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Schroder International Selection Fund Global Credit Income C Distribution Eur Hedged Q (0P00019BRA)

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88,177 +0,030    +0,04%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Schroder Investment Management Lux S.A.
ISIN:  LU1514168373 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 5,31B
Schroder International Selection Fund Global Credi 88,177 +0,030 +0,04%

0P00019BRA Overzicht

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Global Flexible Bond - EUR Hedged

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Contact Informatie

Adres Sennigerberg
Luxembourg, L-1736
Telefoon +352 341 342 202
Fax +352 341 342 342


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Martin Coucke - 2021 now
Biografie Martin Coucke Credit Portfolio Manager - 2017: Credit Portfolio Manager at Schroders - 2015: Joined Schroders as Portfolio Analyst - Feb-July 2015: Societe Generale CIB, Long/Short Equity Analyst Intern - July 14-Feb 15: bfinance, Fund Analyst Intern - MSc in Risk and Finance, EDHEC Business School - BSc in Applied Mathematics, Universite Paris 1 Patheon Sorbonne
Julien Houdain - 2020 now
Biografie Julien is a Portfolio Manager in the Global Credit Team. He joined LGIM in September 2007 from Fortis Investments, where he was a Quantitative Strategist in the structured finance team and developed market standard and proprietary models for the pricing and risk management of credit derivatives as well as trading and hedging strategies. Julien has a PhD in Financial Modelling from the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France.
Patrick Vogel Head 2016 2021
Biografie Patrick Vogel is the Head of Credit Europe at Schroders, which involves managing the Credit strategy for Europe. He joined Schroders in 2012 and is based in London. Patrick was a Head of European Credit Portfolio Management at Legal & General Investment Management from 2007 to 2012, which involved managing European Credit Portfolio Management. He was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Deutsche Bank from 2004 to 2007, which involved managing Client portfolios. He was a Portfolio Manager at Frankfurt-Trust from 2000 to 2004, which involved managing Client portfolios. Qualifications: Dipl-Kfm in Business Administration from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat.
Martin Coucke - 2018 2019
Biografie Martin Coucke Credit Portfolio Manager - 2017: Credit Portfolio Manager at Schroders - 2015: Joined Schroders as Portfolio Analyst - Feb-July 2015: Societe Generale CIB, Long/Short Equity Analyst Intern - July 14-Feb 15: bfinance, Fund Analyst Intern - MSc in Risk and Finance, EDHEC Business School - BSc in Applied Mathematics, Universite Paris 1 Patheon Sorbonne
Jonathan Golan Portfolio Manage1 2018 2019
Biografie Jonathan Golan is a portfolio manager at Man GLG, focusing on corporate bond and dynamic credit strategies. Prior to joining Man GLG in July 2021, Jonathan was a fund manager at Schroders. He joined Schroders in 2013. Jonathan has an MSc in Financial Economics from Oxford University and a BA in Economics from The Hebrew University.
Daniel Pearson Portfolio Manager 2018 2019
Biografie Daniel Pearson is a Credit Portfolio Manager who Joined Schroders from Cazenove in 2013. He has a focus on IG and HY auto, Business Services and Property sectors. Qualifications: BSc Business Administration from Bath University, ACCA and IMC.
Alix Stewart Portfolio Manager 2018 2019
Biografie 2012: Joined Schroders 2011: UBS Global AM, Head of UK Fixed Interest 2009: UBS Global AM, Fund Manager- UK Corporate Bonds 2008: UBS Global AM, Fund Manager- Global Corporate Bonds 2006: SWIP, Fund Manager- High Alpha UK Retail Corporate Bonds 2003: Gartmore, Fund Manager- High Aplha UK Retail Corporate Bonds 1999: Standard Life Investments, Fund Manager- Corporate Bonds 1994: Scottish Mutual (ANFIS) Investments- Fund Manager, Corporate Bonds 1991: Scottish Mutual (ANFIS)- Actuarial Trainee BSc(Hons) in Economic and Mathematics from University of Leeds
Peter Harvey Senior Fund Manager 2018 2019
Biografie Peter Harvey is a Senior Fund Manager at Schroders, which involves helping manage the European and Global Credit Fixed income management strategy. He joined Schroders in 2005 and is based in London. Peter was Head of the Cazenove Capital European credit team at Cazenove Capital from 2005 to 2013, responsibilities included credit strategy and management of the Cazenove UK Corporate Bond Fund. Peter joined F&C Asset Management in 1994. He had multiple roles with the group which included running funds that covered emerging market corporate bonds, high yield and distressed debt and culminating in Director, UK Credit. Qualifications: MA in Management and International Relations from St Andrews University.
Konstantin Leidman Portfolio Manager 2018 2019
Biografie As a high-yield portfolio manager on the Investment Boutiques Team, Konstantin is responsible for developing and managing the European High Yield strategy, working within EMEA Fixed Income and Global High Yield. Before joining Wellington Management in 2019, Konstantin worked at Schroders Investment Management (2012 – 2019) as a senior fund manager managing European high-yield funds. Previously, he ran similar strategies at UBS Global Asset Management in London (2006 – 2012). He is located in our London office. Konstantin holds an MBA from London Business School (2011), an MA in money banking and finance from Middlesex University Business School (2000), and a BA from the Russian Academy of Economics in Moscow (1999). Additionally, he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Michael Scott Portfolio Manager 2016 2018
Biografie Mike Scott is a Portfolio Manager at Man GLG. He began his career at Cazenove Capital Management in 2005 before moving to Schroders in 2006. Mike initially spent four years as a European industrials credit analyst covering investment grade and high yield and went on to become the lead high yield portfolio manager. Mike graduated from Oxford University and is a CFA Charterholder.
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