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Ct Emerging Market Bond Fund Institutional Gross Accumulation Gbp (0P0000I582)

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4,01 -0,01    -0,15%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  Threadneedle Investment Services Ltd
ISIN:  GB00B1XK5Q40 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,88M
Threadneedle Emerging Market Bond Fund Institution 4,01 -0,01 -0,15%

0P0000I582 Overzicht

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Obligaties Wereldwijd Emerging Markets

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Adres London EC4N 6AG
Zurich,London 8002
Telefoon +41 44 208 37 37
Fax +41 44 208 35 00


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Adrian Hilton Portfolio Manager Rates and Currencies 2020 now
Biografie Adrian Hilton is Head of Emerging Market Debt within the Fixed Income team at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. He joined the company in 2016 as a portfolio manager in the Interest Rates & Currencies team, assuming leadership of the team a year later. He became Head of Emerging Market Debt in 2020. Prior to this, Adrian spent eight years as a portfolio manager at Brevan Howard Asset Management, where he traded emerging markets local rates and currencies. Previously, he worked for Aberdeen Asset Management as a portfolio manger in that firm’s global rates team. Adrian began his career at
Tim Jagger Head 2019 2020
Biografie Tim Jagger is the Head of Emerging Market Debt having joined Columbia Threadneedle Investments in 2017. Tim was appointed to his current role in 2018 having joined the company’s Singapore office in 2017. Based in London, Tim is responsible for the performance of Columbia Threadneedle’s emerging market debt portfolios and team of investment professionals within the company’s extensive global network. Tim has over twenty years’ experience of fixed income credit portfolio management, credit strategy research and credit risk management in both Europe and Asia. Prior to joining Columbia Threadneedle, Tim was a Senior Portfolio Manager, Asian Credit, at Aviva Investors and the lead manager for its Asian High Yield funds including a top decile performing public fund. Tim has a Master of Arts in Economics from The University of St. Andrews and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers.
Henry Stipp Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2012 2019
Biografie Henry is a Portfolio Manager on the Emerging Markets Debt team. He joined MacKay in 2021 from BMO Global Asset Management. Prior to that, Henry spent 18 years at ColumbiaThreadneedle Investments where he was Head of Emerging Markets Fixed Income and Senior Portfolio Manager. Henry was the lead fund manager for a diverse range of Absolute Return, Local and Hard Currency Portfolios. He started his career in Brazil in 1991 with CSFB – Garantia at the Open-Market Trading Desk and has also worked for Modal Bank initially as a chief economist and then as Head of Research. Henry also worked as a Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro lecturing Macroeconomic Policy. Henry holds PhD in Economics from University of London, a MSc with distinction in Macroeconomic Policy in Emerging Markets from DPPC-UK, and BSc in Economics from Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He has been in the investment industry since 1991.
Zara Kazaryan Portfolio Manager 2014 2015
Biografie Zara Kazaryan joined the company in 2012 as a portfolio manager in the Emerging Market Fixed Income team. She manages the Threadneedle (Lux) Emerging Market Corporate Bond Fund and also generates emerging market investment ideas for the wider investment team. Prior to joining the company, Zara worked as a portfolio manager at Alcantara Asset Management, a specialist EM fund. Prior to that Zara worked at Merrill Lynch in the EM Debt origination team and for Biochem Invest in Russia focusing on private equity investments. Zara gained an MBA from the University of Cambridge in 2005 and holds an MA in Economics from Plekhanov Academy of Economics in Russia.
John Peta Vice President 2012 2014
Biografie John Peta joined Threadneedle Investments in October 2012 John is responsible for a variety of strategic initiatives across the emerging market business, including a focus on local currency debt strategy. Before joining Threadneedle, John was head of emerging market debt at Boston-based Acadian Asset Management, having joined the firm in 2007. He has over 20 years’ experience in fixed income and sovereign analysis, and has extensive expertise in EM local currency debt covering over 30 countries including frontier markets. He graduated in 1981 from South Dakota State University with a degree in Civil Engineering and has an MBA (Hons) from the University of Washington in 1986. He is also a CFA Charterholder.
James (Jim) R. Cielinski Global Head of Fixed Income 2012 2012
Biografie In his role as Global Head of Fixed Income, Jim Cielinski is responsible for the overall management of the fixed income business, including investment process, product development and investment strategy. He also manages the Threadneedle (Lux) Global Opportunities Bond Fund and is a key participant in the firm’s asset allocation process. Before joining the company, Jim spent 12 years at Goldman Sachs, leaving as Head of Global Credit – Investment Grade. He has also held senior investment roles at Utah Retirement Systems and Brown Brothers Harriman. Jim graduated from the University of Utah in 1983 with a BSc in Finance and gained an MBA from New York University in 1988. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Society of the UK.
Richard House CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2008 2012
Biografie Richard House Head of Emerging Markets 26 years’ industry experience 2 year with Global Fixed Income team Previously Head of Emerging Market Debt at Standard Life Prior to that, Head of Emerging Market Debt at Threadneedle Asset Management; EMD Portfolio Manager at HSBC and EMD trader at Wadhwani Asset Management Began his career as an Emerging markets economist with Lombard Odier Asset Management MSc in Finance and Economics, University of York, UK BSc in Economics, University of Sunderland, UK
Paul Murray-John Portfolio Manager 1997 2008
Biografie Murray-John joined LGT Asset Management as a trader in 1993, and became a portfolio manager in 1994. Previously, he spent a year as an analyst with Bloomberg, and four years as an investment manager with Robert Fleming & Co. Murray-John was born March 3, 1965 in Malaya, now part of Malaysia. He enjoys canoeing, motorbiking, and playing the clarinet in his spare time.
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