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Payden Core Bond Fund Advisor Class (0P0000KV0U)

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9,190 -0,020    -0,22%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Paydenfunds
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,36M
Payden Core Bond Fund Advisor Class 9,190 -0,020 -0,22%

0P0000KV0U Overzicht

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Intermediate Core-Plus Bond

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Adres 333 S Grand Ave, 32nd Floor
Los Angeles,CA 90071
United States
Telefoon +1 614 4708006


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Mary Beth Syal Senior Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Mary Beth Syal, CFA, is a managing principal at Payden & Rygel and a member of the Executive Committee of the board of directors. Syal is a member of the firm's Investment Policy Committee. She directs the firm‟s low duration strategies and also serves as a senior portfolio manager advising corporations, insurance companies and family offices. She is a trustee of The Payden & Rygel Investment Group, the sponsor of the Paydenfunds, for which Payden & Rygel is the investment adviser. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Syal was a portfolio manager and strategist at Amervest Company, Inc., where she was the co-chair of the Investment Strategy Committee. Mary Beth Syal is a member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles and the CFA Institute, the Los Angeles Association of Investment Women. In addition, she serves on the Investment Committee of the Western Province of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and is a member of the Investment Review Committee for St. Joseph Health System. Syal holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. She earned a BA degree in Government from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Timothy Crawmer Senior Portfolio Manager 2020 now
Biografie Tim Crawmer is a Senior Investment Manager on the North American Fixed Income team, specifically the Global High Yield Team. Tim joined Aberdeen Asset Management Inc. in May 2013 following the acquisition of Artio Global Management. From 2009-2013, Tim held a similar role with Artio Global Management’s Fixed Income Group. Prior to Artio, he was a Corporate Bond / Credit Default Swap Trader with Bank of America and Merrill Lynch. Before his career in finance, Tim served as an E-6B Mercury Naval Flight Officer in the United States Navy. Tim graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the United States Naval Academy and an MBA and Masters from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Anderson School of Management.
Nigel Jenkins Managing Director 2020 now
Biografie Nigel Jenkins is a Managing Principal and portfolio manager who has been with Payden & Rygel since 2006. who is responsible for the management of UK and European benchmarked fixed-income and money market portfolios. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Jenkins was a founding partner of Centric Capital LLP, a fixed-income and currency hedge fund focusing on quantitative methodologies. Previously he was head of global fixed-income at WestLB, and a director of the fixed income & currency group at Rothschild Asset Management, both in London. Jenkins holds the ASIP designation of the UK Society of Investment Professionals, a member society of the CFA Institute. He earned a MA degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge.
Brian W. Matthews Member 2020 now
Biografie Brian Matthews, CFA, is a managing principal and the chief financial officer at Payden & Rygel, and is a member of the Executive Committee of the board of directors. Matthews is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee and serves as a senior portfolio manager advising institutional clients, including corporations, pension funds, insurance companies and foundations and endowments. He is a director of Metzler/Payden LLC, the firm’s joint venture with Metzler Bank of Frankfurt, Germany. Matthews is also co-chairman of Payden/Kravitz LLC, a joint venture specializing in cash balance retirement plans. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Matthews was an investment officer at Brown Brothers Harriman & Company in New York, where he was responsible for managing fixed-income portfolios and asset/liability management. Matthews is a member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles, the CFA Institute and the Investment Counsel Association of America, Inc. He is past chairman of the board of directors for the Boy Scouts of America Los Angeles Area Council and serves on the board of directors for Oaks Christian School, St. Anne’s, Kids in Sports, and the board of visitors for Pepperdine University and is a board member of the Patron of the Arts in the Vatican Museums. Brian Matthews holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He earned a BS in Economics at the University of Notre Dame.
Michael E. Salvay Senior Portfolio Manager 2009 now
Biografie Michael Salvay, CFA, is a Managing Principal at Payden & Rygel. He is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee and serves as Senior Portfolio Manager advising public pension plans, endowments and universities and corporations. He directs the core bond architecture group and has extensive experience in developing customized mandates for active and passive index replication portfolios as well as hedging programs. Salvay is also a trustee of The Payden & Rygel Investment Group, the sponsor of the Paydenfunds, for which Payden & Rygel is the investment advisor. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Salvay was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Dewey Square Investors in Boston, where he specialized in mortgage-backed securities and duration immunization strategies. Michael Salvay holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute. He earned an MBA from the Amos Tuck School at Dartmouth College and a BA in Economics from the University of California, San Diego.
