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Invesco Esg Canadian Core Plus Bond Etf F (0P0000PXZ0)

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8,178 -0,003    -0,04%
28/06 - Gesloten. Valuta in CAD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Canada
Emittent:  Invesco Canada Ltd.
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 47,53M
Invesco Tactical Bond Sr F 8,178 -0,003 -0,04%

0P0000PXZ0 Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Invesco Esg Canadian Core Plus Bond Etf F. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P0000PXZ0.

Canadian Fixed Income

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Contact Informatie

Adres 5140 Yonge Street, Suite 900
Toronto,ON M2N 6X7
Telefoon +1 8008746275
Fax 800 631 7008


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Michael Hyman Portfolio Manager 2020 now
Biografie Michael Hyman, Portfolio Manager, who has been responsible for the Fund since 2019 and has been associated with Invesco and/or its affiliates since 2013. Previously, Mr. Hyman was with ING Investment Management and ING Institutional Markets for 12 years. At ING, he was the head of investment grade corporate credit, responsible for investment grade corporate credit as well as collaterized loan obligation and synthetic collateralized debt obligation investment portfolios. Mr. Hyman earned a BSE degree in finance from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from NYU.
Matthew Brill Senior Portfolio Manager 2020 now
Biografie Matt Brill is Head of North America Investment Grade for Invesco Fixed Income. Mr. Brill joined Invesco in 2013 as a senior portfolio manager. Prior to joining the firm, he was a portfolio manager and vice president at ING Investment Management, where he specialized in investment-grade credit and commercial mortgage-backed securities. Before that, he was a portfolio analyst at Wells Real Estate Funds. Mr. Brill has been in the industry since 2002. Mr. Brill earned a BA degree in economics at Washington and Lee University. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) charterholder
Todd Schomberg Portfolio Manager 2020 now
Biografie Todd Schomberg has been associated with Invesco and/or its affiliates since 2016. From 2008 to 2016, he served as a Portfolio Manager and Vice President at Voya Investment Management
Avi Hooper Portfolio Manager 2020 2022
Biografie Avi Hooper is a Senior Portfolio Manager with the Emerging Market Bond team within Invesco Fixed Income. Prior to joining Invesco in 2010, Mr. Hooper was a portfolio manager with Blackfriars Asset Management, where he worked with the global fixed income and currency team. More recently, his focus was on emerging market debt. He entered the industry in 1998. Mr. Hooper earned a BAS with a focus on accounting and finance from York University in Canada. He is a member of the Society of Technical Analysts (MSTA) and a CFA charterholder.
Mark Ahnrud Portfolio Manager 2010 2020
Biografie Mark Ahnrud currently serves as a Portfolio Manager for Invesco's Global Asset Allocation team. Mark joined Invesco in 2000 and the Global Asset Allocation team in 2002. Mark began his investment career in 1985 and was a fixed income portfolio manager with Bank of America prior to joining Invesco. Mark received his BS in Finance and Investments from Babson College. He received his MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University with a concentration in Finance and Real Estate Investment. Mark holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Scott E. Wolle Portfolio Manager 2010 2020
Biografie Scott Wolle is a portfolio manager and chief investment officer (CIO) of Invesco Global Asset Allocation. Mr. Wolle joined Invesco in 1999 and became affiliated with the Global Asset Allocation team in 2000. He began his investment management career in 1991 and was with Bank of America prior to joining Invesco.
Chris W. Devine Portfolio Manager 2010 2020
Biografie Chris Devine joined Invesco in 1998 and became affiliated with the Global Asset Allocation team in January 2003. He is responsible for portfolio construction, risk management, trading and derivative management. He began his investment management career in 1996 and was with The Robinson-Humphrey Co. prior to joining Invesco. Mr. Devine earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Wake Forest University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Georgia. He is a CFA charterholder.
Christian Ulrich Portfolio Manager 2010 2020
Biografie Christian Ulrich currently serves as a Portfolio Manager for the IGAA team. Christian joined Invesco in 2000 and the Global Asset Allocation team in 2009. Prior to affiliating as a Portfolio manager with IGAA team, Christian served as a client portfolio manager for Invesco Global Asset Management. Christian began his investment career in 1987 and was with Credit Suisse Group AG where he had assignments in Zurich, New York and London.Christian graduated from the KV Zurich Business School in Zurich, Switzerland, and holds the CFA designation.
Scott Hixon Portfolio Manager (lead) 2010 2020
Biografie Scott Hixon joined Invesco in 1994 and became affiliated with the Global Asset Allocation team in 1997. He is responsible for the fundamental research, quantitative modeling and portfolio investment decisions for asset classes and currencies. Mr. Hixon began his investment management career in 1992 and was with SunTrust Bank prior to joining Invesco. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance, graduating magna cum aude from Georgia Southern University. He earned an M.B.A. in finance from Georgia State University. Mr. Hixon is a CFA charterholder.
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