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Pinebridge Global Funds - Asia Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund L (0P000027SA)

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611,890 +2,230    +0,37%
14/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  PineBridge Investments Ireland Ltd
ISIN:  IE0003895053 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 41,6M
PineBridge Global Funds - Asia Balanced Fund L 611,890 +2,230 +0,37%

0P000027SA Overzicht

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Adres 16/F AIG Tower
Hong Kong,
Hong Kong
Telefoon 852-2232-8888
Fax 02-2516 5383


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Omar Slim Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Omar Slim is Co-Head of Asia Fixed Income and Portfolio Manager, based in Singapore. He has been with the firm since 2013. In this role, he has oversight over the Asia Fixed Income team and capabilities as well as managing strategies invested in global and Asian credit, rates, and currency markets. Those strategies and PineBridge’s Asia Fixed Income team have been recognized as industry leading by several organizations. Mr. Slim is a member of the global emerging market fixed income leadership team, participating in the strategy development and execution as well as key investment forums. Mr. Slim is also the CEO of PineBridge Investments Singapore Limited. Prior to joining PineBridge in 2013, Mr. Slim was a Senior Portfolio Manager within Asian Fixed Income at State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) in Singapore. He started there as a Credit Analyst for Global Active Fixed Income in Canada, before being promoted to Senior Portfolio Manager to manage a team investing in the North American credit markets. In his most recent Singapore-based SSGA role, Mr. Slim led the development of the Asian credit investment process in Asia, helped build up their credit coverage and managed local and hard currency Asian Fixed Income portfolios. He also participated in a number of government sponsored policy initiatives to develop and enhance the Asian bond markets. Mr. Slim started his career as a credit analyst at BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Banking. Mr. Slim holds a Master of Science in Finance from Boston College’s Carroll Graduate School of Management. He also attended the Investment Decisions and Behavioral Finance Executive Education program at the Harvard Kennedy School. Mr. Slim is a CFA charter holder.
Andy Suen Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Andy Suen joined PineBridge Investments in 2012 and is currently Co-Head of Asia Fixed Income and Portfolio Manager within the firm’s emerging markets fixed income team. In this role, Mr. Suen’s responsibilities include portfolio management and overseeing the firm’s Asia fixed income capabilities. In addition, Mr. Suen is a member of the global emerging market fixed income leadership team, participating in the strategy development and execution as well as key investment forums. Mr. Suen and the strategies he manages have been recognized for industry-leading performance by several industry organizations including Morningstar, Bloomberg, The Asset, Citywire, and others. Mr. Suen began his career in the industry in 2007 as a credit research analyst and has extensive analysis experience covering Asian credit. Prior to taking up the current role, he served as the firm’s Head of Asia ex-Japan Credit Research for three years. Prior to joining PineBridge Investments, Mr. Suen’s investment experience included serving as a credit desk analyst at BNP Paribas’ Asia flow credit trading desk and a publishing credit analyst at UBS Asia credit research team. Mr. Suen holds a Master’s degree in Financial Mathematics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science with First Class Honours from the University of Hong Kong. He is a CFA Charterholder and a Certified FRM.
Kelvin (幸啟文) Heng Portfolio Manager and Credit Analyst 2022 now
Biografie Mr. Heng joined the firm in 2016 and is a Vice President and Credit Analyst of PineBridge Investments’ Fixed Income Team. He is responsible for evaluating emerging market corporate bonds for all Asia and emerging market portfolios. Previously, Mr. Heng worked in the Asia Credit Research team at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong, covering a mix of high yield and investment grade credits across China, India and Southeast Asia. Prior to that, he worked at Barclays in London on the European Credit Research team covering European high yield and investment grade credits in the retail, consumer and services sectors. Mr. Heng received a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance from the University of British Columbia. He is also a CFA charterholder.
Sunny Ng Senior Vice President 2016 now
Biografie Mr. Ng joined PineBridge in 2016 and is primarily responsible for the Global Multi-Asset Team’s client-facing and business development initiatives in Asia and Australia. As part of his role, Mr. Ng also contributes to the firm’s Multi-Asset Strategy and portfolio implementation functions. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Ng was a Managing Director and Head of Asia ex-Japan Portfolio Strategists at State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) where he was responsible for leading the regional team representing SSGA investment views and strategies to clients across Asia.
Caroline Loke Research Analyst 2013 now
