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Barings Europe Select Trust - Class I Gbp Inc (0P0000WDRR)

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47,28 +0,65    +1,39%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in GBP
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  Baring Fund Managers Ltd
ISIN:  GB00B7NB1W76 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 464,29M
Baring Europe Select Trust - Class I GBP Inc 47,28 +0,65 +1,39%

0P0000WDRR Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Barings Europe Select Trust - Class I Gbp Inc. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P0000WDRR.

Aandelen Europa excl. VK Small/Mid-Cap

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Contact Informatie

Adres Exeter
Devon, EX4 4EP
United Kingdom
Telefoon +44 20 76286000
Fax 44-20-7638-7928


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
William Cuss Investment Manager Small Cap Equities 2020 now
Biografie William Cuss is an Investment Manager on Barings’ Small Cap Equity team and co-manager of the Barings Europe Select Trust, the Barings European Opportunities Fund and the Barings International Small Cap strategy. He has worked in the industry since 2014. William joined the firm in 2016 from Investec, where he was an Equity Analyst, focusing on the European consumer staples sector. Previously, William worked as an auditor for Ernst & Young, where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant. William holds a BA (Hons) in History and Politics from the University of Warwick and is a member of the CFA Institute.
Colin C. Riddles Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie Colin is a Portfolio manager in the Small Cap Equity Team and co-manager of the Barings Europe Select Trust, the Barings European Opportunities Fund and the Barings International Small Cap strategy. He joined Barings in March 2010 from GLG, where he was responsible for their UK Small Company Fund. Previously, he worked at HSBC Halbis, Scottish Widows and General Accident. Colin has a BA (Hons) in Financial Studies & Computer Science, an MSc in Investment Analysis from Stirling University and an MBA from Edinburgh Business School. He is a member of the CFA UK.
Rosemary C. Simmonds Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie Rosie is a Portfolio manager in the Small Cap Equity Team, co-manager of the Barings Europe Select Trust, the Barings European Opportunities Fund and the Barings International Small Cap strategy. Rosie joined Barings in September 2010 from Baillie Gifford where she worked for three years as an Investment Analyst. Rosie graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Modern History. She was awarded the IMC certificate in 2009 and is a CFA Charterholder.
Nicholas M. Williams Head 2005 now
Biografie Nick is Head of Small Cap Equities and co-manager of the Barings Europe Select Trust, the Barings European Opportunities Fund and the Barings International Small Cap strategy. He joined Barings in 2004, having previously worked for 11 years at Singer & Friedlander, where he was Head of the European desk and a member of the Investment Policy Committee. During his tenure at Singer & Friedlander, Nick was responsible for managing both institutional and retail European funds across the capitalisation range. Nick has a BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature from Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Susannah Lloyd heads 2004 2005
Biografie Susannah heads the Pan European Small and Mid Cap Team. She joined BaringAsset Management in 1997 from Friends Provident Asset Management, where shemanaged UK Smaller Company Funds. Susannah has several years experience of analysing both UK and European stocks across the size spectrum. She was appointed an SFA Registered Representative in 1993, and she received her Securities Institute Diploma in 1995. Susannah was appointed Divisional Director in 2000.
Maria Polycarpou Member 1984 2004
Biografie Maria is a member of the UK & Europe Small-Mid Cap Team. Her past investment experience includes various sectors, including luxury goods, food manufacturing, business services and retailers. Maria joined Baring Asset Management in 1996 as an investment trainee on the Europe Equity Team. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a qualified member of the Institute of Investment Management and Research (IIMR).
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