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American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A (AWSHX)

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61,49 -1,22    -1,95%
10/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  American Funds
Onderliggend:  S&P 500 TR
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 88,06B
American Funds Washington Mutual A 61,49 -1,22 -1,95%

AWSHX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund Class A. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van AWSHX.

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Adres 333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles,CA 90071-1406
United States
Telefoon (800) 421-4225


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Aline Avzaradel Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Biografie Aline Avzaradel is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. She has 21 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 19 years. Earlier in her career at Capital, as an equity analyst, she covered U.S. insurance companies as well as the apparel industry, nonalcoholic beverages and packaged food companies. Prior to joining Capital, Aline was an investment banking analyst with Morgan Stanley in New York.
Mark L. Casey Partner 2016 now
Biografie Mark L. Casey is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 23 years of investment industry experience, all with Capital Group. Earlier in his career at Capital, Mark was an equity investment analyst and covered U.S. media, entertainment, newspapers, infrastructure software, internet and document imaging. Prior to joining Capital, he was a director and product manager for Siebel Systems. He holds an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University graduating magna cum laude. Mark is based in San Francisco.
Emme Kozloff - 2016 now
Biografie Emme Kozloff is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. As an equity investment analyst, she covers global capital market infrastructure providers. She has 23 years of investment experience and has been with Capital Group for 16 years. Earlier in her career at Capital, Emme covered U.S. & Europe asset managers and U.S. retail. Prior to joining Capital, she was a senior equity analyst for Sanford C. Bernstein covering the retail industry. Before that, she held several positions at The Walt Disney Company. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree from Pomona College. Emme is based in Los Angeles.
Irfan M. Furniturewala Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst 2015 now
Biografie Irfan M. Furniturewala is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 24 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 23 years. Earlier in his career at Capital, as an equity investment analyst, he covered U.S. hardware and semiconductor companies. Prior to joining Capital, Irfan was a senior design engineer at Motorola, Inc., and he is a co-inventor of two patents approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Iowa State University, and a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from the University of Mumbai. Irfan is based in Los Angeles.
Eric H. Stern Senior Vice President 2014 now
Biografie Eric H. Stern is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 32 years of investment experience and has been with Capital Group for 30 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he covered U.S. health care, insurance, autos and life science companies. Before joining Capital, he served as an analyst in the mergers and acquisitions department of Morgan Stanley & Company. He holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business and a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of California, Berkeley graduating Phi Beta Kappa.
Jin Lee Partner 2014 now
Biografie Jin Lee is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 28 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 27 years. Earlier in his career at Capital, as an equity investment analyst, he covered U.S. telecommunication services, U.S. building products companies, paper & forest products and restaurants. Prior to joining Capital, he was a senior business planner for the Walt Disney Company and a consultant with L/E/K Partnership. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania graduating with honors. Jin is based in Los Angeles.
Diana Wagner Portfolio Manager 2014 now
Biografie Diana Wagner is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. She has 29 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 23 years. Earlier in her career as an equity investment analyst, she covered global semiconductor equipment and paper & forest products companies, as well as U.S. health care services. Prior to joining Capital, Diana was at ING Barings in London and at SBC Warburg in New York. She holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and a bachelor's degree in art history from Yale University. Diana is based in New York.
Alan J. Wilson Portfolio Manager 2013 now
Biografie Alan J. Wilson is a portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 39 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 33 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he covered U.S. construction & housing, machinery & engineering, environmental services, energy equipment, trucks, personal care, household products and energy (oil & gas drilling) companies. Before joining Capital, Alan was a consultant with The Boston Consulting Group and an engineer with Texas Eastern Corp.
Alan N. Berro Senior Vice President 1997 now
Biografie Alan N. Berro is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He also serves on the Portfolio Solutions Committee. He has 38 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 33 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he covered U.S. utilities, capital goods and machinery companies. Before joining Capital, he was a portfolio manager and utilities analyst for Fidelity Management and Research Company in Boston. He also worked as an auditor for Price Waterhouse in Los Angeles. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles graduating magna cum laude. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of the Los Angeles Society of Financial Analysts. Alan is based in Los Angeles.
Jeffrey T. Lager Senior Vice President 2004 2024
Biografie Jeffrey T. Lager is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 29 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 27 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he covered U.S. environmental services, IT & business services, technology hardware, IT outsourcing and transaction processing companies. Before joining Capital, Jeff was a manager of investment analysis at Medical Portfolio Management in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and an associate at the Boston Consulting Group in Boston. He holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he was an Arjay Miller Scholar, as well as a master's degree in sociology and a bachelor's degree with distinction in decision analysis from Stanford University. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. Jeff is based in San Francisco.
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