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Renaissance Global Infrastructure Cl F (0P00009XY1)

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14,142 +0,180    +1,28%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in CAD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Canada
Emittent:  CIBC Asset Management Inc
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,25B
Renaissance Global Infrastructure Cl F 14,142 +0,180 +1,28%

0P00009XY1 Overzicht

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Global Infrastructure Equity

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Adres Suite 2230
Toronto,ON M5J 2S1
Telefoon (416) 364-5620
Fax (416) 364-4472


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Justin Lannen Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Biografie Justin Lannen joined Maple-Brown Abbott in 2012. Justin is co-founder and portfolio manager of Maple-Brown Abbott’s Global Listed Infrastructure and is also responsible for all Regulated Utilities (ex-North America). Prior to joining Maple-Brown Abbott, Justin spent five years as Portfolio Manager at Macquarie where he managed their global listed infrastructure portfolios whilst based in New York and Sydney. Prior to this, Justin worked at Colonial First State as a portfolio manager and managed the $1.4b industrial share fund whilst maintaining his analysis of infrastructure stocks.
Andrew Maple-Brown Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Biografie Andrew joined Maple-Brown Abbott in December 2012. Prior to joining Maple-Brown Abbott, Andrew has worked at Lend Lease for 5 years and then at Macquarie Group for over 11 years. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Sydney University (Mechanical, First Class Honours), a Bachelor of Commerce from Sydney University, a Masters of Applied Finance from Macquarie University, and has received the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation from the Canadian Securities Administrator.
Steven Kempler Portfolio Manager 2017 now
Biografie Steven joined Maple-Brown Abbott in 2012 and is co-founder and portfolio manager of global listed infrastructure. Prior to Maple-Brown Abbott, he spent six years in Macquarie’s Global Listed Infrastructure team as an investment analyst covering infrastructure and utilities in the Asia Pacific region. He was later appointed as a joint Portfolio Manager for Macquarie’s Emerging Market Listed Infrastructure strategy. Prior to joining Macquarie, Steven worked briefly within Rothschild’s investment banking division in London, specifically on debt and mezzanine private placement transactions.
Lachlan Pike Portfolio Manager 2017 2020
Biografie Lachlan joined Maple-Brown Abbott Limited since 2013. Lachlan has more than 12 years experience in financing and investing in real assets, the majority of this in global listed infrastructure. Lachlan was one of Macquarie’s first employees in its global listed infrastructure team, the first such specialist manager globally. Between 2004 and 2009 he had various roles within this team in both Sydney and New York. This included developing the research of US pipeline and Japanese stocks as an analyst, along with providing macro economic review and market analysis in his position as head trader.
Charles Hamieh Portfolio Manager 2010 2017
Biografie As Senior Portfolio Manager Charles is a member of RARE’s Management and Investment Leadership Team and the investment committees responsible for the performance of RARE’s Value, Income, Emerging Market and Index Strategies. Prior to joining RARE in 2010, Charles was Director and Senior Analyst, Global Infrastructure Securities at AMP Capital where he oversaw all research and analysis across Asia, including Japan. Charles has also held Portfolio Management and Investment Analyst roles as a Director at Hastings Funds Management and Challenger Financial Services Group.
Shane Hurst Portfolio Manager 2010 2017
Biografie As a Senior Portfolio Manager, Shane is a member of RARE’s Management and Investment Leadership Teams and the investment committees responsible for the performance of RARE’s Value, Income and Emerging Markets strategies. Prior to joining RARE in 2010, Shane was Director, Infrastructure Securities at Hastings Funds Management, where he created the Hastings Global Infrastructure Securities Fund. Shane’s role included recruiting and managing the Infrastructure Securities investment team and developing its investment process and portfolio construction framework.
Richard Elmslie - 2007 2017
Biografie Richard Elmslie co-founded RARE Infrastructure with Nick Langley in 2006. Mr. Elmslie has worked for numerous infrastructure companies in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., U.S., Canada, Asia and Japan, in global infrastructure sectors, including gas, electricity, water, telecoms, communications and airports. Prior to founding RARE, he was the Head of Power and Joint Head of Infrastructure at UBS Investment Bank in Sydney (2000-2004), and Head of Power at BZW/ABN AMRO first in London, then Wellington, New Zealand and in Sydney (1990-1999).
Nick Langley Portfolio Manager 2007 2017
Biografie As a Co-Founder and Senior Portfolio Manager, Nick is a member of RARE’s Management and Investment Leadership Teams and is responsible for the management of RARE’s Australian operations. As a member of the Investment Leadership Team, Nick is responsible for the governance and management of the investment team and the investment process. As a Senior Portfolio Manager, Nick is a member of the investment committees responsible for the investment performance across RARE’s Value, Income and Emerging Market strategies.
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