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Russell Investments Lifepoints Balanced Strategy Fund Class C (RBLCX)

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10,21 +0,11    +1,09%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Russell
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 171,6M
Russell LifePoints Balanced Strategy C 10,21 +0,11 +1,09%

RBLCX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Russell Investments Lifepoints Balanced Strategy Fund Class C. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van RBLCX.

Allocation--50% to 70% Equity

Totale activa






Contact Informatie

Adres 18th Floor
Seattle, 98101
United States
Telefoon +1 8004267969


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Sam Pittman - 2023 now
Biografie Sam Pittman is responsible for global retail asset allocation and client investment strategies. In this role Sam sets strategic asset allocation for multi-asset portfolios offered to retail investors. He is also engaged in developing research and insights supporting better investment decisions for retail clients. Sam’s research includes multi-period dynamic asset allocation, retirement sustainability, personal funded ratios, income replacement, tax-managed solutions and equity forecasting. He regularly authors articles and presents at industry conferences and client events. Some of his recent work has been published in the Journal of Financial Planning, The Journal of Retirement, The Retirement Management Journal and the Journal of Wealth Management. In 2013 he coauthored the article “Optimizing retirement income: an adaptive approach based on assets and liabilities” which was voted one the top 10 praiseworthy, must-read articles for 2013 by The Retirement Income Journal. Sam has been with Russell Investments for six years. Prior to joining Russell Investments he cofounded a web-based financial advice company, developed tax-managed and emerging market equity strategies at Parametric Portfolio Associates, lead research and development projects at Weyerhaeuser to optimize the flow of timber investments through product conversion facilities and served four years in the Marine Corps. Sam holds a B.S. in Mathematics from University of Washington, a M.S. in Biometrics from University of Washington, a M.S. in Applied Mathematics from University of Washington, and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from University of Washington.
Amneet Singh Portfolio Manager 2023 now
Rob Balkema Portfolio Manager 2022 2023
Biografie Rob Balkema, CFA ,Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Multi-Asset. Rob Balkema is a portfolio manager working on Russell Investments’ multi-asset funds, based in New York. In this role, Rob manages Russell Investments’ fiduciary solutions mandates which integrate Russell Investments’ equity, fixed income, real asset and alternative capabilities globally. He is tasked with creating strategic asset allocations for the portfolios, selecting active strategies or passive alternatives to populate asset classes and dynamically positioning the total portfolio in order to help clients achieve their objectives. Prior to his current role, Rob was a senior analyst in the investment process and risk group. In this role, Rob focused on improving the measurement, evaluation and enhancement of Russell Investments’ portfolio management practice. From 2006 until 2009, Rob was based in Seattle as a member of the global equity team, serving in multiple capacities. He was responsible for evaluating asset management firms worldwide that offer global, international and emerging market equity mandates and supported portfolio managers in the structuring and monitoring of Russell Investments’ global equity strategies. Rob holds a B.A. in Economics from Harvard College and holds a Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Venkat Kopanathi Portfolio Manager 2021 2023
Biografie Venkat Kopanathi is portfolio manager specialized under multi-asset
Brian Meath Portfolio Manager 2014 2022
Biografie Brian Meath, CFA Chief Investment Officer, Multi-Asset Solutions, Investment Division B.A., International Studies, University of Washington; Master of International Business Studies, University of South Carolina; CFA Charterholder, CFA Institute; Licensed Registered Representative, FINRA Series 7 and 63 (Russell Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA) Brian has primary responsibility for the oversight of all multi-asset and balanced funds managed by Russell Investments globally. Brian is a player coach, and maintains a role in the day-to-day portfolio management responsibility for customized outsourcing solutions for large institutional clients, a series of commingled multi-asset funds, and a platform of retail mutual funds. He also oversees the multi-asset solutions team globally, which is comprised of three distinct groups, including: the Investment Strategy Team, the Global Client Strategy and Research team and the Multi-Asset Portfolio Management team. Brian re-joined Russell Investments in 2010, having previously been with the firm from 1995 to 2000, where he was head of global equity research. As founder and president of OTA Asset Management, Brian built a multi-strategy hedge fund platform and team that included volatility arbitrage, emerging market local currency debt, capital structure arbitrage, long/short technology, long/short small cap, and quantitative global equity. He set the strategy, managed the asset allocation and built the teams that ran the underlying strategies. Most recently, Brian launched Cause Investments & Effect Foundation, a multi-strategy platform designed to invest according to ESG principles and to donate profits to charity. Brian previously held several positions at Lazard Asset Management, including head of strategic planning and senior managing director of the firm’s business in Australia. Brian’s professional experience began at RCM Capital Management in San Francisco, where he developed the firm’s first coordinated effort to interact with the investment consulting community.
Rob Balkema Portfolio Manager 2014 2021
Biografie Rob Balkema, CFA ,Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Multi-Asset. Rob Balkema is a portfolio manager working on Russell Investments’ multi-asset funds, based in New York. In this role, Rob manages Russell Investments’ fiduciary solutions mandates which integrate Russell Investments’ equity, fixed income, real asset and alternative capabilities globally. He is tasked with creating strategic asset allocations for the portfolios, selecting active strategies or passive alternatives to populate asset classes and dynamically positioning the total portfolio in order to help clients achieve their objectives. Prior to his current role, Rob was a senior analyst in the investment process and risk group. In this role, Rob focused on improving the measurement, evaluation and enhancement of Russell Investments’ portfolio management practice. From 2006 until 2009, Rob was based in Seattle as a member of the global equity team, serving in multiple capacities. He was responsible for evaluating asset management firms worldwide that offer global, international and emerging market equity mandates and supported portfolio managers in the structuring and monitoring of Russell Investments’ global equity strategies. Rob holds a B.A. in Economics from Harvard College and holds a Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.
Michael R. Ruff Portfolio Manager 2011 2014
Biografie Ruff has been a portfolio manager with Russell Investment Management Company since November 2002. From 2000 to 2002, he was a research analyst. From 1998 to 2000, Ruff was a senior technical analyst.
Jill F. Johnson Portfolio Manager 2004 2011
Biografie Johnson has been a portfolio manager with Russell Investment Management Company since May 2004 and senior investment officer since March, 2000. From 1995 to 2000, she was the principal of JF Johnson Consulting in Seattle and Los Angeles.
Ernest Ankrim - 2002 2006
Randal C. Burge Portfolio Manager 2002 2006
Biografie Burge is a portfolio manager with Frank Russell Investment Management Company, his employer since 1995. From 1990 to 1995, he was a client executive with Frank Russell Australia.
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