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Amg River Road Mid Cap Value Fund - Class I (ABMIX)

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21,52 +0,39    +1,85%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  AMG Funds
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 86,93M
AMG Managers Fairpointe Mid Cap I 21,52 +0,39 +1,85%

ABMIX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Amg River Road Mid Cap Value Fund - Class I. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van ABMIX.

Mid-Cap Value

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Contact Informatie

Adres One Stamford Plaza, 263 Tresser Boulevard, Suite 949
Stamford,CT 06901
United States
Telefoon 800.835.3879


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
R. Andrew Beck President 2021 now
Biografie Mr. Beck serves as Chief Executive Officer for River Road. Additionally, he is a portfolio manager for River Road’s Small Cap Value, Small-Mid Cap Value, and Mid Cap Value portfolios and a supervising portfolio manager for the firm’s Focused Absolute Value® portfolios. Mr. Beck is the largest individual shareholder in the firm and serves as Chair of the Executive Committee, River Road’s governing body. Prior to co-founding River Road in 2005, Mr. Beck served as Senior Research Analyst and, later, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for SMC Capital Inc. (Commonwealth SMC).
Matthew W. Moran Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Biografie Mr. Moran serves as a portfolio manager of River Road’s Mid Cap Value, Large Cap Value, and Large Cap Value Select portfolios. Mr. Moran holds equity in the firm. Prior to joining River Road in 2007, Mr. Moran held various investment positions at Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morningstar.
Daniel R. Johnson Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Biografie Mr. Johnson serves as a portfolio manager for River Road’s Mid Cap Value, Large Cap Value, and Large Cap Value Select portfolios. He previously served as Senior Equity Analyst for River Road. Mr. Johnson holds equity in the firm and serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee, River Road’s governing body. Prior to joining River Road in 2006, Mr. Johnson was a public accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Frances E. Tuite - 2019 2021
Biografie Portfolio Manager – Ms. Tuite is part of the Investment Team, serving as co-portfolio Manager for the ESG Equity Strategy and is responsible for investment research for both the ESG Equity and Mid-Cap Equity Strategies. In addition, she manages the 1837 LP long/short equity fund, which she founded in 2000. Prior to joining Fairpointe Capital LLC, Ms. Tuite managed the 1837 Fund at RMB Capital and at Talon Asset Management (under the name Talon Opportunity Partners). Previously, she worked at Sirius Partners and Harris Associates as an analyst and portfolio manager, as a sell-side research analyst at William Blair & Company, and as analyst and Director of Research at Johnson Investment Counsel. Earlier, she was employed at Procter & Gamble in their financial management training program. Ms. Tuite received a B.B.A. from the University of Cincinnati in Finance and Accounting and an M.B.A. in Finance and Accountancy from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She holds the CFA® designation, is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Chicago, and has passed the Certified Public Accountant examination. She is a member of the Chicago Finance Exchange, an invitation only organization for senior women leaders in finance, and a member of International Women Associates, which pursues global understanding and universal human rights. She serves as Chairman of the Steppenwolf’s Directors Circle, and Board Chair for Recovery on Water, a non-profit focused on breast cancer survivors.
Brian M. Washkowiak - 2016 2021
Biografie Brian M. Washkowiak, CFA, serves as a member of the Mid-Cap Investment Team. His responsibilities include investment research and portfolio management. Mr. WashKowiak has many years of experience in the financial industry. Prior to joining Fairpointe Capital LLC in 2015, he was at BW Opportunity Partners, LP, focusing on small and mid-cap investments. Mr. Washkowiak spent thirteen years as a research analyst and portfolio manager at Talon Asset Management, Inc. and was a member of the investment committee. At Talon, Mr. Washkowiak worked with Ms. Zerhusen as an analyst and assistant portfolio manager on the mid-cap strategy. Mr. Washkowiak received a B.A. in Finance from Illinois State University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
