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Mfs Meridian Funds - Global Concentrated Fund I1 Gbp (0P0000TX56)

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513,920 +8,250    +1,63%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in GBP
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  MFS Meridian Funds
ISIN:  LU0648598976 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 384,72M
MFS Meridian Funds - Global Concentrated Fund I1 G 513,920 +8,250 +1,63%

0P0000TX56 Overzicht

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Aandelen Wereldwijd Large-Cap Gemengd

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Ryan P. McAllister Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie - As an Equity Portfolio Manager, responsible for final buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction and risk and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions. - Joined MFS in 2007 - Previous experience includes 3 years as Officer in the Distressed Work Out Group at LaSalle Bank; 2 years as Financial Analyst — Investment Banking at Deutsche Bank - Affiliations include CFA Institute, CFA Society of Boston - University of Chicago, MBA, with honors - University of Notre Dame, BBA, summa cum laude
Roger M. Morley Investment Officer 2012 now
Biografie - Equity Portfolio Manager - As an Equity Portfolio Manager, responsible for final buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction and risk and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions. - Joined MFS in 2002; previous positions include Global Equity Research Analyst - Previous experience includes 3 years as Associate — Healthcare Group at Deutsche Bank AG — Global Investment Banking; 2 years as Financial Analyst — Technology and Media Group at Alex, Brown & Sons - INSEAD, MBA, with distinction - University of Cambridge, MA
Sanjay Natarajan Portfolio Manager 2011 now
Biografie Sanjay Natarajan is an investment officer and institutional equity portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management® (MFS® ). His responsibilities include communicating investment policy, strategy and positioning and participating in the research process and strategy discussions. His role also includes assessing portfolio risk, customizing portfolios to client objectives and guidelines and managing daily cash flows. He is based in the firm’s Singapore office. Prior to joining the firm in 2007, Sanjay worked for DBS Bank Ltd. (Asia), holding various roles, including serving as COO of Global Corporate and Investment Banking. He also previously worked at McKinsey and Company, k1 Ventures and the Singapore Economic Development Board. He began his career in 1996. Sanjay earned a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and a master’s degree from Harvard University. Our portfolio managers are supported by our entire team of investment professionals in nine worldwide offices. The team employs a proprietary investment process to build better insights for our clients. The core principles of our approach are integrated research, global collaboration and active risk management.
Benjamin S. Kottler Portfolio Manager 2018 2018
Biografie Ben Kottler, CFA, is an investment officer and an institutional equity portfolio manager of MFS Ben joined MFS in 2005. Prior to working at MFS, Ben served four years for State Street Global Advisors of Boston. Previous to that, he held positions as a European portfolio manager for Brown Brothers Harriman. Ben earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Durham.
David R. Mannheim Director 2011 2018
Biografie David R. Mannheim is an investment officer and equity portfolio manager of MFS Investment Management® (MFS®). David joined MFS in 1988 and was named portfolio manager in 1992 and director of International Equity Portfolio Management in 1999. He is a graduate of Amherst College and the MIT Sloan School of Management.
David A. Antonelli Vice Chairman 2010 2011
Biografie Mr. Antonelli is senior vice president and director of international equity reserach of MFS Investment Management. He joined the firm in 1991 as a research analyst following foreign stocks, with a concentration in continental Europe. He was named assistant vice president in 1994, vice president in 1995, portfolio manager in 1997, and director of international equity research and senior vice president in 1999.
Brett A. Fleishman Institutional Portfolio Manager 2008 2010
Biografie Brett A. Fleishman - Investment Officer - Institutional Equity Portfolio Manager - As an Institutional Portfolio Manager, participates in the research process and strategy discussions. Assesses portfolio risk, customizes portfolios to client objectives and guidelines, and manages daily cash flows. Communicates investment policy, strategy, and positioning. - Joined MFS in 2001; previous positions include Investment Specialist; Senior Associate Investment Specialist; Equity Research Analyst. - Previous experience includes 2 years as Senior Consultant at Ernst &
Nicholas D. Smithie Investment Officer, emerging markets equity Portfolio Manager, Equity Resea 2005 2009
Biografie  Investment Officer  Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio Manager  Responsible for final buy and sell decisions, portfolio construction, risk control and cash management. Participates in the research process and strategy discussions.  Joined MFS in 1998 as an Equity Research Analyst following a variety of industries including banks, telecommunications, technology, basic materials, and extraction industries; named Portfolio Manager in 2000  Previous experience includes: two-and-a-half years as a Global Emerging Markets Portfolio Manager for Gartmore Investment Management; two years as an Assistant Manager in the Developing Country Finance Group for West Merchant Bank; one year as a Consultant for Republic National Bank of New York; and four years as a Chartered Accountant for Coopers & Lybrand  Affiliation(s): Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ACA); CFA Institute; CFA Society of the U.K.  Oxford University, MA
Thomas Melendez Investment Officer 2005 2009
Biografie Thomas Melendez is an investment officer at MFS Investment Management® (MFS®) and an institutional equity portfolio manager of the firm's global equity portfolios. He joined MFS in 2002 as an institutional portfolio manager with more than 10 years experience, including three years as an emerging market product specialist for Schroders North America, two years as a general manager for Schroders Argentina, and another three years as a vice president, Latin American fund manager for Schroders Capital Management International, London.
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