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Clearbridge International Growth Fund Class I (0P000037RU)

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66,100 +0,540    +0,82%
03/07 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Legg Mason
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 3,48B
ClearBridge International Growth Fund Class I 66,100 +0,540 +0,82%

0P000037RU Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Clearbridge International Growth Fund Class I. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P000037RU.

Foreign Large Growth

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Contact Informatie

Adres One Franklin Parkway, Building 970, 1st Floor
San Mateo,CA 94403
United States
Telefoon +1 650 3122000


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Pawel Wroblewski - 2015 now
Biografie Pawel is a member of ClearBridge's Global Growth investment team and co-manages numerous international and global growth strategies. He has 24 years of investment industry experience. Pawel joined ClearBridge as a Research Analyst from predecessor firm Global Currents Investment Management, which was founded in 2008 by a group of portfolio managers from Brandywine Global Investment Management. He was named a Portfolio Manager in 2013. Prior to joining Global Currents, Pawel was an Equity Research Analyst at Allianz Global Investors' Oppenheimer Capital division.
Michael Testorf Managing Director 2015 now
Biografie Michael is a Portfolio Manager on the Global Growth Equity investment team and co-manages numerous global and international growth strategies. He joined ClearBridge investments in 2015 and has 33 years of investment industry experience. Prior to joining ClearBridge, Michael served as a Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Partner at R Squared Capital Management LLP, a wholly employee owned firm. For 13 years he worked at Artio Global Management (formerly Julius Baer) where he was most recently a Senior Portfolio Manager, International Equities. Michael also held positions at the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. He began his career at the Investment Management Training Program at Commerzbank AG in Hamburg. Michael earned a BA in Business and Economics from the Wirtschaftsakademie Hamburg (Academy of Business and Administration) in Hamburg, Germany. He received the CFA designation in 2000.
Elisa A. Mazen Managing Director 2013 now
Biografie Elisa is the head of ClearBridge's Global Growth Equity investment team and co-manages numerous global and international growth strategies. Elisa is responsible for covering the consumer sector for our international and global growth portfolios. She has 35 years of investment industry experience. Elisa joined ClearBridge from predecessor firm Global Currents Investment Management, which was founded in 2008 by a group of portfolio managers from Brandywine Global Investment Management. Prior to joining Global Currents, Elisa was a Managing Director and Head of the International and Global Equity Investments Group at Oppenheimer Capital, a division of Allianz Global Investors. In addition, Elisa was Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the Central European Value Fund and had responsibility for a number of other funds at the firm. Prior to Oppenheimer, she was a portfolio manager at Clemente Capital where she managed assets for public pension funds. Elisa began her career at Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management, now a subsidiary of UBS, in the High Yield investment area. Elisa received her BA in Economics and Finance from Douglass College, Rutgers University and serves as a member of the Douglass College Investment Committee.
Thor Olsson - 2015 2021
Biografie Thor is a member of ClearBridge's Global Growth investment team and co-manages numerous international and global growth strategies. He joined predecessor firm Citigroup Asset Management in 2000 and has 23 years of investment industry experience. During his career, Thor has worked as an equity analyst specializing in international stocks and as a Fund Analyst at Pilgrim Baxter. He obtained his BA in Economics from La Salle University. Thor is also an FAA-licensed pilot.
Gibboney Huske Manager 2012 2015
Biografie Gibboney co-manages the ClearBridge Global Growth strategy. She has 17 years of investment industry experience. Gibboney joined predecessor firm Legg Mason Capital Management in 2005 as a Security Analyst responsible for the technology sector. Her coverage responsibilities have also included airlines, healthcare IT, and luxury goods. Prior to joining the firm, Gibboney was a sellside analyst with Credit Suisse covering the Software and Imaging Technology industries. She was ranked for 3 years by Institutional Investor magazine in its All America Research Survey. Gibboney has also served on the New York Stock Exchange committee that created the Series 86 and 87 exams for sell-side analysts. Gibboney earned a BS in Commerce from the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia and an MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia. She received the CFA designation in 2000. Managed Strategies • Global Growth Investment Vehicles • ClearBridge Global Growth Strategy • ClearBridge Global Growth Trust
Robert G. Hagstrom Senior Vice President 1995 2012
Biografie Robert joined EquityCompass in July 2014 and now manages the EquityCompass Global Leaders Portfolio. Robert has more than 30 years of investment experience; notably as the Portfolio Manager of the Growth Equity Strategy at Legg Mason Capital Management for 14 years where he managed over $7 billion in assets. He was also the recipient of “Honorable Mention” as Morningstar’s U.S. Equity Manager of the Year in 2007. Robert is the author of nine investment books including The New York Times best-seller The Warren Buffett Way (1994, 2003,2013) - considered the definitive book on how Warren Buffett analyzes stocks and makes investment decisions. The book now its third edition has sold more than one million copies worldwide, and has been translated into 17 languages. He is also the author of the first book on concentrated investing : The Warren Buffett Portfolio: Mastering the Power of the Focus Investment Strategy (1999), a BusinessWeek best seller, recommended reading by Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and ranked as one of the top five “Best Personal Finance Books” of 1999 by Money magazine. Robert earned his Bachelor and Masters of Arts degrees from Villanova University and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Philadelphia.
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