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Mi Twentyfour Am Dynamic Bond Fund I Income Gross Shares (0P0000SV4R)

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98,45 -0,04    -0,04%
13/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in GBP
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  TwentyFour Asset Management LLP
ISIN:  GB00B57GX403 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,79B
MI TwentyFour AM Dynamic Bond Fund I Income Gross 98,45 -0,04 -0,04%

0P0000SV4R Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Mi Twentyfour Am Dynamic Bond Fund I Income Gross Shares. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P0000SV4R.

Global Flexible Bond - GBP Hedged

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Adres 11 Monument Street
London, EC3V 3ND
United Kingdom
Telefoon +44 20 70158900


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
David Norris Portfolio Manager 2018 now
Biografie David joined TwentyFour in September 2018. Based in the New York office, he serves as the Head of US Credit as well as one of the portfolio managers of the Multi-Sector Bond team. He is a credit specialist with 30 years’ experience in fixed income markets gained across a variety of senior roles in asset management and investment banking in London, Frankfurt and New York. He has held leadership positions in high yield, credit derivatives, structured products and global credit trading at Credit Agricole, BNP Paribas, Greenwich Capital and UBS. Once a member of the infamous New York Cosmos soccer team, David went on to earn degrees in business at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and law from the University of Reading in the UK.
Charlene Malik - 2018 now
Biografie Charlene joined TwentyFour in September 2018 after spending 6 years on the sell-side at Citigroup and RBS after graduating from King’s College London with a BSc in Computer Science. She is working in the Multi Sector Bond team in the portfolio optimisation role.
Dillon Lancaster - 2018 now
Biografie Dillon joined TwentyFour in early 2018 as an analyst in the Multi-Sector Bond team. His primary responsibilities involve assisting in the management and day-to-day activities of the team. Dillon graduated from Oxford University in 2017 with a BA (Hons) in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. Prior to joining TwentyFour, Dillon completed internships at NS Partners and Baylor Klein.
George Curtis - 2015 now
Biografie George joined the Multi-Sector Bond team at TwentyFour in early 2015 and works within the Portfolio Optimisation team. His primary responsibilities involve assisting in the management and day-to-day activities of the team. Prior to joining TwentyFour, George worked as a Proprietary Futures Trader at Marex Spectron for 3 years. He predominantly focused on generating ideas in rate markets and the management of trades. George graduated from the University of East Anglia with a degree in Economics.
Pierre Beniguel Portfolio Manager 2014 now
Biografie Pierre has been a Portfolio Manager in TwentyFour’s Multi-Sector Bond team since 2014. He also manages foreign currency hedging and daily funding for a number of funds and managed accounts. He has over seven years of experience, prior to TwentyFour, in fixed income and previously worked in WestLB’s credit trading and special situations divisions. Pierre graduated in Mathematics & Economics from University College London.
Felipe Villarroel Portfolio Manager 2011 now
Biografie Felipe joined TwentyFour in 2011 and is a Portfolio Manager in the Multi-Sector Bond team. Felipe’s main responsibility is managing Multi-Sector Bond funds. He is also a member of the Investment Committee. Prior to joining TwentyFour, Felipe worked as an Asset Allocation and Strategy Analyst at Celfin Capital in Chile, now part of the BTG Pactual group. There, Felipe took an active role in developing the team’s strategic view of the global macro economy and asset classes. He graduated from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration before obtaining a Masters in Finance from London Business School. Felipe is also a CFA Charterholder.
Eoin Walsh Portfolio Manager 2010 now
Biografie Eoin is on the firm’s Investment Committee, which sets the overall risk bias for the portfolios managed by the firm, and his main responsibility is managing the firm’s Multi-Sector Bond team. Eoin began his career in 1998 and has developed an expertise in fixed income markets across a variety of roles including a role at Citigroup Alternative Investments where he managed over $75 billion of fixed income assets. Eoin graduated in Accounting & Economics from the University of Limerick.
Mark Holman - 2010 2024
Biografie Mark has 24 years of experience in fixed-income markets, gained in a combination of senior roles in investment banking and asset management. Mark is one of the 9 partners of TwentyFour and serves as the Firm’s Risk Manager with responsibility both for independent market risk oversight of the Firm’s investment portfolios and maintaining the Firm’s risk measurement, management and reporting framework. Before founding TwentyFour in 2008, Mark was one of the original partners at Synapse Investment Management which he founded along with Graeme Anderson in June 2006. Prior to that Mark was a Managing Director at Barclays Capital in London where he established and led various units of its European fixed income distribution business. Mark joined Barclays Capital in March 1999. Prior to that he was an executive director at Lehman Brothers where for 5 years he played a key role in helping Lehman establish their European Credit Business. Mark began his investment banking career in 1990 with Morgan Stanley in fixed income.
Gary Kirk Portfolio Manager 2010 2023
Biografie Gary Kirk is a Portfolio Manager and one of the founding partners of TwentyFour AM since 2008. He is on the firm's Investment Committee, which sets the overall risk bias for the portfolios managed by the firm, and his main responsibility is managing the firm's Multi-Sector Bond team. Since 1988, Mr. Kirk has developed an expertise in fixed income markets across a variety of senior roles in asset management and investment banking, including leadership positions at Daiwa Capital, Royal Bank of Canada, CDC Group and Wachovia Bank. Mr. Kirk graduated in Biochemistry from the University of London.
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