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Axa Framlington Japan Fund - R Income (0P00000RCT)

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6,44 +0,03    +0,50%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in GBP
Type:  Fonds
Emittent:  AXA Investment Managers UK Ltd
ISIN:  GB0003500062 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 45,86M
AXA Framlington Japan R GBP Inc 6,44 +0,03 +0,50%

0P00000RCT Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Axa Framlington Japan Fund - R Income. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P00000RCT.

Japan Flex-Cap Equity

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Contact Informatie

Adres 100, Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
Paris, 92932
Telefoon +33 1 44 45 70 00
Fax Paris


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Stephanie yang li - 2024 now
John-Paul Temperley Assistant Director 2021 now
Biografie John-Paul joined Martin Currie in 1998. He co-manages our Japanese long/short strategy, having done so since the fund’s inception, and is co-manager of the long-only Martin Currie Japan Alpha Fund. In common with our other fund managers, he is also an analyst, covering the Japanese banks, real estate and auto sectors. Before joining Martin Currie, John-Paul had worked on SBC Warburg's Japanese equities desks in both Tokyo and London. He is fluent in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese.
David Shaw - 2023 2024
Biografie Prior to joining AXA IM, David was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Aerion Fund Management, where he spent 13 years co-managing a $1.5bn North American equity portfolio. Preceding that he spent 10 years as a UK fund manager and analyst, at Aerion Fund Management, NPI Asset Management and Natwest Investment Management. David holds a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from City University, London. He is a member of CFA UK (ASIP) and has completed the London Business School Investment Management Programme.
Chisako Hardie lead manager 2010 2023
Biografie Chisako joined Scottish Widows Investment Partnership in September 2000 as an Investment Director within Japanese Equities. She has gained over ten years experience through roles within Japanese Equities with employers including Martin Currie Investment Management Ltd (1996-2000), Scottish Life Assurance Company (1994-1996) and Scottish Provident (1991-1994). Chisako holds a BA in Sociology from Keio University, Tokyo and is a Chartered Member of Securities Analysts Association of Japan. Chisako holds a BA in Sociology from Keio University,Tokyo, and is also a Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.
Tom Riley Lead Portfolio Manager 2020 2021
Biografie Tom Riley is the Head of Global Thematic Strategies at AXA IM Equities and the lead Portfolio Manager of the AXA Robotech strategy. He is a Portfolio Manager on several Thematic & Technology related funds/mandates. In his role as Head of Global Thematic Strategies, he is responsible for overseeing the thematics investments teams globally and coordinating the investment views across the major themes that are forecast to impact the global economy over the coming years. Tom started his career in 2009 with AXA IM Framlington Equities as an Investment analyst before joining the Global Equity and Technology investment teams in 2013. Tom is a CFA Charterholder and holds a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics & Statistics from Bristol University.
Mark Hargraves Portfolio Manager 2020 2020
Biografie Mark attended the University of Bristol gaining a Geography BSc (Hons). In 2000, he obtained a Masters in Finance from the London Business School. He is also a member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals. Mark spent two years working for Abbey National plc and then moved to Hambros Fund Management as assistant portfolio manager European Equities. In 1997, he joined United Friendly Asset Management as a fund manager for European Equities. Mark joined AXA Framlington as a fund manager in June 2000.
Tom Riley Lead Portfolio Manager 1984 2020
Biografie Tom Riley is the Head of Global Thematic Strategies at AXA IM Equities and the lead Portfolio Manager of the AXA Robotech strategy. He is a Portfolio Manager on several Thematic & Technology related funds/mandates. In his role as Head of Global Thematic Strategies, he is responsible for overseeing the thematics investments teams globally and coordinating the investment views across the major themes that are forecast to impact the global economy over the coming years. Tom started his career in 2009 with AXA IM Framlington Equities as an Investment analyst before joining the Global Equity and Technology investment teams in 2013. Tom is a CFA Charterholder and holds a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics & Statistics from Bristol University.
Anja Balfour Portfolio Manager 2004 2010
Biografie Anja joined AXA Framlington in 2004. She is the lead manager for the AXA Framlington Japan Fund.She began her career at Ivory & Sime in Edinburgh as a graduate trainee in 1989. Moving to Stewart Ivory in 1991, she became head of the Japanese Investment Desk until its sale to First State Investments in 2000. She then moved to Baillie Gifford where she managed Japanese institutional and retail funds. Anja graduated from St Andrew’s University with a degree in Psychology in 1986 She is a member of the Society of Technical Analysts and UKSIP.
David Robert Mitchison - 2002 2005
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