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Valic Company I Global Real Estate Fund (VGREX)

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6,55 +0,10    +1,55%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  VALIC
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 375,47M
VALIC Company I Global Real Estate 6,55 +0,10 +1,55%

VGREX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Valic Company I Global Real Estate Fund. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van VGREX.

Global Real Estate

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Houston,TX 77019
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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Frank J. Haggerty Senior Managing Director 2023 now
Biografie Frank J. Haggerty, Jr., CFA.  Mr. Haggerty joined Duff & Phelps in 2005 and serves as Senior Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager, providing portfolio management for the dedicated REIT products managed by Duff & Phelps. Prior to joining Duff & Phelps, Mr. Haggerty was a senior analyst and portfolio manager at ABN AMRO Asset Management for seven years. He holds a BS from IL State University and an MBA from the Kellstadt Graduate School of Management at DePaul University.
Richard R. Gable Investment Officer 2023 now
Biografie Richard R. Gable, CFA, is an investment officer and equity portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management® (MFS®). Rick covers the real estate sector and manages the firm's real estate investment trust portfolios. Rick joined MFS in 2011. Previously, he was a managing director and portfolio manager for 13 years for Sun Capital Advisers, a division of Sun Life Financial. While at Sun Capital, he managed several MFS real estate investment trust portfolios through a sub-advisory relationship between MFS and Sun Capital. He also served as an analyst for Mellon Bank for 4 years. He has worked in t
Mark Syn Equity Portfolio Manager 2023 now
Biografie Mark Syn, CFA - Equity Portfolio Manager - Investment Officer - As an Equity Portfolio Manager, responsible for final buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction and risk and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions. - Joined MFS in 2018; previous positions include Equity Research Analyst. - Previous experience includes 10 years as Managing Director, Portfolio Manager & Analyst at Wellington Management, Singapore; 8 years as Executive Director, Portfolio Manager & Analyst at Goldman Sachs, Singapore; 1 year as Corporate Banking Relationship Manager at
Geoffrey P. Dybas Senior Portfolio Manager 2023 now
Biografie Geoffrey P. Dybas heads the Duff & Phelps’ Global Real Estate Securities team. He is Senior Portfolio Manager and co-founder of all dedicated REIT strategies managed by Duff & Phelps, including the Virtus Real Estate Securities Fund; the Virtus International Real Estate Securities Fund; the Virtus Global Real Estate Securities Fund; the Virtus Real Estate Securities Series, a series of the Virtus Variable Insurance Trust; the REIT portfolio within the DNP Select Income Fund Inc., a closed-end fund; and separate institutional accounts. He joined Duff & Phelps in 1995.Mr. Dybas serves as Senior Portfolio Manager since 2007. He is Senior Portfolio Manager and co-founder for all dedicated REIT portfolios managed by Duff & Phelps, inclusive of the real estate strategies in the Virtus Opportunities Trust. In addition, Mr. Dybas manages the REIT portfolio within the DNP Select Income Fund Inc., a closed-end mutual fund; an affiliated mutual fund series offered under certain universal life insurance and annuity products; and separate institutional accounts Mr. Dybas was a corporate banker for Bank One and began his investment career in 1989. He holds a BS degree, cum laude, from Marquette University and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Charles (Chip) McKinley Senior Vice President 2022 2023
Biografie Chip McKinley, Senior Vice President, is a portfolio manager for global real estate securities portfolios. Prior to joining Cohen & Steers in 2007, Mr. McKinley was a portfolio manager and REIT analyst at Franklin Templeton Real Estate Advisors. Previously, he was with Fidelity Investments. Mr. McKinley holds a BA from Southern Methodist University and an MBA from Cornell University. He is based in New York.
Grant Jackson Senior Director 2018 2023
Biografie Grant Jackson is a senior director and portfolio manager with Invesco Real Estate’s Global Securities team. Mr. Jackson began his investment career in 2002 and joined Invesco in 2005. Prior to joining Invesco, he worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting where he was engaged in various technical roles involving data management, database coordination, and application development. Mr. Jackson earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a MBA from Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business. Mr. Jackson is a CFA® charterholder.
Abhinav Zutshi Portfolio Manager 2018 2023
Biografie Mr. Zutshi is a Portfolio Manager on the Global Real Assets team and has been with GSAM since 2009. Prior to joining GSAM, Mr. Zutshi worked as a software consultant at Zensar Technologies for two years from 2005.
James Cowen Portfolio Manager 2015 2023
Biografie Mr. Cowen is a Portfolio Manager with the Invesco Real Estate Global Securities Team. He has 18 years of experience in real estate and has worked for Invesco for 15 years. Prior to joining the team in 2004, he worked in a real estate corporate finance role for Invesco in Europe and as an analyst for a management consulting business based in London. He has a Bachelor and Masters Degree from the University of Manchester and a M.Phil degree from Cambridge University. He is a member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals, UK Securities & Investment Institute and is a UK FSA approved person.
Frankie Chun Wah Lee Portfolio Manager 2011 2023
Biografie Frankie Lee joined the Goldman Sachs Group Inc as a portfolio manager in 2010. Mr. Lee joined Henderson Global Investors in 2006 as a Fund Manager for Asian Property Equities and in 2008 became co-head of Asia-Pacific Equities with Chris Reilly. He began his career in 1994 as a senior auditor with Deloitte & Touche LLP. In 1997 Frankie moved to New World China Land as a Finance & Project Manager, and then in 2000 onto SG Securities in Hong Kong as a local market property analyst. Further moves followed, to Lehman Brothers in 2002 and CLSA in 2004, where he continued to develop as a regional property analyst. Frankie graduated from The University of Texas with degrees in Japanese and Accounting. He is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of New York, USA.
Darin Turner Portfolio Manager 2009 2023
Biografie Darin Turner is a portfolio manager and member of the Real Estate Securities Portfolio Management and Research Team with Invesco Real Estate. His current duties involve evaluating structured real estate securities with a focus on fi xed-income instruments such as commercial mortgage-backed securities, corporate debt and corporate preferred stock. Mr. Turner also provides tenant and credit quality analysis, capital structure analysis and debt pricing analysis for equity portfolios. Mr. Turner joined Invesco in 2005 as an acquisitions analyst.
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