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Abrdn Realty Income & Growth Fund Institutional Class (AIGYX)

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10,61 +0,16    +1,53%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Verenigde Staten
Emittent:  Alpine
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 35,77M
Alpine Realty Income & Growth Instl 10,61 +0,16 +1,53%

AIGYX Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Abrdn Realty Income & Growth Fund Institutional Class. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van AIGYX.

Real Estate

Totale activa






Contact Informatie

Adres 1 Bread Street
London,PA EC4M 9HH
United Kingdom
Telefoon 866-667-9231


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Jay Carlington Portfolio Manager 2018 now
Biografie Jay Carlington is a Portfolio Manager and is responsible for providing investment recommendations for abrdn’s Listed Real Estate Funds, with primary coverage in North America. Jay joined the company in 2017 from Green Street Advisors in Newport Beach, CA where he was lead analyst covering the U.S. Strip Center REIT Sector. Previously, Jay worked for Credit Suisse in New York as a sell side analyst covering consumer staples and healthcare. Prior to that, Jay worked for Moody’s Investors Service where he rated high-yield credits in the consumer sector. Jay graduated with a BBA in Finance from Pace University in New York City and is a CFA® charterholder. Jay also holds his Series 7 license.
Svitlana Gubriy Head 2018 now
Biografie Svitlana Gubriy is Head of Indirect Real Assets at abrdn. Svitlana is responsible for the team based in Boston, London, Edinburgh, Singapore and Hong Kong manging the indirect real assets’ investments across a number of global and regional mandates. Prior to joining the company in 2005, Ms. Gubriy worked in real estate investment banking division of Lehman Brothers in New York. Svitlana graduated with a Diploma with Honours in Applied Mathematics, an MA in Applied Economics and an MBA in Finance and Corporate Accounting. Svitlana also holds the Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
Bill Pekowitz Analyst / Portfolio Manager 2018 now
Biografie Bill Pekowitz is a REIT Analyst / Portfolio Manager at abrdn. Bill has significant investment experience, initially working as an equity analyst for Value Line Inc.’s research department, before joining Prudential Equity Group as an associate analyst for REITs in 2004, and finally working for Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers from 2006 to 2012 as a senior analyst prior to joining Standard Life Investments. Bill graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics and has completed Level II of the CFA designation.
Robert W. Gadsden Vice President 1999 2018
Biografie Mr. Robert W. Gadsden is the portfolio manager of the Income & Growth Fund and serves as Senior Real Estate Analyst for the Adviser. Prior to joining the Adviser in 1999, Mr. Gadsden was a Vice President of the Prudential Realty Group. He earned his bachelor’s degree magna cum laude from Wesleyan University, an M.B.A. degree from the Wharton School of business and pursued graduate level architecture studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
Marc Richard Halle Managing Director 1998 2001
Biografie Marc R. Halle is a Managing Director for PGIM Real Estate and Senior Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer for all global real estate securities funds and investments. Mr. Halle is also a member of the firm’s Global Investment Committee for all significant direct real estate investments. Mr. Halle has extensive experience in real estate capital markets, securities, development, acquisition and finance. Mr. Halle joined Prudential in 1999 to launch the real estate private equity group, an opportunistic investment strategy that arbitraged the public and private real estate markets. He formed the global real estate securities team in 2006 and has led the group since its inception. Mr. Halle joined Prudential from Alpine Management & Research, where he was the COO of the firm and Portfolio Manager for real estate securities funds. Prior to forming Alpine, Mr. Halle was with Evergreen Asset Management, where he was jointly responsible for research, investment analysis and portfolio recommendations for real estate securities. Previously, Mr. Halle was Senior Vice President and COO of W&M Properties (Empire State Realty Trust-NYSE: ESRT), a national real estate investment firm. Prior to W&M, Mr. Halle was a VP with Greenthal Realty, a New York based real estate firm that owned and operated multi-family properties throughout the NYC metropolitan area. In January 2011, Mr. Halle was featured in both The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine and named as one of “America’s Best Mutual Fund Managers” for long term consistent performance. He is a member of the Investor Advisory Council of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT), and is affiliated with the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC).
Samuel A. Lieber managing Member, CEO 1998 1999
Biografie Lieber is managing member and chief executive officer with Alpine Woods Capital Investors, LLC since. From 1985 until February 1998, he was a portfolio manager and senior real estate securities analyst with Evergreen Asset Management Corp. Prior to 1985, Lieber was associated with Whitbread-Nolan, Inc. in the investment property brokerage division. Previous to this, he worked for the urban design firm, Project for Public Spaces, as a Noyes Fellow.
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