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Bny Mellon Dynamic Total Return Fund Class Y (AVGYX)

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14,03 +0,06    +0,43%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Dreyfus
Activaklasse:  Andere
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 440,19K
Dreyfus Dynamic Total Return Y 14,03 +0,06 +0,43%

AVGYX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Bny Mellon Dynamic Total Return Fund Class Y. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van AVGYX.

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Dimitri Curtil Global Head of Multi-Asset Solutions 2020 now
Biografie Dimitri is Newton’s global head of multi-asset solutions. In addition to overseeing the team of portfolio managers and researchers responsible for the firm’s systematic multi-asset strategies, Dimitri also leads the development and enhancement of the research underpinning the firm’s multi-asset strategies. Dimitri’s specific areas of research include absolute return and total return strategies as well as risk parity, alternative risk premia and tail-risk hedging solutions. Dimitri joined Newton in September 2021, following the integration of Mellon Investments Corporation’s equity and multi-asset capabilities into the Newton Investment Management Group. Before joining Newton, Dimitri was chief investment officer and head of multi-asset strategies, head of asset allocation research, a senior research analyst and research analyst at Mellon Investments Corporation and Mellon Capital (both BNY Mellon group companies). Prior to joining BNY Mellon, he worked as a computational systems engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Dimitri has an MS in Computer Science from Imperial College in London and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Zurich Federal Institute of Technology.
Torrey Zaches Portfolio Manager 2010 now
Biografie Torrey is a member of Newton’s multi-asset solutions portfolio management team. In his current role, Torrey is responsible for overseeing a team of portfolio managers covering multi-asset strategies, with a focus on global total return and tail-risk hedging portfolios. Torrey is responsible for the implementation of these strategies, including strategy refinements, risk management and portfolio management efficiencies. Torrey joined Newton in September 2021, following the integration of Mellon Investments Corporation’s equity and multi-asset capabilities into the Newton Investment Management Group. Before joining Newton, Torrey was a portfolio manager and senior portfolio manager at Mellon Investments Corporation and Mellon Capital (both BNY Mellon group companies). Prior to joining BNY Mellon, Torrey worked at Mercer Global Advisors providing global asset allocation investment solutions to small businesses and high net worth clients. Torrey has a BA in Economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara and an MBA from the University of Southern California. He received his CFA designation in 1997 and is a member of the CFA Institute.
James H Stavena Portfolio Manager 2010 now
Biografie James is a member of Newton’s asset allocation portfolio management team. Since joining in 1998, James has been the lead portfolio manager for the Dynamic US Equity (DUSE) strategy. In his current role, James also manages a team of portfolio managers responsible for the implementation of global multi-asset, custom rules-based, and options-based strategies. James is a key contributor to the development, refinement and risk management of all asset allocation investment strategies and signals. Drawing from his extensive experience, he focuses on the use of derivatives in quantitative investment strategies, as well as 1940 Act and UCITS III implementations of multi-asset strategies. James joined Newton in September 2021, following the integration of Mellon Investments Corporation’s equity and multi-asset capabilities into the Newton Investment Management Group. Before joining Newton, was a portfolio manager and senior portfolio manager at Mellon Investments Corporation and Mellon Capital (both BNY Mellon group companies). Earlier in his career, James was a currency options trader with both Credit Suisse First Boston and HSBC in New York and London, respectively. James has an MBA from Rice University.
Roberto M. Croce Senior Portfolio Manager 2022 2023
Biografie Rob is a member of Newton’s multi-asset team. In his current role, he is the head of risk parity & liquid alts as well as the portfolio manager for the firm’s Risk Parity and Dynamic Factor strategies. Rob joined Newton in September 2021, following the integration of Mellon Investments Corporation’s equity and multi-asset capabilities into the Newton Investment Management Group. Before joining Newton, Rob was the head of risk parity and liquid alts and a senior portfolio manager at Mellon Investments Corporation (a BNY Mellon group company). Prior to joining BNY Mellon, Rob was a managing director and head of quantitative strategies at Salient Partners. He was the lead portfolio manager on Salient’s risk parity and managed futures strategies. Prior to joining Salient in 2011, Rob taught macroeconomics and finance at Ohio State University, published academic research, and served as a research assistant. In 2010, Rob interned in the strategic research group at the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Rob has a BS in Economics from Penn State University and both an MA and a PhD in Economics from Ohio State University.
Vassilis Dagioglu Head of Portfolio Management 2010 2022
Biografie Left to pursue other opportunites
Sinead Mary Colton Managing Director 2014 2020
Biografie Sinead Colton serves as Managing Director and Head of Investment Strategy at Mellon Capital. With over many years of investment experience Sinead has designed, developed and implemented innovative solutions for both return-seeking portfolios and risk hedging strategies. At Mellon Capital, she develops multi-asset solutions designed to provide attractive return outcomes within a clearly articulated risk framework. Prior to joining Mellon Capital, Sinead was a multi-asset investment strategist at BlackRock (formerly Barclays Global Investors) where she created customized investment solutions for DB, DC and retail clients across the EMEA region. Prior to BlackRock, she was head of currency at Invesco, responsible for active currency strategies across the global fixed income team. Previously, Sinead served as head of portfolio management for Lee Overlay Partners Ltd., an independent active currency management firm. Prior to this role, she worked as a currency portfolio manager at JP Morgan Investment Management. Sinead commenced her career at Chase Manhattan Bank NA, as a foreign exchange and options salesperson. Sinead earned her MSc in Finance at the London Business School.
Joseph Miletich Managing Director 2010 2020
Biografie Mr. Miletich, CFA, is a global investment strategist. He is responsible for articulating various strategies to clients and prospects, as well as participating in the refinement of current strategies and the development of new strategies. Mr. Miletich joined the firm in 2008.
Helen Potter Managing Director 2006 2011
Biografie Potter is a managing director, asset allocation portfolio management at Mellon Capital. She has been with Mellon Capital since 1996. Potter holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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