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Impax Ellevate Global Women’s Leadership Fund Investor Class (PXWEX)

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31,800 +0,600    +1,92%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Pax World
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 139,61M
Pax Ellevate Global Women's Index Fund Individual 31,800 +0,600 +1,92%

PXWEX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Impax Ellevate Global Women’s Leadership Fund Investor Class. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van PXWEX.

World Large-Stock Blend

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Contact Informatie

Adres 30 Penhallow Street, Suite 400
Portsmouth,NH 03801-3853
United States
Telefoon 603 501 7360


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Christine Cappabianca Portfolio Manager/ Vice President 2021 now
Biografie Christine Cappabianca is a Portfolio Manager of the Global Women’s Fund, the Global Sustainable Infrastructure Fund, the U.S. Sustainable Economy Fund and the International Sustainable Economy Fund. Christine joined IAM in 2021. Prior to joining the Adviser, Ms. Cappabianca spent 14 years with BNY Mellon Investment Management, where she held several positions, most recently as senior quantitative research analyst and portfolio manager for the firm’s Internet of Things, Blockchain Innovation, U.S. Manufacturing and Smart Cures Innovation thematic strategies. She also served as the ESG data expert on Mellon’s ESG Council. Ms. Cappabianca has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard University and a Master of Science in Investment Management from Boston University. She holds the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting Credential.
Scott LaBreche Portfolio Manager / Research Analyst 2014 now
Biografie Scott LaBreche is Director of Portfolio Analytics and Index Optimization at Impax Asset Management LLC, formerly Pax World Management LLC, and a Portfolio Manager of the Pax Ellevate Global Women’s Leadership Fund and the Pax MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders Index Fund. Across all Pax World Funds, Scott is responsible for fund research, quantitative ESG research, advanced analytics, risk oversight, fund optimization and board reporting, as well as overseeing performance and attribution.
Barbara S. Browning Portfolio Manager / Research Analyst 2018 2021
Biografie Barbara Browning, CFA is a Co-Portfolio Manager of the Impax Large Cap Strategy and a Portfolio Manager of the Impax Ellevate Global Women’s Leadership Strategy at Impax Asset Management LLC and Vice President at Pax World Funds. Prior to joining the firm in 2017, Barbara was Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager at RBC Global Asset Management, Inc., where she co-managed Diversified Core, Concentrated Core and Diversified Large Cap Value Equity funds.
Heather Smith Sustainability Research Analyst 2014 2018
Biografie Heather Smith is Lead Sustainability Research Analyst at Impax Asset Management LLC and Vice President, Sustainable Investing at Pax World Funds. As such, she researches and evaluates the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of companies for inclusion in the firm’s portfolios. She is also a member of the Pax World Gender Analytics team. Heather is involved in overseeing the firm’s proxy voting and coordinating its gender related shareholder engagements. She previously served as a member of the Sustainable Investment Research Analyst Network’s (SIRAN) steering committee.
Julie Gorte Senior Vice President for Sustainable Investing 2014 2018
Biografie Julie Gorte is the Sr VP for Sustainable Investing at Impax Asset Management LLC and Pax World Funds. She oversees environmental, social and governance-related research on prospective and current investments as well as the firm’s shareholder engagement and public policy advocacy. She is also a member of the Impax Gender Analytics team. Julie serves on the boards of the Endangered Species Coalition, E4theFuture, Clean Production Action and is the board chair of the Sustainable Investments Institute. She also serves on the Investment Committee of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative.
Ivka Kalus-Bystricky Senior Vice President 2012 2014
Biografie Ivka is an accomplished investor with 21 years experience managing global and international equity portfolios for retail and institutional clients. She has experience launching new investment strategies, both active and indexed, and has significant expertise in sustainable investing (ESG and SRI) and gender-lens investing. Before co-founding Promethos, Ivka was lead portfolio manager of International Strategies at Boston Advisors. Prior to joining Boston Advisors in 2015, Ivka was a senior portfolio manager at Pax World Management, where she managed the Pax World International Fund and the Pax World Global Women's Equality Fund. Before Pax World, she managed international and global portfolios at State Street Global Advisors and Baring Asset Management, and was a global equity analyst at Independence Investments and at Putnam Investments. Early in her career, Ivka worked as a management consultant to large corporations in the U.S., Europe and Latin America, including three years in Prague working on projects to privatize state-owned Czech companies. Ivka's global investment expertise is enhanced by her experience living and working around the world and her ability to communicate effectively in English, French, German, Spanish and Czech. She earned a B.A. degree in biology from Harvard University, a Master's degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and an M.B.A from INSEAD. Ivka currently serves on the boards of the Boston Economics Club, United Planet, and American Boronite Corporation.
Anthony Trzcinka Portfolio Manager / Research Analyst 2012 2014
Biografie Anthony Trzcinka is SVP and Portfolio Manager of the Impax Core Bond Strategy at Impax Asset Management LLC and a Senior Vice President at Pax World Funds. Tony is also a member of the portfolio management team of the Impax Sustainable Allocation Strategy. Tony has been responsible for multiple strategies during his tenure at Impax Asset Management LLC. He joined the firm in 2003 from AEW Capital Management where he spent over three years as an Assistant Vice President working in a Senior Analyst role. He began his financial services career as an analyst in 1999.
Sujatha Avutu Managing Director, Senior Portfolio Manager 2007 2012
Biografie Sujatha R. Avutu is a Senior Portfolio Manager for the Adviser and is the Portfolio Manager of the Women’s Equity Fund. Ms. Avutu has been responsible for the management of the Pax World Women’s Equity Fund since October 29, 2007. Prior to joining the Adviser, Ms. Avutu had fifteen years of investment experience, with over eight years at Evergreen Investments, where she was Managing Director and lead Portfolio Manager for Evergreen Equity Income Fund. Ms. Avutu received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Dayton with a concentration in Finance, and a Masters of Business Administration with concentrations in Finance and Management Information Systems from Miami University. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a member of Boston Security Analyst Society and Boston Bank Analyst Society.
William Apfel - 1999 2008
Heidi Soumerai Director 1999 2008
Biografie Soumerai has been a portfolio manager of Boston Trust Investment Management, Inc. since its inception in 2001. She also has been employed by Boston Trust & Investment Management Company and currently serves as director of social research. Prior to joining FEMMX Financial, Soumerai was a research associate for the Adolescent School Health Project in Boston. She is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society. Soumerai holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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