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Lazard Us Small Cap Equity Select Portfolio Open Shares (LZCOX)

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9,500 +0,200    +2,15%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Lazard
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 6,36M
Lazard US Small-Mid Cap Equity Portfolio Open Shar 9,500 +0,200 +2,15%

LZCOX Overzicht

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Contact Informatie

Adres London W1J 8ll
London,NY W1J 8ll
United Kingdom
Telefoon 0800-374810
Fax 020-7448-2110


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Scott G. Kolar Vice President 2023 now
Biografie Scott is the Chairman of the Investment Committee and a senior portfolio manager for the Growth Team. He has primary responsibility for investment research in technology and software, and had previously been the team's information systems specialist, designing and implementing its technology infrastructure. Scott is also Co-Head of Global Technology Research for GSAM. Scott worked at Liberty Investment Management prior to Goldman Sachs Asset Management's acquisition of Liberty in January 1997. He graduated with a B.A. in Government from Harvard University in 1994.
Sean J. Gallagher Managing Director 2023 now
Biografie Sean Gallagher, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, is Portfolio Manager at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Mr. Gallagher joined the Investment Adviser as a research analyst in May 2000. He became a portfolio manager in December 2001. From October 1993 to May 2000, he was a research analyst at Merrill Lynch Asset Management focusing on technology, telecomm and REITs. Sean received a BS in Finance from Drexel University and an MBA in Finance and Accounting from the Stern School of Business at New York University.
Martin Flood Director, portfolio manager/analyst 2014 now
Biografie Martin Flood is a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager/Analyst on various US and global equity strategies, focusing on client communications. In addition, Martin is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst for the US Equity Select Tax Aware strategy, which focuses on after-tax returns for private clients. He began working in the investment field in 1993. Prior to joining Lazard in 1996, Martin was a Senior Accountant with Arthur Andersen LLP. He has a BS in accounting from St. John's University.
Michael DeBernardis Senior Vice President 2010 now
Biografie Michael DeBernardis is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst on the US Small-Mid Cap Equity and Global Small Cap Equity teams with responsibility for coverage of the Consumer Supply Chain and Defense sectors. He began working in the investment industry in 1996. Prior to joining Lazard in 2005, Michael was a Senior Equity Analyst at Systematic Financial Management L.P. and a Market Data Analyst at Salomon Smith Barney. Michael has an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business and a BS in Finance from the University of Rhode Island.
Janice Davies Portfolio Manager/Analyst 2021 2024
Biografie Janice Davies is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst on the US Small-Mid Cap Equity team. She is also responsible for research coverage of companies in the information technology sector. She began working in the investment field in 1999. Prior to joining Lazard in 2021, Janice was with the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Karlin Asset Management, Ivory Capital and Lehman Brothers. She has an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business and a BS from Georgetown University.
Daniel Breslin Portfolio Manager 2007 2023
Biografie Daniel Breslin, a Director of the Investment Manager, is a portfolio manager/analyst on the Investment Manager’s US Small-Mid Cap Equity team. He began working in the investment field in 1992. Prior to joining the Investment Manager in 2002, Mr. Breslin was with Guardian Life and New York Life. He has an MBA from Pace University and a BA from Rutgers University.
Andrew D. Lacey Director 2003 2015
Biografie Andrew Lacey is a Managing Director and a Portfolio Manager/Analyst on various US equity strategies as well as Global Equity Select. He began working in the investment field upon joining the firm in 1995 as a Research Analyst covering the technology sector. Andrew has an MBA from Columbia University and a BA (Hons) from the College of Social Studies, Wesleyan University. Prior to joining Lazard, Andrew was a teacher at the Pingry School and Buckingham Browne & Nichols for five years. He continues to be involved in education as a board member for KIPP New Jersey and Link Education Partners.
Robert A. Failla Director, Portfolio Manager, Analyst, Member 2010 2015
Biografie Robert Failla is a Director and Portfolio Manager on the International and Global Equity platforms. As well, he is a member of the Global, International, and European Small Cap Equity teams. He began working in the investment field in 1993. Prior to joining Lazard in 2003, Robert was a Portfolio Manager with AllianceBernstein. He has an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and a BA (Hons) from Harvard. Robert was previously on the Board of Trustees at Delbarton School in Morristown, NJ from 2007 to 2019. Robert is a CFA® charterholder.
Michael DeBernardis Senior Vice President 2007 2008
Biografie Michael DeBernardis is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst on the US Small-Mid Cap Equity and Global Small Cap Equity teams with responsibility for coverage of the Consumer Supply Chain and Defense sectors. He began working in the investment industry in 1996. Prior to joining Lazard in 2005, Michael was a Senior Equity Analyst at Systematic Financial Management L.P. and a Market Data Analyst at Salomon Smith Barney. Michael has an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business and a BS in Finance from the University of Rhode Island.
Patrick M. Mullin Portfolio Manager/Director 2001 2008
Biografie Patrick Mullin, CFA Director, Portfolio Manager/Analyst Mr. Mullin is a Director of Lazard Asset Management LLC. He is a portfolio manager for the Lazard Small Cap, Smid Cap and Strategic Equity portfolios. He began working in the investment industry in 1992. Prior to joining the firm in 1998, he was with Target Capital Management and Dillon, Read, & Co. Inc. Mr. Mullin has an MBA from the University of North Carolina /Chapel Hill, a BA from Trinity College and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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