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Credit Suisse Commodity Return Strategy Fund Class I (CRSOX)

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24,17 +0,05    +0,21%
10/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Credit Suisse (New York, NY)
Onderliggend:  Bloomberg Commodity TR
Activaklasse:  Grondstof
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,11B
Credit Suisse Commodity Return Strat I 24,17 +0,05 +0,21%

CRSOX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Credit Suisse Commodity Return Strategy Fund Class I. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van CRSOX.

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Contact Informatie

Adres Eleven Madison Avenue
New York,NY
United States
Telefoon +1 8778702874


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Scott Ikuss Vice President 2023 now
Biografie Scott Ikuss is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager within Credit Suisse Asset Management, based in New York. Mr. Ikuss acts as Portfolio Manager and Trader for the Commodities Team. In this role, he specializes in excess return strategies. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2023, he was a Portfolio Manager – Global Commodities & Natural Resources Equities at DWS Group. Mr. Ikuss received a B.A. in Economics from Rutgers University.
Christopher Burton Managing Director 2005 now
Biografie Christopher Burton, CFA, FRM, is a Managing Director within Credit Suisse Asset Management, based in New York. Mr. Burton serves as the Global Head of Commodities within Asset Management. He also currently acts as Senior Portfolio Manager and Trader for the Commodities Team. In this role, Mr. Burton is responsible for analyzing and implementing the team's hedging strategies, indexing strategies, and excess return strategies. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2005, Mr. Burton served as an Analyst and Derivatives Strategist with Putnam Investments, where he developed the team's analytical tools and managed their options-based yield enhancement strategies, as well as exposure management strategies. Mr. Burton earned a B.S. in Economics with concentrations in Finance and Accounting from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. Additionally, Mr. Burton is a CFA Charterholder and has achieved Financial Risk Manager® Certification through the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).
John Calvaruso Portfolio Manager 2021 2022
Biografie Mr. Calvaruso is a Portfolio Manager specializing in derivatives. He has been a member of the Commodities Team since 2021. He was portfolio manager of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. since 2010. Mr. Calvaruso earned a B.S. in Finance and Accounting from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. Mr. Calvaruso is a CFA charter holder.
Bryant Lie - 2020 2021
Biografie Bryant Lie, Portfolio Manager and Vice President of Credit Suisse Asset Management, is a Portfolio Manager specializing in derivatives. He has been a member of the Commodities Team since 2012. Mr. Lie earned a B.S. in Applied Math, Economics, and Mathematics, and a M.S.E in Applied Math from Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Lie is a CFA charter holder.
Nelson Louie Managing Director 2010 2020
Biografie Mr. Louie is a Portfolio Manager at CoreCommodity. Before joining CoreCommodity in September 2023, Mr. Louie was a Managing Director—Global Head of Commodities and a Senior Portfolio Manager for Credit Suisse Asset Management overseeing their commodities and volatility overlay strategies from August 2010 through November 2020. Prior to that, he was a Director at UBS and Managing Director at AIG Financial Products responsible for marketing commodities-based solutions. For 14 years until June 2007, Nelson was at Credit Suisse Asset Management where he managed and traded numerous derivatives-based investments including their enhanced equity and commodity indexing portfolios, volatility arbitrage strategies, equity hedging and currency overlay portfolios. Mr. Louie graduated from Union College in 1991 with a B.A. in Economics.
Andrew B. Karsh Director 2008 2010
Biografie Andrew B. Karsh, Director, is a Portfolio Manager and Trader for the Derivatives Team, and Co-Lead Portfolio Manager for the Total Commodity Return strategy. In this role Mr. Karsh is responsible for analyzing and implementing the team's hedging strategies, indexing strategies, and excess return strategies. Prior to his current role, Mr. Karsh served as a Director in the Fixed Income Structuring Group within Credit Suisse’s Investment Banking division where he had extensive experience structuring and executing complex transactions involving derivatives and cash securities. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 1999, Mr. Karsh worked in Fixed Income and Derivatives trading at Santander Financial Products, and focused on U.S. Government & Mortgage Backed Securities at Bear Stearns and Co. Mr. Karsh earned a BS/BA in Finance from American University’s Kogod College of Business and holds FINRA Series 3, 7 and Series 63 certifications.
Kam Poon Vice President, Director, Portfolio Manager 2005 2010
Biografie Kam Poon is Head of US Money Markets and Short Duration on the Global Money Markets team focusing on short duration mandates. Kam joined Aberdeen following the acquisition of Credit Suisse’s asset management division in 2009 where he had worked since 1997 and was most recently Director and fixed income portfolio manager. Before joining Credit Suisse, Kam worked as an Account Administrator with Bank of New York and in the municipal bond area at US Trust. Kam graduated with a BS in Finance and an MBA from New York University - Stern School of Business.
Andrew Lenskold Portfolio Manager, Vice President 2005 2010
Biografie Lenskold is a vice president at Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC. He joined CSAM in 2003 as a portfolio manager for cash and enhanced cash portfolios, and provides trade support for the firm's derivative's group. He has extensive experience as a fixed income trader focusing on cash and short-term instruments. In 2001, Lenskold joined Abbey National Treasury Services, where he worked in sales and marketing for short-term fixed income products.
Nelson Louie Managing Director 2004 2007
Biografie Mr. Louie is a Portfolio Manager at CoreCommodity. Before joining CoreCommodity in September 2023, Mr. Louie was a Managing Director—Global Head of Commodities and a Senior Portfolio Manager for Credit Suisse Asset Management overseeing their commodities and volatility overlay strategies from August 2010 through November 2020. Prior to that, he was a Director at UBS and Managing Director at AIG Financial Products responsible for marketing commodities-based solutions. For 14 years until June 2007, Nelson was at Credit Suisse Asset Management where he managed and traded numerous derivatives-based investments including their enhanced equity and commodity indexing portfolios, volatility arbitrage strategies, equity hedging and currency overlay portfolios. Mr. Louie graduated from Union College in 1991 with a B.A. in Economics.
Jo Ann Corkran Head 2004 2005
Biografie Jo Ann Corkran, Managing Director, is Global Head of Short Duration Fixed Income and a senior member of the Core Fixed Income team. She joined CSAM in 1997. From 1997 to 2001 she was responsible for the Securitized Debt in all US Fixed Income portfolios. In 2001 she added US Cash and Short Duration portfolios to her responsibilities. In 2004 she was named Global Head of all cash and short duration portfolios. From 1994 to 1997 Jo Ann was at Morgan Stanley where she headed the mortgage and asset-backed research group. Previously, she worked in the insurance group within fixed income research at First Boston and analyzed funding and investment strategies for pension plans at Buck Consultants. Ms. Corkran holds a BA in mathematics from New York University and has qualified as a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries.
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