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Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class (OILGX)

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24,43 -0,19    -0,77%
28/06 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Delaware Funds by Macquarie
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 2B
Optimum Large Cap Growth Instl 24,43 -0,19 -0,77%

OILGX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van OILGX.

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Adres Delaware Funds by Macquarie
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Daniel E. Allen Director 2023 now
Biografie As CEO and President, Mr. Allen is responsible for implementing the Mission, Vision and business strategies across the organization. In addition to day-to-day operations, key areas of interest include Diversity & Inclusion, ESG and technology enhancements. Mr. Allen is also a senior member of the Portfolio Management team, involved in developing global equity applications for clients along with servicing key relationships. Mr. Allen is a member of Los Angeles Capital’s Board of Managers and Investment Committee, and chairs the Management Committee. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Los Angeles Capital Global Funds plc and is Director of LACM Global, Ltd. Prior to joining Los Angeles Capital, Mr. Allen was a senior managing director and board member of Wilshire Associates. For more than twenty years, Mr. Allen held senior positions at Wilshire. Mr. Allen began in the Equity Management division and worked with several members of the Los Angeles Capital team. Mr. Allen assisted 100+ institutional money managers in applying risk models, performance attribution, and portfolio optimization techniques to their equity portfolios. Mr. Allen returned to Wilshire’s Consulting division to advise international investors and to head the firm’s international manager research. In 1998, Mr. Allen moved to Europe and spent the next decade leading Wilshire’s Private Markets group’s asset management activities in the region. In this capacity, he was responsible for sourcing and evaluating private equity opportunities while serving on the Global Investment Committee. Mr. Allen returned to Los Angeles in 2008 as a Management Committee member of the Private Markets group. Mr. Allen joined Los Angeles Capital in 2009.
Daniel Arche Portfolio Manager 2023 now
Biografie Mr. Daniel Arche serves as a Senior Portfolio Manager, Managing Director & Investment Committee Member at Los Angeles Capital Management and Equity Research. As a Portfolio Manager, Mr. Arche is responsible for select client relationships and managing their accounts in accordance with Los Angeles Capital's investment philosophy and process. Mr. Arche works to ensure that portfolios reflect the investment outlook of the Model and that portfolios are operating within expected risk tolerances and guidelines. He recommends changes to portfolio parameters that will enhance return and better control risk. In addition, Mr. Arche is a day-to-day contact for clients for any questions that arise and is a primary contact for routine information requests. Mr. Arche is a member of the Firm's Investment Committee which is comprised of senior members of the investment team and is responsible for overseeing all decisions regarding improvements to the investment process. Mr. Arche is also a member of the Portfolio Review Committee which meets monthly to review portfolio performance and compliance with investment guidelines.
Hal W. Reynolds CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2023 now
Biografie Hal Reynolds is the Chief Investment Officer of LACM Global. As Chief Investment Officer and Chairman of Los Angeles Capital’s Investment Committee, Mr. Reynolds oversees the firm’s investment process. Since co-founding Los Angeles Capital in 2002, Mr. Reynolds has worked closely with the Research team to develop Investor Preference Theory®, the Dynamic Alpha Stock Selection Model®, and the Forward Attribution® process for developing forwarding looking expected factor returns. Working with the Research Directors, he develops the firm’s research goals and provides guidance on key projects to enhance the stock selection, portfolio construction, and trading processes. As a member of the Portfolio Review Committee, he works with senior members of the portfolio management team to establish key portfolio parameters for portfolio construction and rebalancing and developing procedures for monitoring and controlling portfolio risk. Prior to Los Angeles Capital, Mr. Reynolds was a managing director and principal at Wilshire Associates. Mr. Reynolds joined the consulting division of Wilshire Associates in 1989 where he served as a senior consultant to large ERISA plans. He also designed Wilshire Compass, Wilshire’s asset allocation and manager optimization technology for plan sponsors. In 1996, Mr. Reynolds began consulting for Wilshire Asset Management where he helped develop the Dynamic Alpha Model, which developed into Los Angeles Capital’s Dynamic Alpha Stock Selection Model®, and other quantitative long/short applications for Wilshire Asset Management. In 1998, he joined Wilshire Asset Management as Chief Investment Officer. Prior to joining Wilshire, Mr. Reynolds was a vice president at Mellon Bank where he was responsible for the design and management of Mellon’s portfolio analysis product for plan sponsors.
Michael X Li Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Dr. Li, Vice President & Portfolio Manager, co-manages the U.S. Focused Dynamic Growth, U.S. Large Cap Quality Growth and U.S. Premier Large Cap Growth strategies. Prior to his current role, he was an analyst on the U.S. Lg Cap Qual Gr portfolio. Before joining American Century Inv. in 2002, Mr. Li was a scientist/project manager for Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Mr. Li has a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering from the University of Science & Technology of China, a MBA from The Wharton School of the Univ. of Pennsylvania, and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the Univ. of Michigan.