Thyra E. Zerhusen CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 1999 2021
Biografie CEO and Chief Investment Officer – Ms. Zerhusen is the principal founder of Fairpointe Capital LLC, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of the firm. She is part of the Investment Team, serving as lead portfolio manager for the Mid-Cap Core Equity and Co-Portfolio Manager for the ESG Equity Strategy, including the AMG Managers Fairpointe Mid Cap Fund, the AMG Managers Fairpointe ESG Equity Fund, the Parvest Equity USA Mid Cap Fund, and institutional separate accounts. Prior to founding Fairpointe Capital, Ms. Zerhusen was the Chief Investment Officer for Mid-Cap Equities at a predecessor firm beginning in October of 2003. Ms. Zerhusen also spent four years at Talon Asset Management as Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager, where she began managing the Aston (now AMG) Mid Cap Fund. She has managed the fund without interruption for eighteen years, thus preserving the long-term track record. Previously, she was employed by The Burridge Group as principal and portfolio manager for a tax-sensitive mid-cap product, and spent eleven years as Senior Investment Analyst at Sears Investment Management Company. Ms. Zerhusen started her career as an Investment Research Officer at Harris Trust & Savings Bank in Chicago and was responsible for in-depth financial analysis of company fundamentals and industry trends. She has been a guest on Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser, CNNfn’s Mutual Fundamentals, Bloomberg, and CNBC. Ms. Zerhusen received an M.S. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology with concentrations in life sciences, biotechnology, and economics. She has an M.A. in Economics from the University of Illinois. She is also a member of the CFA Society. Primarily educated in Switzerland, Ms. Zerhusen is fluent in English, French, and German.
Marie L. Lorden Portfolio Manager 2009 2020
Biografie Ms. Marie L. Lorden, Partner and Portfolio Manager of Fairpointe Capital LLC. Ms. Lorden co-founded Fairpointe May 1, 2011 and is responsible for research and portfolio management of the firms' mutual funds and institutional client accounts. Most recently (2003-2011), she served as Portfolio Manager/Analyst at Optimum Investment Advisors. Her prior experience includes eight years specializing in equity product analysis with Zurich Insurance Group, Driehaus Capital Management, and The Burridge Group. Ms. Lorden received her BS from Elmhurst College and her MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management.
Mary L. Pierson Portfolio Manager 2009 2019
Biografie Co-CEO and Portfolio Manager – Ms. Pierson is a co-founder of Fairpointe Capital LLC and Co-CEO. She is part of the Investment Team, serving as co-portfolio manager for the Mid-Cap Equity and ESG Equity Strategies, including the AMG Managers Fairpointe Mid Cap Fund, the AMG Managers Fairpointe ESG Equity Fund, the Parvest Equity USA Mid Cap Fund, and institutional accounts. Prior to co-founding Fairpointe Capital, Ms. Pierson served as a member of the Mid-Cap Investment team for seven years. She co-managed the Aston (now AMG) Mid Cap Fund, the Parvest Equity USA Mid Cap Fund and separately managed institutional accounts, as well as providing research and analysis of existing and potential mid-cap equity holdings. Ms. Pierson’s prior experience includes fifteen years with Harris Bancorp and Harris Futures Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary. While serving as General Manager at Harris Futures Corporation, she was responsible for managing all aspects of the institution, which operated as a financial futures broker. In prior positions at Harris, Ms. Pierson conducted in-depth international economic research and analysis of foreign exchange exposure issues, along with currency trends and foreign political conditions related to investments. Ms. Pierson received a B.A. in Economics from DePauw University, an M.A. in Economics from Northwestern University, and an M.B.A. in Finance from The University of Chicago.
Terry Diamond chair 1994 2000
Biografie Diamond is chair of Talon Asset Management, his employer since 1981. Previously, he spent a year with A.G. Becker, and two years as a vice president of Blyth Eastman Dillon. Diamond is a member of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institute Council, and the University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association. Born April 29, 1939 in Chicago, he enjoys hiking, mountain climbing, biking, and skiing. He and his wife have three children and two grandchildren.
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