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Locorr Macro Strategies Fund Class C (LFMCX)

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7,17 +0,02    +0,28%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  LoCorr Funds
Activaklasse:  Andere
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 24,24M
LoCorr Managed Futures Strategy C 7,17 +0,02 +0,28%

LFMCX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Locorr Macro Strategies Fund Class C. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van LFMCX.

Managed Futures

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Michael Soss Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Michael Soss, Phd. Co-Chief Investment Officer. Dr. Soss is Co-Chief Investment Officer of Millburn and serves as a member of Millburn’s Investment Committee. Dr. Soss joined Millburn in January 2022 and, along with Co-Chief Investment Officer Grant Smith, is responsible for management of the firm’s systematic research and development functions, including system design, modeling, data management and trade execution. Prior to joining Millburn, Dr. Soss was employed by Point72 Asset Management, from March 2015 to January 2021, in leadership roles spanning risk and trading research, and most recently headed the firm’s Fusion group, a quant trading division focused on internal alpha capture. From September 2013 to March 2015 Dr. Soss was an executive director at J.P. Morgan. Dr. Soss’ other experience includes SECOR Asset Management from April 2012 to September 2013, and Goldman Sachs from August 2003 to March 2012. Dr. Soss received an AB in mathematics from Harvard University in 1996, and MSc and PhD degrees in computer science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, in 1998 and 2001, respectively.
Roy G. Niederhoffer Founder 2022 now
Biografie Mr. Niederhoffer leads the Management Committee and brings nearly 30 years of experience in the hedge fund industry. Roy Niederhoffer founded R.G. Niederhoffer Capital Management, Inc. in 1993. Mr. Niederhoffer is a 1987 graduate of Harvard University, magna cum laude, where he received a BA in computational neuroscience. From June 1987 until October 1989, Mr. Niederhoffer was employed by NCZ commodities, Inc ("NCZ"), a US commodity trading advisory firm which managed both proprietary and customer funds. In October 1989, NCZ changed its name to and became Niederhoffer Investments, Inc ("NII"). At both NCZ and NII, Mr. Niederhoffer was engaged as a trader, researcher, and information technology and software developer until January 1993. Mr. Niederhoffer was responsible for the development of trading systems and research software. In addition, he was responsible for managing trading accounts based on the systems he developed. In January 1993, Mr. Niederhoffer left NII.
Peter L. Agrimson Portfolio Manager 2018 now
Biografie Peter Agrimson, CFA, Portfolio Manager. Mr. Agrimson joined Nuveen in 2008 and is the lead manager of the Short Duration Multi Sector strategy and is a member of the Securitized Debt Sector Team. Prior to his current role, he was a member of the securitized debt sector team, responsible for trading mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities and commercial mortgage-backed securities. Peter also performed credit analysis and surveillance for the firm’s mortgage backed securities and asset-backed securities portfolios. Before joining the firm in 2008, he served as credit analyst at Long Lake Partners, LLC, where he performed credit analysis for the company’s structured products portfolio. Peter graduated with a B.S. in Finance from Northern Illinois University. He holds the CFA® designation and is a member of the CFA® Institute.
Tony Rodriguez Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Biografie Tony Rodriguez, Portfolio Manager. Mr. Rodriguez joined Nuveen in 2002 and serves as co-head of fixed income. Mr. Rodriguez served as a head of global corporate bonds for Credit Suisse Asset Management and managing director and head of corporate bonds for Prudential Global Asset Management. He received a B.A. in economics from Lafayette College and an M.B.A. in finance from New York University
Sean Katof Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie Sean Katof, CFA, has served as Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the Funds since 2016. Prior to joining LoCorr, Mr. Katof served as Director of Capital Markets at SLOCUM, an institutional consulting firm, from 2005 to 2015. Prior to joining SLOCUM, Mr. Katof served as Portfolio Manager at Devenir Investment Advisors where he managed the Industry Leaders Core Equity portfolio from 2004 to 2005. Prior to that, Mr. Katof was a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at INVESCO Funds Group where he worked from 1994 to 2003. Mr. Katof received his B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an M.S. in Finance from the University of Colorado at Denver. Mr. Katof holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (“CFA”) and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (“CAIA”) designations.
Kenneth G. Tropin Chairman 2016 now