Jeffrey R. Bourke Analyst/Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Jeff Bourke is a portfolio manager for American Century Investments®. Mr. Bourke joined American Century Investments in 2007. Before he was promoted to portfolio manager in 2013, he was an investment analyst. Previously, he was an associate equity research analyst at Robert W. Baird & Co. He has worked in the investment industry since 2003. Mr. Bourke earned a master's degree in business administration from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago and a bachelor's degree in civil and environmental engineering from Duke University. He is a CFA® charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute.
Keith Lee Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Keith Lee Mr. Lee, Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager, has been a member of the team that manages the fund since 2008. Prior, he was a senior analyst on the U.S. Lg Cap Qual Gr strategy. He joined American Century in 1998 and again in 2001. He started in the industry as an analyst for Oppenheimer funds in New York in 1996. He holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Columbia University, is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute.
Peter J. Bourbeau Director 2017 2023
Biografie Peter Bourbeau is a managing director and portfolio manager of ClearBridge and has 31 years of investment industry experience. He joined the firm or its predecessor in 1991. Previously, Bourbeau was a director of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (CGMI) and served as a portfolio manager at Smith Barney Asset Management (SBAM). A graduate of the University of Florida, Bourbeau obtained his MBA from Fordham University. Bourbeau has served as a portfolio manager for the Fund since its inception in November 2018.
Margaret B. Vitrano Portfolio Manager 2017 2023
Biografie Margaret co-manages the Large Cap Growth and All Cap Growth strategies. Margaret has 24 years of investment industry experience and joined a ClearBridge predecessor organization in 1997. Margaret is a member of the ClearBridge Management Committee. From 2006-2009, Margaret served on the firm's 401(k) Investment Committee, which is responsible for choosing and overseeing investments for the firm's employee retirement plan. Prior to her role at ClearBridge, Margaret was a Research Analyst for the Consumer Discretionary sector at Citigroup. Margaret earned her MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Public Policy Studies and Art History from Duke University.
Joseph B. Fath Vice President 2014 2022
Biografie Joseph Fath, CPA, manages the portion of the Destinations Large Cap Equity Fund’s assets allocated to T. Rowe Price. Mr. Fath is a Vice President of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc., and T. Rowe Price. Mr. Fath is the Chairman of the Investment Advisory Committee for the Growth Stock Fund. Mr. Fath is also a member of the portfolio management team for the US Large-Cap Growth Equity Strategy in the U.S. Equity Division. Mr. Fath serves as a Vice President and Investment Advisory Committee member of the Media & Telecommunications, Capital Opportunity and Mid-Cap Growth Funds. Mr. Fath joined the firm in 2002 as an Analyst covering gaming, lodging, cruise lines, airlines, and air freight and logistics companies. Mr. Fath graduated, with honors, with a Bachelor of Science in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned a Master of Business Administration, with honors, in Finance and Entrepreneurial Management from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Fath also has earned the Certified Public Accountant accreditation.
Ankur Crawford Executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2015 2017
Biografie Dr. Ankur Crawford is Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager of the Alger Capital Appreciation, Alger Focus Equity, and Alger Spectra strategies. She joined Alger in September 2004 and has 17 years of investment experience. Ankur began her career at Alger as a Research Associate and successfully completed Alger’s in-house analyst training program. Over the next several years, Ankur was promoted to Associate Analyst, Analyst, and, ultimately, Senior Analyst. She was named portfolio manager of the Alger Mid Cap Growth strategies in 2010 and promoted to Head of the Technology sector team in January 2013 (until April 2016). In 2015, Ankur was added as a portfolio manager of the Alger Capital Appreciation, Alger Focus Equity and Alger Spectra strategies. Ankur is a member of The Alger Partners Plan. During her tenure at Alger, she has been featured and quoted in InvestmentNews, Investor’s Business Daily and Fortune. In 2020, Ankur was recognized as a “Top Women in Asset Management” honoree by Money Management Executive. Ankur was elected to the board of The Knowledge House, a Bronx-based charity with the mission of teaching underprivileged communities a skill set in technology that enables them to enter the “gig” economy. Ankur earned a B.S. in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and also received an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University. Ankur was awarded a fellowship from the prestigious Intel PhD Fellowship Program and worked as an engineer with Intel. She was also awarded a fellowship from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. In addition, Ankur holds several U.S. patents.
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