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Rathbone Sicav Ethical Bond Z Eur Acc Hedged (0P00018KXI)

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1,174 +0,001    +0,09%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Rathbone Unit Trust Management Limited
ISIN:  LU1396461185 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 9,65M
Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund Accumulation Sub Fund L 1,174 +0,001 +0,09%

0P00018KXI Overzicht

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Adres 8 Finsbury Circus
London, EC2M 7AZ
United Kingdom
Telefoon 020 7399 0399
Fax 020-7399-0057


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Christie Goncalves Assistant Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Christie is assistant fund manager across Rathbones Asset Management’s Fixed Income Strategies, working closely with our head of fixed income, Bryn Jones.Christie joined Rathbones in January 2024. Christie has vast experience in fixed income markets and joins from Vanguard where she spent eight years as an assistant portfolio manager on global corporate ESG funds and ETFs, and as a senior trader focused on EUR and GBP rates and credit. Prior to this she was an emerging markets trader and portfolio manager for Stanlib in South Africa. Christie has an honours degree in Investment Management from the University of Pretoria (cum laude), is a CFA Charterholder and holds the Financial Risk Management qualification.
Stuart Chilvers Lead Portfolio Manager 2023 now
Biografie Stuart works with Bryn Jones, assisting in the management of the Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund and the Rathbone Strategic Bond Fund. He is also the lead fund manager of the Rathbone High Quality Bond Fund. Stuart joined Rathbones in September 2017 and was made an Assistant Fund Manager in January 2020, then Fund Manager in January 2022. Previously, he gained three years industry experience at Brown Shipley.He graduated from Bath University with a first-class Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. He is a CFA Charterholder and also holds the CISI Chartered Wealth Manager qualification, having won the CISI Financial Markets & CISI Chartered Wealth Manager Qualification awards at the annual CISI awards in 2016 & 2017 respectively. He was named in the 2018 Citywire Top 30 under 30 investment management awards.
Bryn Jones Portfolio Manager 2016 now
Biografie Bryn is the head of fixed income for Rathbones and is lead manager on the Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund and the Rathbone Strategic Bond Fund. He joined Rathbones in November 2004 from Merrill Lynch, where he managed $2 billion of fixed income assets. Bryn is a member of the Rathbone Strategic Asset Allocation Committee, non-executive chairman of Rathbones' Fixed Income Committee, and an adviser to the Rathbone Banking Committee. He is a WMA representative for the HMT DMO’s (Her Majesty’s Treasury - Debt Management Office) Gilt market consultation process. Bryn appears regularly on CNBC and Bloomberg TV. He also sits on the IA Fixed Income Committee. Bryn graduated from Birmingham University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography in 1995. Bryn was awarded Fund Manager of the year, within the Sterling Corporate Bond sector in 2021 at the Investment Week awards and was also awarded the Citywire top 10 fund Manager of the decade. Bryn’s Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund was awarded Best Ethical Investment Fund, 2019 and 2018; Best Sustainable and ESG Bond Fund 2020 - Investment Week Sustainable and ESG Investment Awards; Best Sterling Corporate Bond Fund at the Morningstar UK Fund Awards 2014, 2016 and 2020; Best SRI Bond Fund at the Money Observer 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Fund Awards; the Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund is also a top performer in the Bond Pound Sterling – Corporates sector over three and five years in the UK (Lipper Fund Award 2015) and was ‘Highly Commended’ at the 2015 Moneywise Awards. In 2018 the Ethical bond fund won the prestigious Judge’s Choice fixed Income fund award at the Investment Week awards. His Rathbone Strategic Bond fund was voted best Multi-Asset Fixed Income Strategy at the Investment Week Specialist Investment Awards 2015.
Noelle Cazalis Portfolio Manager 2016 2023
Biografie Noelle joined Rathbones in July 2011 and was made manager in October 2018. Before this, she spent some time as a financial analyst for the Bank of France in Paris and five months in Cambodia, where she undertook due diligence on the Cambodian banking sector for the French Embassy. Noelle has achieved two master’s degrees with distinction in 2010, from the University of Montesquieu in Bordeaux - a Magistere of International Finance, and a Master’s in Banking, Finance and Financial Assets Trading. Noelle is a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) charter-holder. She was named in the 2016 Citywire Top 30 Under 30 investment management awards.
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