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Goldman Sachs Global Core Fixed Income Fund Institutional Shares (GSGLX)

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11,24 -0,02    -0,18%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Goldman Sachs
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 235,45M
Goldman Sachs Global Income Instl 11,24 -0,02 -0,18%

GSGLX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Goldman Sachs Global Core Fixed Income Fund Institutional Shares. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van GSGLX.

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Adres 200 West Stree
Chicago,NY 10282
United States
Telefoon (312) 362 3000


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Lindsay Rosner Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Ms. Rosner is Head of Multi-Sector Investing within GSAM’s Fixed Income and Liquidity Solutions business. She joined the Investment Adviser in 2023. Prior to joining the Investment Adviser, she worked at PGIM from 2012 to 2023 as a portfolio manager on the fixed income multi-sector team.
Sophia Ferguson - 2022 now
Biografie Sophia is a portfolio manager within Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fixed Income. She joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management in November 2019 as a portfolio manager Fixed Income team focused on global multi-sector credit and investment grade strategies. Sophia has over a decade of industry experience managing Fixed Income portfolios for a diverse range of clients, with expertise in quantitative and fundamental investment styles spanning a variety of sub-asset classes, including investment grade credit, high yield credit, sovereign debt, and currency. In addition, Sophia has experience constructing ESG-oriented portfolio solutions and has achieved the CFA UK Certificate in ESG Investing. Previously, Sophia was a portfolio manager at State Street Global Advisors, where she focused on active fixed income and currency portfolio management, originating and implementing alpha strategies. Sophia holds a Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College's Honors Program with a major in History and a minor in Mathematics & Statistics.
Simon Dangoor Managing Director 2019 now
Biografie Simon Dangoor, Managing Director, Head of Macro Rates Investing. Simon is head of Macro Rates Investing within Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Fixed Income team and leads the team’s range of macro-focused directional and relative value strategies within Developed Market rates. He is also responsible for leading the Government and Swap Strategy that focuses on relative value opportunities in government, agency, interest rate swaps and inflation markets. Simon is a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Group, which oversees Global Fixed Income and Currency portfolios. Previously, he led the Country Strategy, a component of Macro Rates Strategies that focuses on cross-market interest rate and sovereign risk opportunities. Simon joined Goldman Sachs as an analyst in 2004 and was named managing director in 2011. Simon earned a BA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 2004. He is a CFA charterholder.
Hugh Briscoe Managing Director 2020 2022
Biografie Mr. Briscoe is a portfolio manager for multi-sector fixed income portfolios. Based on London, Mr. Briscoe manages client portfolios for Goldman Sachs clients globally, with a focus on institutional clients, central banks, and sovereign wealth and state pension funds. He joined Goldman Sachs in 2005 as an executive director and was named managing director in 2017. He was previously a portfolio manager for Goldman Sachs’ Global Liquidity Management business throughout EMEA. Mr. Briscoe holds a Masters in Defence Studies from the College Interarmees De Defense, Paris and a BA (Hons) Philosophy from Bristol University. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs in 2005, Mr. Briscoe served in the British Army for 12 years, achieving the rank of Major. Mr. Briscoe serves on the finance committee of the Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation, a UK charity that provides rehabilitative support to vulnerable and disable ex-Service men and women and is a member-nominated trustee of the Goldman Sachs UK Defined Contribution Pension Plan.
Iain Lindsay Managing Director 2001 2020
Biografie Mr. Lindsay is currently Managing Director, Co-Head of Global Lead Portfolio Management and a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Group. Previously, Mr. Lindsay was a senior portfolio manager for the global fixed income and currency management team. Mr. Lindsay joined GSAM International in 2001
Andrew F. Wilson Partner 1995 2019
Biografie Mr. Wilson is the Co-Head of Global Fixed Income and Liquidity Management, Head of GSAM Europe, Middle East and Africa, and a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Group and Country Strategy team. Mr. Wilson joined the Investment Adviser in 1995 as a portfolio manager in Global Fixed Income.
Tom Kenny Managing Director 2000 2010
Biografie Kenny is a manager director of GSAM and joined it in 1999 as a senior portfolio manager. Previously, he spent 13 years at Franklin Templeton where he was a portfolio manager of high yield municipal and municipal funds, director of Municipal Research and director of the Municipal Bond Department. He became Co-Head of the U.S. and Global Fixed Income Teams in 2002. Kenny holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Jonathan A. Beinner Partner 2000 2010
Biografie Jonathan Beinner, Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM). Mr. Beinner joined GSAM in 1990 and became a Portfolio Manager in 1992. He became Co-Head of Global Fixed Income in 2002.
Samuel Finkelstein Managing Director 2008 2009
Biografie Samuel Finkelstein is head of Currency, Commodities and Emerging Market Debt strategy teams within the Global Fixed Income team in GSAM. He is also a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Group. Mr. Finkelstein joined Goldman Sachs in 1997 as an analyst in Fixed Income Asset Management. He worked on the Fixed Income portfolio risk and strategy team for two years and then became an emerging market portfolio manager. Mr. Finkelstein was named managing director in 2005 and partner in 2010. Prior to joining the firm, he worked as a foreign exchange trader at Union Bank of Switzerland. Mr. Finkelstein earned an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University and a BA in Economics and Mathematics from Yale University in 1996.
Kevin Corrigan Managing Director, Portfolio Manager, Member 2006 2009
Biografie Corrigan is a managing director and a portfolio manager at FFTW, his employer since July 1995. He specializes in European financial institutions, and he's a member of the investment strategy group. Prior to that, he worked for J.P. Morgan as an accountant. Corrigan holds the Certified Public Accountant designation.
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