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Pimco National Municipal Opportunistic Value Fund Institutional Shares (GNMFX)

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9,70 -0,01    -0,10%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Gurtin
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 285,46M
Gurtin National Municipal Oppc Val Instl 9,70 -0,01 -0,10%

GNMFX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Pimco National Municipal Opportunistic Value Fund Institutional Shares. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van GNMFX.

Muni National Interm

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Contact Informatie

Adres 840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100
Newport Beach,CA 92660
United States
Telefoon +1 8667462602


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
David Hammer Executive Vice President 2022 now
Biografie Mr. Hammer is a managing director in the Newport Beach office and leads municipal bond portfolio management, with oversight of the firm's municipal investment grade, high yield, taxable, and separately managed accounts. He is the lead portfolio manager on PIMCO's municipal bond fund complex, including investment grade, high yield, state-specific, closed-end funds, and interval fund. Prior to rejoining PIMCO in 2015, he was a managing director at Morgan Stanley, where he was head of municipal trading, risk management, and research. He has 21 years of investment experience and holds an undergraduate degree from Syracuse University.
Brian Hannibal Senior Vice President 2022 now
Biografie Mr. Hannibal is a senior vice president and portfolio manager for PIMCO Municipals in the Solana Beach office. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2021, he was a portfolio manager at Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, a PIMCO company. Previously, Mr. Hannibal worked for Eaton Vance Investment Managers as a portfolio management assistant in the firm’s municipal bond group. He holds an undergraduate degree in economics from San Diego State University.
Peter Gunther Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Mr. Gunther is a vice president and portfolio manager for PIMCO Municipals in the San Diego office. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2021, he was a vice president in portfolio management for Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, a PIMCO company. Previously, he worked as an investment analyst at Manulife Asset Management and also at John Hancock Investments. He holds a graduate degree from California State University, Long Beach, and an undergraduate degree from the University of San Diego.
Myles Grenier Senior Associate 2014 2022
Biografie Myles Grenier, a CFA Charterholder since 2012 and Senior Associate at Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, serves as a member of the Investment Committee. Prior to joining Gurtin Municipal Bond Management in 2014, Mr. Grenier spent 2+ years as a Senior Account Controller at State Street Bank before moving to Putnam Investments, where he worked as a Securities Data Analyst for 3 years. In 2013, Mr. Grenier joined the Performance Attribution team at Putnam. At Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, Mr. Grenier is a member of the Portfolio Management group, responsible for trading and portfolio structure for various taxable and tax-exempt strategies.
James Grandinetti Partner 2014 2022
Biografie Jim Grandinetti, Head of Portfolio Management, Gurtin, a PIMCO company. Mr. Grandinetti has served as the Head of Portfolio Management at Gurtin since 2013, and serves as a member of the Investment Committee. Prior to joining Gurtin in 2008, Mr. Grandinetti worked as a Fixed Income Trader for 9 years, most recently as a Vice President at Morgan Stanley at the firm’s New York City fixed income trading headquarters. Previously, Mr. Grandinetti was a trader at Royal Alliance for three years, and a trader with Hennion & Walsh. At Gurtin, Mr. Grandinetti is responsible for: 1) oversight of the portfolio managers and 2) managing tax-exempt fixed income portfolios and funds managed under the Municipal Opportunistic and Intermediate Value strategies.
Bill Gurtin Managing Partner 2014 2021
Biografie Bill Gurtin, founder and a Managing Partner of Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, has served as the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer at Gurtin Municipal Bond Management since the firm’s founding in 2008, and serves as a member of the Investment Committee. Prior to founding Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, Mr. Gurtin was Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager of Fixed Income Investments for The Gurtin Group at Morgan Stanley. Mr. Gurtin brings 31 years of fixed income management experience, including nine years at Morgan Stanley where he managed high grade fixed income portfolios exclusively for high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals. Upon his departure from Morgan Stanley in January 2008 his team was responsible for overseeing $5.2 billion in discretionary fixed income portfolios. At Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, as Chief Investment Officer, Mr. Gurtin is responsible for: 1) leading the internal development of our forecast for interest rates and the yield curve, 2) leading the selection of security structure in the Municipal and Government securities universe which offers the best risk/reward characteristics given the firm’s rate and yield curve forecasts, and 3) defining the firm’s investment philosophy. As Chief Executive Officer of Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, Mr. Gurtin is responsible for setting direction for the long-term strategy of the firm.
Michael E. Johnson Managing Partner 2014 2021
Biografie Michael Johnson, a Managing Partner of Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, has served as Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Risk Officer since 2016, and serves as a member of the Investment Committee. Prior to his current role, he served as Co-Chief Investment Officer from 2013 to 2015 and Head of Research since 2008. Prior to joining Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, Mr. Johnson spent 3 years as Director and the head of the Municipal Credit Team at Merrill Lynch & Co. in New York, where he oversaw the team that managed and reported municipal credit risk, assigned and maintained internal ratings, approved derivative transactions, and negotiated municipal derivative contracts. During Mr. Johnson’s last year at Merrill Lynch, he was also the head of the Banking and Insurance Credit Teams, in addition to the Municipal Credit Team. Mr. Johnson began his financial services career as a credit analyst at Moody’s Investors Service 16 years ago. While at Moody’s, he spent 7 years as a member of several public finance groups, with the last three years spent as the Co-Manager of Moody’s Midwest Regional Office. At Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, Mr. Johnson is responsible for: 1) setting the firm’s credit quality thresholds and determining the credit risk associated with each municipal sector, 2) overseeing maintenance of the integrity of the firm’s proprietary credit research database, and 3) defining the strategic forward vision of the Research and Portfolio Management departments.
Brian Hannibal Senior Vice President 2014 2020
Biografie Mr. Hannibal is a senior vice president and portfolio manager for PIMCO Municipals in the Solana Beach office. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2021, he was a portfolio manager at Gurtin Municipal Bond Management, a PIMCO company. Previously, Mr. Hannibal worked for Eaton Vance Investment Managers as a portfolio management assistant in the firm’s municipal bond group. He holds an undergraduate degree in economics from San Diego State University.
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