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Ftgf Franklin Mv Asia Pacific Ex Japan Equity Growth And Income Fund Class A Us$ Distributing (a) (0P00000XTK)

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Historische gegevens voor Legg Mason QS MV Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Grow. Probeer een andere zoekopdracht voor realtime-data over noteringen
233,410 -0,250    -0,11%
17/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Ierland
Emittent:  Legg Mason Investments Europe Ltd
ISIN:  IE0034204895 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 18,86M
Legg Mason QS MV Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Grow 233,410 -0,250 -0,11%

0P00000XTK Overzicht

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Aandelen Azië-Pacific excl. Japan

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Telefoon +352 46 66 67 212


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Christopher W. Floyd Portfolio Manager 2004 now
Biografie Christopher W. Floyd, CFA Member of the Portfolio Management team. Formerly a developed markets Senior Portfolio Manager at Batterymarch Financial Management from 2012 to 2014. At Batterymarch, he also served as a Portfolio Manager from 2003 to 2012 and and Quantitative Analyst from 2000 to 2003. Prior to joining Batterymarch, he performed market analysis at Urban & Associates and worked with retirement plans at Bay State Federal Savings Bank. Education: BA in Economics from Dartmouth College; MBA from Cornell University.
Joseph S. Giroux Portfolio Manager 2004 now
Biografie Joseph S. Giroux Member of the Portfolio Management team. Formerly a developed markets Portfolio Manager at Batterymarch Financial Management from 2012 to 2014. Prior to joining Batterymarch, he managed both US and non-US assets for 5 years at several firms—Golden Capital Management, Wells Capital Management and Evergreen Investments—that were affiliated with or acquired by Wells Fargo. He also served as a Portfolio Manager at TriPoint Asset Management and The Boston Company Asset Management. Education: BS in Computer Science from New England Institute of Technology.
David W. Lazenby Director 2004 2014
Biografie Lazenby has been a member of the Batterymarch emerging markets team since joining the firm in 1987. He was named co-director of the team in 2002 and promoted to director of the emerging markets team in 2003. Lazenby holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Liz Su Portfolio Manager 2004 2014
Biografie Liz is the lead portfolio manager of Boston Common’s Emerging Markets (EM) strategies. In this capacity, she works with analysts to create sustainability-focused EM portfolios, helps grow the firm’s EM research capabilities, oversees overall portfolio positioning, and communicates with clients and prospects. She also has research responsibilities focusing on the global consumer staples sector. With over 15 years of investment experience spanning EM and Global equities, fixed income, and quantitative research, Liz is passionate about investing in EM companies that can enable the transition to a more inclusive and sustainable future. Prior to joining Boston Common, Liz was an analyst and portfolio manager at Batterymarch Financial Management, where she most recently served as the head of Asia ex-Japan on the Emerging Market Equities team. She played an instrumental role in launching an Asia ex-Japan long-short fund and a Global Equity fund. She also gained asset allocation experience with Standish Mellon Asset Management. She began her career in economic and strategy consulting in 2000. Liz earned a BA in International Finance from Wuhan University (China), an MA in Economics from Tufts University, and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. She is a CFA charterholder and a member of the Boston Security Analyst Society. Outside of investing, she volunteers as a Girl Scout troop leader and enjoys tennis, yoga, and traditional Chinese dance.
Ray S. Prasad Managing Director 2004 2014
Biografie Mr. Prasad is a Managing Director for TCW Asset Management Company and Trust Company of the West. Prior to September 2014, he has served as Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for Batterymarch Financial Management, Inc. ay earned an M.S. in Finance at Boston College and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management. He also holds a B.A. in Mathematics from St. Stephens College in Delhi, India. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Chris Butler Analyst 2007 2008
Biografie Chris joined Martin Currie in 1989. He was a fund manager in the continental European and UK teams before moving to cover emerging markets in 1995. In 2001, Chris joined the North American team. A global specialist on industrials, he researches and recommends industrials and materials stocks in the North American and pan-European markets.
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