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Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond Fund Class N (NERNX)

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11,31 -0,09    -0,79%
01/07 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Natixis Funds
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 7,66B
Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond N 11,31 -0,09 -0,79%

NERNX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond Fund Class N. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van NERNX.

Intermediate Core-Plus Bond

Totale activa






Contact Informatie

Adres P.O. Box 219594
Kansas City,MO 64121-9594
United States
Telefoon +1 8006333330


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Ian Anderson Vice President 2020 now
Biografie Ian Anderson is the agency MBS strategist for the mortgage and structured finance team, responsible for developing agency MBS research and relative value recommendations across all fixed income products. Ian is the lead portfolio manager for the dedicated agency MBS strategies and a co-agency MBS portfolio manager for the Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond Fund. Ian joined Loomis Sayles in 2011 from Fannie Mae, where he held several positions over his 11 year tenure. Most recently, he was a senior portfolio manager for Fannie Mae’s investment portfolio。Prior to joining Loomis Sayles, Mr. Anderson served as a senior portfolio manager and an agency CMO trader for Fannie Mae and a research analyst for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. He earned a B.S. in economics from The University of Chicago and an M.S. in finance from The George Washington University.
Barath Sankaran Manager 2020 now
Biografie Barath Sankaran is a member of the mortgage and structured finance team at Loomis, Sayles & Company. He is a co-portfolio manager for the dedicated agency MBS strategies and a co-agency MBS portfolio manager for the Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond Fund. Additionally, Barath guides other product teams at the firm in the optimal sector allocation and portfolio implementation of agency MBS. Barath joined Loomis Sayles in 2009 as an analyst in the mortgage and structured finance group, where he initially focused on non-agency RMBS and gradually expanded his role to agency MBS. Since 2011, Barath has
Richard G. Raczkowski Portfolio Manager 1999 now
Biografie Richard G. Raczkowski is a member of the Board of Directors of Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P, portfolio manager for the Loomis Sayles fixed income group and co-head of the relative return team. Rick joined Loomis Sayles in 2001. Prior to Loomis Sayles, he served as vice president for Back Bay Advisors and was a senior consultant at both Hagler Bailly Consulting and EDS Management Consulting/A.T. Kearney. Rick also worked as an economist and industry analyst for DRI McGraw-Hill. Rick earned a BA from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Northeastern University.
Peter W. Palfrey Portfolio Manager 1996 now
Biografie Peter W. Palfrey, CFA, is the portfolio manager for the Loomis Sayles fixed income group, began his investment career in 1983 and joined Loomis Sayles in 2001. Prior to joining Loomis Sayles, he worked for Back Bay Advisors as Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager, and for MONY Capital Management as Investment Vice President and Portfolio Manager. Peter holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst. He received his B.A. from Colgate University.
Curt A. Mitchell Portfolio Manager 2001 2003
Biografie Curt Mitchell, CFA Chief Investment Officer P: 312-595-8661 E: Curt Mitchell is the chief investment officer and oversees all aspects of the investment process for the Analytic Fixed Income Team at Mesirow. Curt has more than 35 years of industry experience. He has been with Mesirow since 2020, when the fixed income team from Chicago Equity Partners (CEP) joined the firm. At CEP, Curt was Chief Investment Officer and oversaw the fixed income portfolio and team. Prior to joining CEP in 2003, he also held positions at Loomis Sayles & Company. Curt holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Chicago. Curt earned a BS in Accounting from Illinois Wesleyan University and an MBA from the University of Illinois.
Catherine L. Bunting Senior Vice President 1989 1999
Biografie Bunting is a senior vice president with Back Bay Advisors, her employer since 1987. Previously, she spent six years as a trader and research analyst with Harvard Management. She has more than 15 years of investment experience.
Anthony Wilkins Vice President 1973 1989
Biografie Wilkins is at Loomis Sayles, his employer since 1991.
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