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Goldman Sachs Core Fixed Income Fund Class A (GCFIX)

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9,12 -0,02    -0,22%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Goldman Sachs
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 126M
Goldman Sachs Core Fixed Income A 9,12 -0,02 -0,22%

GCFIX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Goldman Sachs Core Fixed Income Fund Class A. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van GCFIX.

Intermediate-Term Bond

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Contact Informatie

Adres 200 West Stree
Chicago,NY 10282
United States
Telefoon (312) 362 3000


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Simon Dangoor Managing Director 2024 now
Biografie Simon Dangoor, Managing Director, Head of Macro Rates Investing. Simon is head of Macro Rates Investing within Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Fixed Income team and leads the team’s range of macro-focused directional and relative value strategies within Developed Market rates. He is also responsible for leading the Government and Swap Strategy that focuses on relative value opportunities in government, agency, interest rate swaps and inflation markets. Simon is a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Group, which oversees Global Fixed Income and Currency portfolios. Previously, he led the Country Strategy, a component of Macro Rates Strategies that focuses on cross-market interest rate and sovereign risk opportunities. Simon joined Goldman Sachs as an analyst in 2004 and was named managing director in 2011. Simon earned a BA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 2004. He is a CFA charterholder.
Lindsay Rosner Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Ms. Rosner is Head of Multi-Sector Investing within GSAM’s Fixed Income and Liquidity Solutions business. She joined the Investment Adviser in 2023. Prior to joining the Investment Adviser, she worked at PGIM from 2012 to 2023 as a portfolio manager on the fixed income multi-sector team.
Ashish C. Shah CO-CIO 2019 now
Biografie Mr. Shah is Co-Chief Investment Officer of Global Fixed Income, Global Head of Corporate Credit and Head of the Cross-Sector Strategy within Fixed Income. Mr. Shah joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. in 2018. Mr. Shah was previously at AllianceBernstein from 2010 to 2018, where he was most recently the Head of Fixed Income and Chief Investment Officer of Global Credit. Prior to AB, he was a managing director and head of Global Credit Strategy at Barclays Capital (2008-2010). From 2003 to 2008, Shah was the head of Credit Strategy at Lehman Brothers.
Ronald Arons Lead Portfolio Manager 2022 2024
Biografie Ron is a portfolio manager in Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), responsible for core, long duration and other multi-sector fixed income strategies. He joined Goldman Sachs as a managing director in 2010. Prior to joining the firm, Ron worked for 16 years at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, where he was a managing director responsible for the management and distribution of a broad range of fixed income products. Before that, he worked at MetLife for seven years as a trader and portfolio manager. Ron earned a BBA in Accounting from The George Washington University and an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is a CFA charterholder.
Michael Swell Vice President 2009 2021
Biografie Michael is the co-head of Global Lead Portfolio Management within the Global Fixed Income GroupLiquidity Management team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM).He is a member of the Fixed Income Strategy. In this role, he is responsible co-leading the global team of portfolio managers that are responsible for overseeing multi-sector portfolios. Previously, Michael was a senior portfolio manager and co-head of the US Fixed Income group. Michael joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. in 2007 as a managing director and head of Structured Products. This role entailed the creation of structured product asset management vehicles across the spectrum of fixed income products and management of opportunistic/alternative portfolios. Prior to joining the firm, from 2005 to 2007, Mr. Swell was a Senior Managing Director in charge of Friedman, Billings & Ramsey’s Fixed Income Sales & Trading division.. Under Michael's guidance, his division was responsible for the underwriting of more than $22 billion of mortgage-related transactions and the trading and hedging of all MBS and ABS products. Prior to joining FBR, Michael was the vice president in charge of Freddie Mac’s Securities Sales and Trading Group, Freddie Mac’s in-house MBS broker dealer. Prior to joining Freddie Mac in 1992, Michael marketed and developed fixed income asset management vehicles at BlackRock Financial Management, a fixed income money management firm. Michael started his career as a corporate analyst in the Investment Banking Division of Lehman Brothers helping institutions raise debt capital. Michael earned a BA in Politics and Economics from Brandeis University, a General Course Degree from the London School of Economics and an MA in International Economics and Finance from the Lemberg School at Brandeis University.
Jonathan A. Beinner Partner 2000 2019
Biografie Jonathan Beinner, Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM). Mr. Beinner joined GSAM in 1990 and became a Portfolio Manager in 1992. He became Co-Head of Global Fixed Income in 2002.
James (Jim) R. Cielinski Global Head of Fixed Income 2003 2009
Biografie In his role as Global Head of Fixed Income, Jim Cielinski is responsible for the overall management of the fixed income business, including investment process, product development and investment strategy. He also manages the Threadneedle (Lux) Global Opportunities Bond Fund and is a key participant in the firm’s asset allocation process. Before joining the company, Jim spent 12 years at Goldman Sachs, leaving as Head of Global Credit – Investment Grade. He has also held senior investment roles at Utah Retirement Systems and Brown Brothers Harriman. Jim graduated from the University of Utah in 1983 with a BSc in Finance and gained an MBA from New York University in 1988. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Society of the UK.
Thomas D. Teles Managing Director 2000 2009
Biografie Mr. Teles joined Goldman Sachs in 1997 as an associate with FICC in New York, where he worked in the Research Department, and then as a mortgage trader. He joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management in 2000 . Tom became managing director in 2003 and a partner in 2006 and he is the Global Head of Securitized and Government Investments and co-head of the Cross-Sector Strategy team now. Prior to joining the firm, Tom worked as assistant investment officer at Travelers Insurance Group from 1994 to 1997. Tom earned a BA from the University of Maryland in 1992 and an MBA from the University of Chicago in 1994.
Peter D. Dion Portfolio Manager 1995 2009
Biografie Dion is a vice president and portfolio manager with Goldman Sachs Asset Management, his employer since 1992. He specializes in asset-backed and commercial mortgage-backed securities. From 1994 to 1995 he was an associate portfolio manager. He became a portfolio manager in 1995.
Mark Van Wyk Head 1994 2009
Biografie Mr. Van Wyk is the Head of the Government and Agency team and specializes in U.S. government and financial derivatives. Mr. Van Wyk joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P in 1994.
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