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Conferenties & Congressen

5th Annual West Africa Trade & Commodity Finance Conference

Organisator:  Exporta
Start: 23.10.2013 11:00
Einde: 24.10.2013 20:00
Cantonments Ridge,
Prijs: See website for more information
Telefoon: +44 (0) 20 8673 9666
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8673 8662
Exporta’s 5th Annual West Africa Trade & Commodity Finance Conference will once again be held in Accra, Ghana, where local, regional and international delegates will gather to discuss key issues surrounding one of the most vibrant markets in global trade.

‘Good mix of finance and trade, blended well with out of box thinking from speakers and participants’
R. Goel, Armajaro Trading

‘This is a very strategic forum for both Africa companies and potential investors’
 R. Olayiwola, BUA Sugar Refinery

 ‘The West Africa Trade and Commodity Finance Conference has become the ‘mecca’ for those involved or interested in trade finance in WA. It is a very worthwhile event of trade finance practitioners’
T. Adeniji, AFC

‘A fantastic conference allowing all participants to learn and share vital knowledge on trade finance. A massive networking opportunity.’
B. Evans Darko, Fidelity Bank Ghana
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