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City National Rochdale Equity Income Fund Class N (RIMHX)

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37,14 +0,46    +1,25%
28/02 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  City National Rochdale
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 133,39M
City National Rochdale Div & Inc N 37,14 +0,46 +1,25%

RIMHX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van City National Rochdale Equity Income Fund Class N. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van RIMHX.

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Oaks,PA 19456
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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
David Shapiro - 2021 now
Biografie David Shapiro is a Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Equity Analyst of the Adviser. Mr. Shapiro has more than 20 years of experience in investment research and analysis and financial services. Prior to joining the Adviser in 2014, Mr. Shapiro held senior analyst positions covering consumer and other sectors at a few long short equity hedge fund advisers. Previously, Mr. Shapiro was an equity research associate at Lehman Brothers. He also spent five years in investment banking and business development roles, working on corporate partnerships, restructurings, capital raisings, and acquisitions. Mr. Shapiro received his MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School, a BS in Economics from the Wharton School and a BA in Sociology from the College of Arts of Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.
Tony Hu - 2021 now
Biografie Tony Hu is a Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Equity Analyst of the Adviser. Prior to joining the Adviser in 2007, Mr. Hu was an Equity Research Associate at Bear Stearns from 2005 to 2007. Mr. Hu also held equity research positions at ThinkEquity Partners and Morningstar. Mr. Hu received his MSE in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Michigan and his MBA in Finance from the London Business School. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and the Financial Risk Manager certification.
Thomas A. Galvin Senior Vice President 2021 2022
Biografie Mr. Galvin joined the former Rochdale Investment Management (predecessor to City National Rochdale) in 2012. He works directly with the CIO to guide the firm’s overall equity strategy and is a member of the Asset Allocation Committee. He leads the research and management of this strategy for client accounts. Mr. Galvin has over 30 years of equity investment experience from financial services organizations such as Lehman Brothers, Smith Barney, Forstmann-Leff and UBS. Most recently, he was Managing Partner at Galvin Asset Management, where he managed accounts for high-net-worth individuals. Prior to UBS, he was a Senior Managing Director with Forstmann-Leff Associates. Mr. Galvin earned his BA in Economics from Queens College and his MBA in Finance and Investments from Fordham University. Mr. Galvin is the Founder of the Fordham Wall Street Council and a former board member of the McCaddin-Quirk Foundation, The Lavelle Fund for the Blind and The Maryknoll Society. He is also a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts.
David J. Abella Senior Portfolio Manager 2003 2021
Biografie David Abella is a Senior Portfolio Manager with City National Rochdale, LLC. He joined its predecessor, Rochdale Investment Management (“Rochdale”) in 1996. He is responsible for the development of City National Rochdale, LLC's and Rochdale’s dividend and income equity strategy Prior to joining Rochdale, Mr. Abella spent four years with Merrill Lynch and Paine Webber performing strategic analysis and two years as a tax consultant at Arthur Anderson & Co. Mr. Abella, a Chartered Financial Analyst, received his AB in economics with high distinction and his MBA in finance with distinction from the University of Michigan. He appears regularly on television media outlets and is widely quoted in the business press.
Garrett R. D'Alessandro Portfolio Manager 1999 2012
Biografie Mr. D’Alessandro joined the former Rochdale Investment Management (predecessor to City National Rochdale) in 1986 and is the Chief Executive Officer. In addition to setting the strategic direction of the firm, he plays a key role in the firm's portfolio management and investment research functions. In this capacity he assists in determining the macroeconomic outlook and strategic asset allocations for the firm's strategies. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. D’Alessandro was a Certified Public Accountant and an Audit Manager with KPMG Peat Marwick. Mr. D’Alessandro received his MBA in Finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, the Chartered Alternative Investments Analyst designation, and is a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts and the CFA Institute. He also is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary. Mr. D’Alessandro makes presentations on current investment issues to financial professionals throughout the country and has been featured in various media outlets including CNBC, The Financial Network, Practical Accountant, CPA Wealth Provider, and New Jersey CPA. Mr. D’Alessandro is an Ironman tri-athlete and has been selected multiple times to compete in the world championship in Kona, Hawaii. He is also a supporter of numerous charitable and civic organizations.
Carl Acebes Chairman, CIO 1999 2011
Biografie Acebes has been chairman and chief investment officer with Rochdale Investment Management LLC since its founding in 1986.
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