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Dws Enhanced Commodity Strategy Fund - Class A (SKNRX)

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5,90 0,00    0,00%
10/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Deutsche Asset Management
Onderliggend:  Bloomberg Commodity TR
Activaklasse:  Grondstof
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 44,71M
Deutsche Enhanced Commodity Strat A 5,90 0,00 0,00%

SKNRX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Dws Enhanced Commodity Strategy Fund - Class A. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van SKNRX.

Commodities Broad Basket

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Avraham D. Feinberg Vice President 2023 now
Biografie Avi Feinberg, CFA, is Vice President and Portfolio Manager. Joined Deutsche Asset Management in 2012; previously worked as an Equity Analyst at Morningstar and as a Senior Business Planning Consultant at MetLife. Holds BA in Economics from Northwestern University and MBA from Northwestern University.
Jeff Morton Vice President 2022 now
Biografie Jeff Morton, CFA, is Vice President and Portfolio Manager. Fixed Income Portfolio Manager: New York. Joined Deutsche Asset Management in 2011 with 13 years of industry experience. Prior to joining, he served as a Portfolio Manager at Fischer Francis Trees and Watts. Previously, he worked as a Vice President at Credit Suisse and at Blackrock. Hold a BS in Major Industrial Management and Economics, Carnegie Mellon University.
Darwei Kung Managing Director 2010 now
Biografie Darwei Kung, Managing Director, has joined Deutsche Asset Management in 2006. Previously he has worked as a Director, Engineering and Business Development at Calpoint LLC from 2001-2004. He holds a BS and MS from University of Washington, Seattle; a MS and MBA from Carnegie Mellon University.
Rick Smith Portfolio Manager 2016 2022
Biografie RICK SMITH, CFA, MANAGING DIRECTOR and Portfolio Manager. Joined DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. in 2004. Prior to joining, he served as a Fixed Income Investment Grade Portfolio Manager at MFS Investments. Previously, he worked as a Research Analyst at Salomon Brothers. Senior Portfolio Manager: New York. BA in Economics, Vassar College; MBA in Finance, Vanderbilt University.
Sonali Kapoor Portfolio Manager 2015 2021
Biografie SONALI KAPOOR has joined DWS in 2013 with 3 years of industry experience. Prior to joining, she served in Foreign Exchange Sales covering Institutional Clients at BNP Paribas. Prior to that, she provided Fixed Income Coverage and Execution to Energy, Utility and Real Estate Companies in the Debt Capital Markets Group at UBS Securities. Started her career in Mathematical Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Cash CLOs in the Credit Structuring Group at UBS Securities.
John D. Ryan Portfolio Manager 2010 2017
Biografie JOHN D. RYAN is a director and portfolio manager, has joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 2010. Prior to Deutsche, John was a Vice President at The Northern Trust Company, Chicago. Prior to joining Northern Trust in 2007, John was a Vice President with Castle Oak Securities. From 2004 to 2005 he was a Vice President with RBS Greenwich Capital. From 2003 to 2004 he was a Vice President at J.P. Morgan Securities, and from 1998 to 2003 he was with Deutsche Asset Management, most recently as Managing Director. John received both his B.A. and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Chicago.
Eric S. Meyer Head 2010 2016
Biografie Head of US Loan Portfolio Management, High Yield Strategies: New York. Joined the Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 2006 after 16 years of experience in positions of increasing responsibility in corporate banking with First Chicago, Credit Agricole, and most recently, Bank of America's subsidiary, Flagship Capital Management. Prior to his corporate banking experience, he worked in trust management operations for 10 years at First Chicago and EF Hutton. BA from State University of New York, Albany; MBA from Pace University.
William J. Chepolis Portfolio Manager 2010 2016
Biografie Chepolis joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 1998 after 13 years of experience as vice president for Norwest Bank where he managed the bank's fixed income and foreign exchange portfolios. Chepolis holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and BIS from University of Minnesota.
Steven Zhou Portfolio Manager 2011 2015
Biografie Mr. Zhou has joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 2010 with over 2 years of experience at J.P. Morgan Chase and Freddie Mac. Held summer internships positions at Deutsche Asset Management and AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust. He holds a MS in Computational Finance from Carnegie Mellon University and a BA in Economics and BS in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Theresa M. Gusmann Managing Director 2013 2013
Biografie Theresa Gusman is chief investment officer of First Affirmative Financial Network and chair of the firm’s investment committee. Ms. Gusman is passionate about enabling the firm’s clients to achieve their dreams by reaching both their financial and impact objectives. Prior to joining First Affirmative, she founded ENDURANCE LLC to build and enhance the power of capital markets to accelerate the flow of money and ideas to investments for both purpose and profit. Before this, Ms. Gusman held a series of leadership positions at Deutsche Bank including senior portfolio manager, global head of equit
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