Chicago Title & Trust. Marvin holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and a member of the Financial Analysts Federation.
Stanley Palmer co-Founder 1994 1999
Biografie Before he formed Marvin & Palmer Associates with Dave Marvin in 1986, he worked at the DuPont Pension Fund as International Equity Portfolio Manager from 1978 through 1986. Prior to this, he was a portfolio manager and analyst at Investors Diversified Services from 1971 through 1978. He was an analyst at the Harris Trust & Savings Bank from 1964 through 1971. Mr. Palmer holds an M.B.A. from the University of Iowa and a B.S. from Gustavus Adolphus College. He is a CFA charterholder, a member of the CFA Institute and a member of the Financial Analysts of Philadelphia.
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