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Schroder International Selection Fund Global Dividend Maximiser J Distribution Jpy M (0P0000UIFJ)

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930,196 +8,510    +0,92%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in JPY
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Schroder Investment Management Lux S.A.
ISIN:  LU0693708371 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 901,75M
Schroder International Selection Fund Global Divid 930,196 +8,510 +0,92%

0P0000UIFJ Overzicht

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Global Equity Income

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Adres Sennigerberg
Luxembourg, L-1736
Telefoon +352 341 342 202
Fax +352 341 342 342


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Kaarthi Chandrasegaram Fund Manager 2024 now
Biografie Fund Manager, Structured Fund Management Joined Structured Fund Management in May 2019 Joined Schroders as a Trade Processing Specialist in 2016. During his three years he specialised in OTC derivative electronic and paper confirmations BSc in Economics from City, University of London Passed CFA level 1
Liam Nunn Portfolio Manager 2020 now
Biografie Co-manager of Global Income strategies and deputy fund manager of Global Recovery strategies Joined the Global Value team in January 2019 as an analyst Investment career commenced in 2011 at Schroders as a Pan European sector analyst Moved to Merian Global Investors (formerly Old Mutual Global Investors) in 2015 as an equity analyst/fund manager Chartered Financial Analyst Degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Durham University
Simon Adler Portfolio Manager 2018 now
Biografie Simon Adler is a fund manager in Schroders Global Value team who manage income, recovery and sustainable strategies across four geographies: UK, European, global and emerging markets. Simon co-manages Global Recovery, Global Income and Global Sustainable Value strategies. He joined the Global Value team in July 2016 to manage portfolios. His investment career commenced in 2008 at Schroders as a UK equity analyst. He was previously sector analyst responsible for Chemicals, Media, Transport, Travel & Leisure and Utilities. He was a Global Sustainability Specialist in Global Equity team until 2016. Qualifications: CFA Charterholder; MA in Politics, Edinburgh University
Ghokhulan Manickavasagar - 2017 now
Biografie Ghokhulan Manickavasagar is a Fund Manager at Schroders, which involves providing portfolio construction solutions and managing the Diversified Trend strategy for the Multi-Asset business. He is a member of the Strategic Investment Group Multi-Asset (SIGMA) specialising in Commodity research. He joined Schroders in 2003 and is based in London. Ghokhulan was a Performance Analyst at Schroders from 2006 to 2007, which involved senior management reporting and maintenance of GIPS composites. Investment career commenced in 2003 upon joining Schroders within the Service Management Unit. Member of the CFA UK Qualifications: Investment Management Certificate (IMC UK); MSc in Information Technology from Queen Mary, University of London; BSc in Biochemistry from Queen Mary, University of London.
Jeegar Jagani Fund Manager 2012 now
Biografie Jeegar Jagani is a Structured Fund Manager at Schroders, which involves Yield Management, Structuring and Execution of Options for Enhanced Income Funds. He joined Schroders in 2008 and is based in London. Jeegar was a Quantitative Analyst at Royal London Asset Management from 2003 to 2008, which involved supporting the performance team, providing Quantitative output to Equity and Fixed Income Fund Managers. Structuring and Execution of OTC Derivatives in Fixed Income and Equities. Member of the CFA Insitute and CFA Society of the UK Qualifications: CFA Charterholder; BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Surrey.
Scott Thomson Fund Manager 2009 now
Biografie Scott Thomson is a Fund Manager at Schroders, which involves the Yield Management, Structuring and Execution of Options for Enhanced Income Funds, including the call option overlay strategy for the Maximiser Fund Range. He joined Schroders in 1997 and is based in London. Scott was a Quantitive Fund Manager/Analyst for the Investment Process Research Unit at Schroder Investment Management from 2004 to 2009. He was a Junior Fund Manager, Manager of EAFE Deal Implementation Team at Schroder Investment Management from 1997 to 2004. He was a Equity Fund Analyst at Morgan Grenfell Asset Management from 1995 to 1997. Qualifications: BA Honours Degree in Applied Economics from University of Abertay, Dundee.
Nick Kirrage Co-Head 2018 2024
Biografie Nick Kirrage is co-head of Schroders Global Value team who manage income, recovery and sustainable strategies across four geographies: UK, European, global and emerging markets. Nick co-manages UK Income, UK Recovery, Global Income and Global Recovery portfolios. He has managed value portfolios at Schroders since 2006 and was a founding member of the Global Value team in 2013. He joined Schroders in 2001, initially working as part of the Pan European research team providing insight and analysis on a broad range of sectors from Transport and Aerospace to Mining and Chemicals. Qualifications: CFA Charterholder; Meng in Aeronautical Engineering from Bristol University.
Mike Hodgson Head 2016 2024
Biografie Mike Hodgson is Head of Risk Managed Investments and Structuring at Schroders, which involves, in the case of RMI, the management of outcome-oriented growth strategies. Usually this involves modifying the distribution of outcomes, often through the use of derivatives. Structuring involves the design of RMI strategies, and the design and execution of OTC derivatives. He joined Schroders in 2011 and is based in London. Mike was Head of Fund Derivatives Structuring and Trading at ABN AMRO Bank NV from 2006 to 2010, which involved designing, executing and hedging products and solutions that provide an exposure to funds. He was Head of Global Equity Derivatives Structuring at ABN AMRO Bank NV from 2004 to 2006, which involved designing products and solutions that provide an exposure to equities. He was Head of Structured Products and Equity Derivatives at J Henry Schroder & Co. Limited from 1996 to 2000, which involved designing, executing and hedging products and solutions across all asset classes. He was also responsible for equity and fund derivatives trading. When JHS was acquired by Citigroup in 2000, Mike became Head of New Product Development. He was an Interest Rate Derivatives Trader at J Henry Schroder & Co Limited from 1987 to 1992, which involved making markets in and trading and hedging interest rate swaps, swaptions, caps and floors. In 1992, Mike moved to JHS's Structured Products team (which he later led) expanding into derivative instruments across all asset classes. Qualifications: PhD in Physics from Cambridge University; BSc in Physics from Imperial College, London.
Ian Kelly Fund Manager 2013 2018
Biografie Ian Kelly is a Fund Manager at Schroders, responsible for managing the Schroder ISF Global Equity Yield, the Schroder Global Equity Income Fund and co-managing the Schroder ISF Global Dividend Maximiser. He also co-manages the Schroder ISF European Equity Yield and the Schroder ISF European Dividend Maximiser. Ian is a founding member in 2013 of Schroders Global Value team. He joined Schroders in 2007 and is based in London. Ian was an Analyst at Schroders from 2007 to 2010, with responsibility for the Pan European Insurance and Automobiles sectors. Qualifications: CFA Charterholder; MSc in Investment Management from Cass Business School, London; PhD in Biophysics from Newcastle University.
Thomas See Head 2007 2016
Biografie Dr See’s investment career commenced in 1988 upon joining Schroders within the Investment Banking division, working in structured investments, project financing, tax and property financing, until Schroders investment bank was sold to Citibank in 2000. He rejoined Schroder Investment Management in 2005 to build the open ended structured funds business. He has a BA (Double First with Distinction), PhD in Engineering, Cambridge University and 22 years investment experience.
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