Biografie Kenneth G. Tropin is Chairman, Founder and a Principal of Graham Capital Management (“GCM”). In May 1994, he founded GCM and became an Associated Person and Principal effective July 27, 1994. Mr. Tropin developed the firm's original trading programs and is responsible for the overall management of the organization, including the investment of its proprietary trading capital. Mr. Tropin’s current responsibilities at Graham include oversight of the Firm’s quantitative research process and discretionary portfolio managers, Chairman of the Firm’s Management and Investment Committees, and Senior Member of the Firm’s Risk and Compliance Committees. Additionally, Mr. Tropin is responsible for managing the strategic investment of the Firm’s proprietary capital. Prior to founding Graham, Mr. Tropin had significant experience in the alternative investment industry, including 5 years (1989-1993) as President and Chief Executive Officer of John W. Henry & Company, Inc. and 8 years (1981-1989) as Senior Vice President and Director of Managed Futures at Dean Witter Reynolds. Mr. Tropin has also served as Chairman of the Managed Funds Association and its predecessor organization, which he was instrumental in founding during the 1980’s.
Pablo Calderini President and Chief Investment Officer 2016 now
Biografie Pablo Calderini is the President and Chief Investment Officer of GCM and, among other things, is responsible for the management and oversight of the discretionary and systematic trading businesses at GCM. He joined GCM in August 2010 and became an Associated Person and Principal of GCM effective August 13, 2010. Prior to joining GCM, Mr. Calderini worked at Deutsche Bank from June 1997 to July 2010 where he held positions of increasing responsibility, most recently the Global Head of Equity Proprietary Trading. Mr. Calderini commenced his career at Deutsche Bank as Global Head of Emerging Markets. During his tenure at Deutsche Bank, Mr. Calderini also helped manage several groups across the fixed income and equity platforms, including the Global Credit Derivatives Team. Mr. Calderini received a B.A. in Economics from Universidad Nacional de Rosario in 1987 and a Masters in Economics from Universidad del Cema in 1988, each in Argentina.
Michael Mundt Principal 2016 now
Biografie Michael Mundt, Principal and Chief Compliance Officer. Michael’s tasks at Revolution primarily consist of model development, business/marketing, and coordinating Revolution’s overall business and trading strategy. Michael’s background is in engineering and applied science. He received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Colorado in 1989. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering in 1993, also from the University of Colorado; his thesis involved the exploration of chaos and turbulence in simple weather/climate models. After the completion of his academic studies, Michael transitioned into the technology industry. He was employed by Seagate Technology (a hard-disk drive company) as an engineer specializing in computational fluid mechanics between March 1998 and July 2007. He currently holds nineteen U.S. patents in the area of disk-drive head/disk mechanics. Michael has been registered with the National Futures Association as an Associated Person since 2004 and has been a listed Principal of Revolution since December 2004.
Theodore Robert Olson - 2016 now
Biografie Rob oversees the architecture and development of the hardware and software computing infrastructure at Revolution. Rob received his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Arizona in 1989. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Colorado in 1992 and 1996, respectively. Rob was employed at Raytheon Technology, an aerospace defense contractor, from June 1996 through June 2006. His primary job duties included code/software development, data analysis, and the development of statistical algorithms to process high-frequency, real- time data. Rob is familiar with a wide range of computing languages (e.g. Fortran, C, C++, Java), operating systems (e.g. Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X), and application software (e.g. Perl, Matlab, Tcl/Tk). Rob has been registered with the National Futures Association as an Associated Person since 2008 and has been a listed Principal of Revolution since September 2005.
Barry A. Goodman Co-CEO and Executive Director of Trading 2016 now
Biografie Barry Goodman, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Trading. Mr. Goodman became Co-Chief Executive Officer of Millburn on November 1, 2015, serves as a member of Millburn’s Investment Committee, and has served as Executive Director of Trading for Millburn and The Millburn Corporation since 1998. Prior to November 1, 2015, he also served as Executive Vice President of Millburn and The Millburn Corporation. Mr. Goodman also plays an integral role in business and product development, and in the strategic direction of the firm as a whole. Mr. Goodman joined Millburn and The Millburn Corporation (including its affiliate, Millburn Partners) in November 1982 as Assistant Director of Trading and most recently thereafter served as Executive Vice President of Millburn and The Millburn Corporation until November 1, 2015. His responsibilities include overseeing the firm’s trading operations and managing its trading relationships, as well as the design and implementation of trading systems. From September 1980 through October 1982, he was a commodity trader at the brokerage firm of E.F. Hutton & Co., Inc. (“E.F. Hutton”). At E.F. Hutton, he also designed and maintained various technical indicators and coordinated research projects pertaining to the futures markets. Mr. Goodman graduated magna cum laude from Harpur College of the State University of New York in 1979 with a B.A. in economics. Mr. Goodman has also served as President and a Director of each entity in Millburn International Group since inception.
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