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Ab Sicav I-sustainable Global Thematic Portfolio S1 Eur (0P0000SAOJ)

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45,550 +0,790    +1,76%
14/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0462791236 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,98B
AB SICAV I - Thematic Research Portfolio S1 EUR Ac 45,550 +0,790 +1,76%

0P0000SAOJ Overzicht

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Benjamin Ruegsegger Senior Vice President 2023 now
Biografie Benjamin Ruegsegger, CFA Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst—Thematic & Sustainable Equities Benjamin Ruegsegger is a Portfolio Manager on the US Thematic Equity Portfolios and a Senior Research Analyst on the Sustainable Equity Portfolios. He joined the firm in 2001 as an investment administrator in the Managed Accounts division. In 2003, Ruegsegger became a portfolio manager assistant for the US Thematic Research product, and in 2004, he was named portfolio manager for US Thematic Research municipal bond portfolios. He served on the US Mid Cap Growth team from 2006 to 2008 as a research analyst focused on the financials and consumer-discretionary sectors. Since that time, Ruegsegger has supported both the US and Global Thematic products, covering various sectors in the market, most recently focused on technology. He holds a BA in economics/finance from Eastern University and is a CFA charterholder. Location: Philadelphia
Daniel Charles Roarty Senior Vice President 2018 now
Biografie Daniel C. Roarty was appointed Chief Investment Officer of AB’s Sustainable Thematic Equities team, which manages a suite of geographically diverse strategies dedicated to the achievement of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in 2013. Since assuming this role, he has become a thought leader in socially responsible investing, utilizing the SDGs as a road map for identifying thematic investment opportunities. Roarty is an active part of the sustainable investing community, acting as a subject-matter expert around the globe, including speaking at the 2018 Sustainable Investing Conference at the UN. He joined the firm in 2011 as global technology sector head on the Global/International Research Growth team and was named team lead in early 2012. Roarty previously spent nine years at Nuveen Investments, where he co-managed both a large-cap and a multi-cap growth strategy. His research experience includes coverage of technology, industrials and financials stocks at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Roarty holds a BS in finance from Fairfield University and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a CFA charterholder. Location: Philadelphia
Tassos M. Stassopoulos Senior Vice President 2013 2015
Biografie Tassos founded Trinetra in 2016 as a small, dedicated investment boutique using ethnographic research to capture growth opportunities in emerging markets. Tassos believes that understanding consumer’s mindsets in their cultural context allows investors to anticipate trends, which not only improves investment outcomes, but also helps people in Emerging Markets to realise their dreams. Prior to that, Tassos was Head of EM Growth Equity at Ashmore which he joined after nine years at AllianceBernstein where he was Portfolio Manager for Emerging Consumer, Global Growth and Thematic equity products. He was previously a Managing Director at Credit Suisse and for six years he was the senior analyst for European travel and leisure, twice ranked number 1 in the Institutional Investor survey. He then spent a year as a Portfolio Manager at the firm’s internal hedge fund, Modal Capital. He also spent eight years as a Chartered Accountant and then as a management consultant at Arthur Andersen. Tassos holds an MA in Economics from Cambridge University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Joseph Carson chief economist 2009 2013
Biografie "Director—Global Economic Research Joseph G. Carson joined the firm in 2001. He oversees the Economic Analysis team for AllianceBernstein Fixed Income and has primary responsibility for the economic and interest-rate analysis of the US. Previously, Carson was chief economist of the Americas for UBS Warburg, where he was primarily responsible for forecasting the US economy and interest rates. From 1996 to 1999, he was chief US economist at Deutsche Bank. While there, Carson was named to the Institutional Investor All-Star Team for Fixed Income. He began his professional career in 1977 as a staff economist for the chief economist’s office in the US Department of Commerce, where he was designated the department’s representative at the Council on Wage and Price Stability during President Carter’s voluntary wage and price guidelines program. In 1979, Carson joined General Motors as an analyst. He held a variety of roles at GM, including chief forecaster for North America and chief analyst in charge of production recommendations for the Truck Group. From 1981 to 1986, Carson served as vice president and senior economist for the Capital Markets Economics Group at Merrill Lynch. In 1986, he joined Chemical Bank; he later became its chief economist. From 1992 to 1996, Carson served as chief economist at Dean Witter, where he sat on the investment-policy and stock-selection committees. He received his BA and MA from Youngstown State University and did his PhD coursework at George Washington University. Location: New York "
Amy Raskin Chief Investment Officer 2009 2013
Biografie As Chief Investment Officer, Amy leads investment strategy, research and portfolio management at Chevy Chase Trust. Prior to Chevy Chase Trust, Amy was Senior Vice President at AllianceBernstein in New York, serving as Director of Thematic Research, head of U.S. & Global Growth Equity Research and Chief Investment Officer of AllianceBernstein Venture Capital Fund. Amy’s team published in-depth research papers on a wide range of investment-related topics such as climate change, China, molecular medicine, hybrid autos and broadband, among others. Amy joined AllianceBernstein in 2000 as an equity analyst and spent 13 years there focused on deep research and thematic investing. Earlier, she worked as an investment banker at Lehman Brothers and as a research analyst at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette. Amy graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science with a major in Engineering and a minor in Management from the Wharton School. She is active in the Penn Alumni Association and is a member of The Trustee’s Council of Penn Women, and the Technical Advisory Board for the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Amy is a guest contributor on CNBC and a sought after speaker at industry conferences.
Catherine D. Wood CIO of Global Thematic Strategies 2009 2013
Biografie Cathie founded ARK to focus solely on disruptive innovation while adding new dimensions to research. Prior to ARK, Cathie spent twelve years at AllianceBernstein as CIO of Global Thematic Strategies where she managed over $5 billion. Cathie joined Alliance Capital from Tupelo Capital Management, a hedge fund she co-founded, which in 2000, managed approximately $800 million in global thematic strategies.
Hiromitsu Agata Senior Vice President 1999 2009
Biografie Agata is a senior vice president of AllianceBernstein Japan Ltd with which he has been associated in a substantially similar capacity to his current position since prior to 2001.
Richard Chow Head 1991 2006
Biografie "Head of Asia ex Japan Growth Equities, Asia Regional Specialist and Portfolio Manager Richard Chow serves as Team Leader for our Asia ex Japan Growth, India Growth and Greater China Growth services and is the Asia Regional Specialist and Portfolio Manager for our Emerging Markets Growth service. He served as director of China Research from 2005 to 2008 and as leader of Global Emerging Markets Growth Technology from 2000 to 2005. Chow joined the firm in 1997 as an analyst covering China conglomerates and regional technology companies. Prior to that, he was employed by Fidelity Investments as a summer intern research associate, as an assistant marketing manager for TWD International Ltd. (Tomei Group), and as a management trainee with Sea-Land Service, Inc. Chow holds a BBA with honors from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and an MBA with high distinction from the University of Michigan. He is a CFA charterholder. Location: Hong Kong. "
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