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Sarasin Global Higher Dividend Fund (class D Acc) (0P00011SAH)

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4,43 -0,02    -0,56%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in GBP
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  Sarasin Investment Funds Ltd
ISIN:  GB00BJ0KH346 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 3,24M
Sarasin Global Higher Dividend Fund Class D Acc 4,43 -0,02 -0,56%

0P00011SAH Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Sarasin Global Higher Dividend Fund (class D Acc). Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P00011SAH.

Global Equity Income

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Contact Informatie

Adres 100 St. Paul’s Churchyard
London, EC4M 8BU
United Kingdom
Telefoon +44 20 72363366


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Nikki Martin - 2024 now
Biografie Nikki is a portfolio manager for the global equity income strategies and works closely with our existing team of sector-focused Analysts. Nikki is also a research analyst working across the Global thematic universe. Nikki joined Sarasin in 2021 from Trium Capital where she managed a pan European market neutral long short UCITS fund. She has over 20 years of investment experience working for companies including Scottish Widows, GAM and Bluecrest.
Neil Denman - 2006 now
Biografie "Neil is a portfolio manager for the global equity income strategies. Within the global equity team he co manages Sarasin’s Institutional mandates and retail funds. Neil joined Sarasin & Partners in December 2017 from Polar Capital where he was Global Income Fund Manager. Previous to this Neil was Global Emerging Market Income & Growth Fund Manager. Neil also held positions with AXA Framlington, Hexam Capital Partners, Baring Asset Management and Framlington Investment Management. Neil started his career in 2001 after completing his degree at the University of Leeds. "
Alex Hunter - 2020 2024
Biografie Alex is a partner at Sarasin & Partners in London, working primarily with the Global Equity franchise and is currently a portfolio manager for the Global Higher Dividend fund. Prior to joining Sarasin in 2007, Alex spent 4 years at US hedge fund Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder working with global long only and alternative equity strategies based in both New York and London. From 1996 to 2003 Alex worked at Morgan Stanley as a sell-side equity analyst covering the capital goods sector and subsequently the aerospace sector. Whilst at Morgan Stanley, Alex qualified as a Chartered Financial Analyst in 1999 and from 1999 to 2003 was consistently ranked, with his team, in the top 3 by surveys such as Institutional Investor, being top ranked both in Europe (2002) and globally (2000). Alex is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, holds a BA in Economics and Statistics from the University of Exeter and has taken courses at the London Business School and Harvard Medical School.
Guy Monson CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2016 2021
Biografie Guy Monson, CIO and Senior Partner of Sarasin & Partners LLP, has over 35 years of investment experience having joined the company in 1984. In 1988, he became manager of Sarasin’s flagship GlobalSar (now Multi Asset) family of balanced investment funds, winning awards for investment performance and risk profile. He has pioneered the use of thematic investment in the management of global equity portfolios and today leads the firm’s global investment and markets strategy for a wide range of charitable, endowment and private clients. Guy writes regularly in the international financial press and appears on Bloomberg and other financial channels. He is also a Trustee of the Invictus Games Foundation, a member of the London School of Economics Ideas Board and a Foundation Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University.
Julian Bishop - 2018 2019
Guy Davis Investment Manager 2015 2018
Biografie Guy Davis is a proven mutual fund manager with over a decade of experience managing assets for financial institutions and individuals. He has previously managed in excess of $2bn in two institutional global equity mutual funds, as well as $1.5bn in a multi asset endowment fund. Guy was a finalist for "Equity Income Fund Manager of the Year 2017" and also voted into the "Asset Management Top 40 under 40" in 2015.
Simon Steele Head 2015 2016
Biografie Simon Steele is Head of the Fiera Atlas Global Companies Team. Simon joined Fiera in March of 2021 as part of Fiera’s acquisition of AMP Capital’s Global Equities capability. Simon has more than 28 years of industry experience with much of it dedicated to the management of UK and Global equity portfolios across a wide range of mandates for institutional, charity and retail investors. Simon started with AMP Capital in June of 2016 to oversee and develop AMP Capital’s Global Equities capability. Previously Simon was the lead Fund Manager at Sarasin & Partners for the Global Equity High Yield, Global Dividend and International Income funds managing total assets of £1.4bn. Prior to that he spent 6 years with CCLA as Investment Director, Equities, where he was the Fund Manager in charge of global equity selection for the firm’s global equity income funds, flagship Common Investment Funds and segregated institutional mandates, with a combined £2bn allocation to equities. Prior to joining CCLA, Simon worked for the Royal Bank of Scotland where for 6 years he was head of stock selection for Adam & Co, and latterly the Pan European Head of Equities for RBS wealth, incorporating both Adam & Company and Coutts & Co. Simon is a Chartered Member of the Institute for Securities and Investments.
Darryl Lucas Global Head, Long-Term Equities 2012 2015
Mark Whitehead - 2007 2015
Biografie Mark joined Sanlam in December 2020 to launch and co-manage the Sanlam Sustainable Global Dividend Fund. In 2007, Mark launched one of the first global equity income funds and has experience in managing both open-ended and closed-end products, as well as charity and institutional portfolios, with an increasing focus on sustainability.
Guy Monson CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2007 2012
Biografie Guy Monson, CIO and Senior Partner of Sarasin & Partners LLP, has over 35 years of investment experience having joined the company in 1984. In 1988, he became manager of Sarasin’s flagship GlobalSar (now Multi Asset) family of balanced investment funds, winning awards for investment performance and risk profile. He has pioneered the use of thematic investment in the management of global equity portfolios and today leads the firm’s global investment and markets strategy for a wide range of charitable, endowment and private clients. Guy writes regularly in the international financial press and appears on Bloomberg and other financial channels. He is also a Trustee of the Invictus Games Foundation, a member of the London School of Economics Ideas Board and a Foundation Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University.
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