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Pear Tree Polaris Foreign Value Small Cap Fund Institutional Class (QUSIX)

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16,06 +0,08    +0,50%
01/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Pear Tree Funds
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 597,78M
Pear Tree Polaris Fgn Val Sm Cap Instl 16,06 +0,08 +0,50%

QUSIX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Pear Tree Polaris Foreign Value Small Cap Fund Institutional Class. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van QUSIX.

Foreign Small/Mid Value

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United States
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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Jason Crawshaw Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Biografie Jason Crawshaw joined the team as an Analyst in January 2014, became an LLC member in 2015, and was named an Assistant Portfolio Manager in early 2016. He was promoted to Portfolio Manager in January 2021. Mr. Crawshaw is a generalist and conducts fundamental analysis of potential investment opportunities. He brings 19 years of investment industry experience to the firm. Mr. Crawshaw was previously a portfolio manager with Liberty Square Asset Management, where he co-managed international long and long/short equity funds and helped direct Liberty’s research effort. Prior to joining Liberty, he was a portfolio manager with Brait Specialized Funds U.S., where he managed a U.S. long/short small cap equity hedge fund. He served in a similar role at Equinox, a spin-off from Coronation Securities. Early in his career, Mr. Crawshaw was an equity analyst responsible for small- and mid-cap research for a proprietary fund at First Rand and Coronation Securities of South Africa. Mr. Crawshaw obtained his master’s in business administration from University of Notre Dame and graduated magna cum laude in 1994. He received his undergraduate degree from Middlebury College in 1992.
Bin Xiao Portfolio Manager 2012 now
Biografie Bin Xiao joined Polaris Capital Management, LLC as an Analyst in August 2006, and was promoted to Assistant Portfolio Manager in 2012. He became an LLC member in 2013. In January 2021, Mr. Xiao was promoted to Portfolio Manager. He is a generalist and performs fundamental analysis of potential investment opportunities. Mr. Xiao works closely with his fellow portfolio managers in all aspects of portfolio investment and strategy. Mr. Xiao’s professional experience includes completion of an internship at HSBC Global Investment Banking in 2005, where he served as an investment banking summer associate. He also completed his internship at Polaris Capital Management in 2004/2005, where he worked as an analyst. Mr. Xiao received his master’s in business administration from MIT’s Sloan School of Management in 2006 and his master’s of science degree in computer science from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2000. He earned his undergraduate degree from Beijing Institute of Technology in China in 1998. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Sumanta Biswas Vice President 2008 now
Biografie Sumanta Biswas joined Polaris Capital Management, LLC as an Analyst in January 2002 after completing an internship with the firm. He was promoted to Assistant Portfolio Manager in 2004, was named Vice President in 2005 and became an LLC member at Polaris in 2007. In January 2021, Mr. Biswas was promoted to Portfolio Manager. He remains a “generalist”, conducting fundamental analysis of potential investment opportunities and driving portfolio management decisions. Mr. Biswas’ professional experience includes an equity research internship at Delta Partners of Boston in 2001. From 1996 through July of 2000, he was an officer of the Securities and Exchange Board of India. In 1995, Mr. Biswas participated in the initial public offering of Electro Steel Casting, Ltd. of India while interning at IFB Finance Ltd. of India. Mr. Biswas received a master’s of science degree in finance from Boston College in 2001, and an MBA from Calcutta University in India in 1996. He earned his undergraduate degree in engineering from North Bengal University in 1993, and holds a diploma in business finance from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Bernard R. Horn Founder 2008 now
Biografie Bernard Horn Jr. is President and Chief Investment Officer since 1998; Founder and Portfolio Manager since 1995; Investment professional since 1980.of Polaris Capital Management, LLC, a Boston-based global and international value equity management firm that serves as the sub-advisor for RBC International Equity. Prior to founding Polaris Capital in 1995, Bernard served as an investment officer for MDT Advisers, Inc. He also worked as a portfolio manager for Freedom Capital Management Corporation. From 1980 to 1990, Bernard was the principal and founder of Horn & Company, an investment counseling firm that specialized in global portfolio management for individuals, trusts and tax-qualified accounts. Bernard began his career in the investment industry in 1980. He received a BS from Northeastern University and a MS in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In January 2007, Bernard was named Fund Manager of the year by MarketWatch. He was profiled in the January 2004 issue of SmartMoney Magazine and has been highlighted in Business Week, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other national publications. Bernard has appeared on CNBC, CNNfn and Bloomberg TV to discuss global market trends.
Andry Sutanto Analyst 2008 2010
Biografie Sutanto has been an Analyst with Polaris since 2005. Prior to his current appointment, Sutanto was a research and teaching assistant Northeastern University (2004), and a computer engineer with the Cambridge Research Group (2001-2003).
Richard V. Howe Analyst 2008 2010
Biografie Richard V. Howe has become an Analyst with Polaris since 2005. Mr. Howe has been in investment professional since 1973. In 1986 Mr. Howe became the CIO at Tucker Anthony Management (TAMCO), TAMCO was renamed Freedom Capital Management, Mr. Howe became the principal portfolio manager in charge of value equity fund management at Freedom. Mr. Howe is an MBA of Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and holds an undergraduate degree economics the University of Virginia.
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