Biografie CAROLINE LOKE Portfolio Manager, Asia ex-Japan Equities PineBridge Investments Caroline Loke joined PineBridge Investments in 2013 and is Portfolio Manager of the firm’s Asia ex-Japan all-caps, Singapore and Philippines equity strategies. Within PineBridge Ms. Loke also served as an Investment Analyst responsible for ASEAN equity research, specializing in Singapore and Thailand stocks. With over 10 years of experience producing investment research across the Asia Pacific ex-Japan markets, Ms. Loke brings the firm extensive experience in fundamental stock analysis across the full market capitalization spectrum. Ms. Loke is based in Singapore and reports to Elizabeth Soon, Managing Director and Head of Asia ex-Japan Equities. Prior to joining PineBridge, Ms. Loke worked at Treasury Asia Asset Management (TAAM), later acquired by Nikko Asset Management, as an Investment Analyst for five years covering Asia Pacific ex-Japan equities and then later specializing in the region’s Consumer and Technology sectors. Before TAAM, Ms. Loke was an Equity Analyst at Fat Prophets, an Australian independent research firm based in Sydney, where she was responsible for providing research and analysis for Australian equities. Prior to that, she was an Equity Client Service Officer at Commonwealth Securities (Commsec) in Sydney, where she provided clients with essential and accurate financial market information as well as facilitated buying and selling of shares. Ms. Loke holds a Master of Commerce Degree in Fund Management from the University of New South Wales, and a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer System Engineering from the University of Technology Sydney.
Peter Hu Managing Director 2006 now
Biografie Mr. Hu joined the firm in 2006 and is responsible for leading the portfolio implementation function for the Global Multi-Asset Team, where he is also involved in developing investment and risk management tools. Prior to joining the team in 2009, Mr. Hu was an analyst within the Quantitative Portfolio Management Group. Mr. Hu also co-chairs the Global Derivatives Committee to ensure adequate risk management associated with derivatives investment throughout the firm. He also is a CFA charterholder and a Certified FRM holder.
Arthur E. Lau investment manager 2011 2023
Biografie Arthur E. Lau, vice president, is a senior portfolio manager. He joined the firm in 2005. Immediately prior to joining the firm Arthur worked with Barclays Capital in Singapore as a director in Credit Research and previously spent five years with Fitch Ratings as director in the Greater China Financial Institution Analyst Team focusing on rating analysis for financial institutions. Arthur gained his equity analysis experience working with BNP Prime Peregrine as research manager focusing on Hong Kong and China equities; Sassoon Securities as a regional property and banking equity analyst and Citibank NA, Canada as an equities derivatives analyst. He began his career in 1987 when he joined HongkongBank Group in Hong Kong as a manager focusing on corporate and commercial banking. Arthur obtained a BBA in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and an MBA from The University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is also a CFA and CMA charterholder.
Jose R. Aragon Senior Vice President 2018 2022
Biografie Jose R. Aragon Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Global Multi-Asset PineBridge Investments, New York Mr. Aragon joined the firm in 2003 and is a Portfolio Manager for PineBridge Investments multi-asset products. Prior to assuming this role, Mr. Aragon managed a multi-strategy hedge fund. Preceding this, he was a Quantitative Analyst in the firm's Structured Equity group. Before joining PineBridge Investments, Mr. Aragon was a Captain in the U.S. Air Force. During his tenure in the military, Mr. Aragon was an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Prior to this, he was stationed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where he was the F-16 Production Risk Manager and Avionics Systems Engineer. Mr. Aragon received a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, graduating with the Carnegie Mellon President's Award. He also received an MBA in Finance, Accounting, Entrepreneurship and International Business from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Mr. Aragon is an Alumnus of the Robert Toigo Foundation, a member of the Society of Quantitative Analysts and a member of the Global Association of Risk Professionals.
Annie Leung - 2010 2015
June Chua - 2010 2012
Biografie June Chua serves as Portfolio Manager of the Harvest Global Investments Limited and is jointly and primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Harvest Funds China All Assets. Ms. Chua joined the Harvest Global Investments Limited in July 2012 and is a Portfolio Manager managing Asian ex-Japan equities. Prior to joining the Harvest Global Investments Limited, she was Vice President and Portfolio Manager with PineBridge Investments (formerly known as AIG Investments) running a dividend yield strategy in Asian equities for 4 years. Before that, she held the position of Fund Manager at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management. Her investment career began as an Analyst with Pacific Mutual Fund in Malaysia after her graduation in 1997. Ms. Chua obtained her MBA from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and she also participated in the MBA International Business Exchange Program with the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago. She received a Bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Queensland, Australia.
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