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Nordea Invest Virksomhedsobligationer Højrente Kl1 (0P00000L1Q)

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101,690 -0,000    0,00%
04/07 - Gesloten. Valuta in DKK ( Algemene voorwaarden )
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Denemarken
Emittent:  Nordea Invest
ISIN:  DK0016067432 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 793,54M
Nordea Invest Virksomhedsobligationer Højrente 101,690 -0,000 0,00%

0P00000L1Q Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Nordea Invest Virksomhedsobligationer Højrente Kl1. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P00000L1Q.

Obligaties Wereldwijd High Yield - EUR Hedged

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Contact Informatie

Adres Strandgade 3, PO Box 850
København V, 0900
Telefoon +45 33360600
Fax +45 (0) 33 33 26 67


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Benjamin D. Miller Portfolio Manager 2013 now
Biografie Ben Miller, CFA, is co-head of US high yield and a senior portfolio manager responsible for US and global high yield portfolio management. Prior to his current role, Ben held various investment responsibilities ranging from private placement analyst to public fixed income research analyst. He has been in the industry since and started with the firm and its affiliates in 1993. Ben received his BA from the University of Northern Iowa and his MBA from the University of Iowa. He is a CFA® charterholder.
Kevin Bakker Portfolio Manager 2013 now
Biografie Kevin Bakker, CFA, is co-head of US high yield and a senior portfolio manager responsible for US and global high yield portfolio management. Prior to his current role, he was a public fixed income research analyst covering high yield and investment grade corporate securities. Prior to joining the firm, Kevin was employed by Archer Daniels Midland in various roles within their commodities trading division. He has been in the industry since and started with the firm in 2003. Kevin received his BA from Loras College and his MBA from the University of Iowa. He is a CFA® charterholder.
James K. Schaeffer - 2013 now
Biografie Jim Schaeffer is global head of leveraged finance and serves as a portfolio manager for the various leveraged finance strategies. He is also responsible for stressed and special situation securities, and all restructuring and bankruptcy situations for the firm. In addition, he is a member of the Aegon Asset Management Steering Committee that sets global macro and asset allocation strategies (global macro views) and has responsibility for implementation of those views in the US. Prior to his current role, Jim served as a vice president at PPM America’s Distressed Debt and Workout group.
Bradley J. Beman CEO 2012 2013
Biografie Mr. Beman co-founded the Tortoise Credit Strategies, LLC , an investment firm focused on fixed income-related credit, in 2015. He serves as the Adviser’s chief executive officer and chief investment officer, and as a member of the IPSC. Mr. Beman has nearly three decades of fixed income investment experience, including a 28-year career at AEGON USA Investment Management LLC. He held several key positions at AEGON, most recently serving as the firm’s global chief investment officer/director of high yield. He also was a member of a global asset management board and led a team of approximately 100 investment professionals overseeing more than $200 billion invested in domestic and global taxable fixed income, asset allocation, alternatives and derivatives, with a specific focus in the U.S. and European regions. Mr. Beman was also involved in the build-out and growth of a third-party retail and institutional taxable fixed income and asset allocation business. His prior positions with AEGON included director of public fixed income and director of public credit research. A recognized expert in high yield fixed-income and leveraged finance strategies, Mr. Beman has spoken for The Financial Investigator Seminar and The Money Management Institute. He was part of a select group of high yield managers asked to participate in Morgan Stanley’s biannual leveraged finance roundtable. Mr. Beman earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Iowa and a Bachelor of Arts in accounting from the University of Northern Iowa. He passed the Certified Public Accountant exam and is a CFA charterholder.
James K. Schaeffer - 2000 2013
Biografie Jim Schaeffer is global head of leveraged finance and serves as a portfolio manager for the various leveraged finance strategies. He is also responsible for stressed and special situation securities, and all restructuring and bankruptcy situations for the firm. In addition, he is a member of the Aegon Asset Management Steering Committee that sets global macro and asset allocation strategies (global macro views) and has responsibility for implementation of those views in the US. Prior to his current role, Jim served as a vice president at PPM America’s Distressed Debt and Workout group.
Dan C. Roberts Executive Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer and Head of Global Fi 2011 2012
Biografie Dan C. Roberts is an Executive Managing Director, Head of the Global Fixed Income Group and its Chief Investment Officer. His responsibilities include spearheading macro-economic research, managing portfolios that utilize asset allocation and chairing GFI’s Investment Policy Committee (IPC). Directing the IPC is Dan’s most important investment responsibility as this Committee is the foundation of the GFI team-based approach to managing portfolios. It sets all portfolio strategy within the context of the team’s macro view and monitors compliance with its decisions. No significant positions are taken in any portfolio without the approval of the IPC. The IPC’s voting members are GFI’s four most senior investment professionals, who have worked together for nearly two decades. Dan joined MacKay Shields in 2004 when the firm acquired the fixed income business of Pareto Partners, where he had served as Chief Investment Officer. Dan first began assembling his team in 1989, when he was appointed head of fixed income at UBS Asset Management. In 1997 the team joined Forstmann-Leff International and was subsequently purchased by Pareto Partners in 2000. Prior to UBS, Dan worked at Chase Manhattan Bank, initially as a Financial Economist before being named head of Global Interest Rate and Currency Swaps Trading. Before joining the private sector, Dan served at The White House with the President’s Council of Economic Advisors from 1981 to 1983, was the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Congress’ Joint Economic Committee from 1984 to 1985 and was an economist at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from 1977 to 1978. Dan holds a BBA and a PhD from University of Iowa. He has been working in the investment industry since 1977.
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