James T. Wong Managing Principal 2020 2023
Biografie James Wong, CFA, is a Managing Principal and portfolio manager who has been with Payden & Rygel since 1995. He has worked with the two products since their inception. Wong has over 15 years of equity portfolio management experience, during which he has managed the breadth of equity styles and market capitalizations. He has extensive experience managing long/short portfolios, creating hedging strategies using derivatives and developing customized investment solutions for client specific needs. Wong is also a member of the Investment Policy Committee. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Wong was a trader at the Union Bank of Switzerland where he focused on mortgage-backed securities. Previously, he was in the mergers and acquisitions group at Salomon Brothers Inc., focusing on financial institutions. Wong holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and the FINRA series 7, 3 and 63 licenses. He earned an MBA degree from The Anderson School at the University of California, Los Angeles with an emphasis in finance. Wong received a BS degree in Finance from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Scott J. Weiner managing principal 2020 2022
Biografie Scott Weiner, PhD, is a managing principal at Payden & Rygel and a member of the Executive Committee that manages the firm. Weiner is also a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee which directs investment strategy and monitors the risk controls for the firm and its clients. As a frequent speaker at industry forums, he specializes in topics relating to asset allocation, risk management and international investing. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Weiner was a senior strategy member of the investment arm of First Interstate. More previously, he was with Goldman Sachs in New York as one of the strategists in the 1980s developing expertise in the mortgage market. Scott Weiner earned a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of California, San Francisco focusing on theoretical macromolecular biophysical chemistry. He received an AB degree in Mathematics from Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Frank Spindler Vice President 2017 2020
Biografie Frank Spindler, CFA, is a Fixed-Income Portfolio Strategist at Payden & Rygel. He is responsible for developing and implementing investment strategies in core and strategic income bond portfolios for corporations, healthcare organizations, pension plans and insurance companies. Frank manages performance attribution, portfolio analytics and performs market analysis identifying strategic opportunities among core bond sectors and along the yield curve. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Spindler worked as a Compliance Analyst for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in Los Angeles and investment analyst for a CBIZ Financial Solutions, a wealth management firm in San Diego, CA. Frank Spindler is a CFALA member and chairman of the CFALA program planning committee. Spindler holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He earned a BS in business finance at California State University, Northridge.
Brad Boyd Portfolio Manager 2011 2020
Biografie Mr. Boyd is a managing director and the portfolio manager for Oaktree's Investment Grade Solutions strategies. Prior to joining Oaktree in 2019, Mr. Boyd spent 17 years at Payden & Rygel, most recently as senior vice president and portfolio manager for the Absolute Return Fixed Income and Multi-Asset strategies. Following over three years in London serving as a UK/European Fixed Income portfolio manager, Mr. Boyd was a co-portfolio manager for U.S. Core Bond, as well as the head of portfolio architecture. He began his career as a bond trading associate at Standish, Ayer & Wood. Mr. Boyd recei
Kristin Ceva managing Principal, Director 2008 2011
Biografie Kristin Ceva, PhD, CFA, is a managing principal and directs the global fixed-income group at Payden & Rygel. She oversees global sovereign debt strategies, including macroeconomic and political risk assessment to determine country allocation. Ceva is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee. She also is a frequent speaker at industry forums, focusing on topics related to international investing and emerging markets. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Ceva worked with a number of international policy institutes, including the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and the North America Forum at Stanford University. She also worked for several years in strategic management consulting with Deloitte & Touche in Dallas. Kristin Ceva holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. She earned a PhD from Stanford University in Political Science with an emphasis on international political economy. She was a Fulbright Scholar based in Mexico City and her dissertation was entitled “Economic Restructuring and Business-Government Relations: Trade and Financial Liberalization in Mexico.” Ceva has completed extensive economic and political research on emerging markets and is fluent in Spanish. She received a BBA in Finance from Texas A&M University.
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