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Morgan Stanley Investment Funds - Global Brands Fund B (0P00000SLE)

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167,230 +0,140    +0,08%
10/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Morgan Stanley Investment Management (ACD) Limited
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 20,64B
Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Global Brands Fund 167,230 +0,140 +0,08%

0P00000SLE Overzicht

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Aandelen Wereldwijd Large-Cap Gemengd

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Sora P Utzinger - 2024 now
Anton Kryachok - 2024 now
Biografie Anton is a portfolio manager for the London based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2021 and has 13 years of investment experience. Prior to joining the team, Anton was a Research Analyst at Sculptor Capital (formerly OchZiff) and prior to that he was an Equity Analyst covering European banks at UBS. He holds a B.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Marte Borhaug - 2022 now
Biografie Marte is a Portfolio Manager and Head of Sustainable Outcomes for the International Equity Team. She joined Morgan Stanley Investment Management in November 2021 and has 12 years of experience in sustainability, six of which in financial services. She was previously the Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes at Aviva Investors, a team that co-managed Aviva’s sustainable fund range, including the climate transition franchise, evaluated positive and negative impact related to the SDGs, produced thematic screening and research on climate change, biodiversity and inequality, and designed sustainable solutions for clients. Before that, Marte led sustainability campaigns for Aviva as Head of EU public policy focused on sustainable finance, financial reform and Brexit. She joined Aviva from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) where she was Head of Financial Services and Corporate Governance. Before this she led sustainable finance campaigns in Brussels at the EU public affairs consultancy, The Brussels Office and the Mission of Norway to the EU. Marte is co-chair of the 30% Club Investor Group, an advisor to Rosa UK, a charity that funds grassroots women’s organisations to help to make the UK a fairer, safer place for women and a mentor at the social accelerator Bethnal Green Ventures. She holds an MSc in European Political Economy from the London School of Economics.
Isabelle Mast Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Biografie Isabelle is a portfolio manager for the London based International Equity team. She joined Morgan Stanley in 2021 and has 16 years of investment experience. Prior to joining the firm, she worked at Fidelity and Citadel. Isabelle is a Chartered Accountant. She read English at Pembroke College, Oxford, holds a Doctorate in English Literature from Hertford College, Oxford, a Masters in Medieval Studies from York and an MBA from Queens’ College, Cambridge.
Helena Miles - 2020 now
Fei Teng - 2020 now
Nic Sochovsky Portfolio Manager 2015 now
Biografie Nic is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2015 and has 25 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the team, Nic worked for Credit Suisse within a top industry ranked consumer staples team covering food manufacturing, home and personal care (HPC), beverages and tobacco. Before that he headed the consumer research team at Unicredit and was a senior analyst at Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers covering pan-European food manufacturing and HPC. Nic received a B.A. in Economics from Sheffield University. Nic is a longtime supporter of Place 2Be, the leading UK children’s mental health charity.
Richard Perrott Portfolio Manager 2015 now
Biografie Richard is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2015 and has been with financial industry since 2006. Prior to joining the team, Richard was an equity research analyst at Autonomous Research covering specialty financials. Before that Richard covered financials at Berenberg Bank and financials and healthcare at Sanford Bernstein. Richard received an M.A in Mathematics and Philosophy from St Edmund Hall, Oxford. Richard is a trustee of Shrewsbury House Community Association.
Alex Gabriele Portfolio Manager 2012 now
Biografie Alex is a portfolio manager for the London based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley from Sloane Robinson LLP in 2012 and has 14 years of buyside investment experience. Prior to joining the team, Alex was responsible for stock selection across the cyclical universe, predominantly in Asia ex-Japan. Alex is a trustee at the Belvedere Trust, a UK charity that gives grants to education, poverty alleviation and the arts. Alex holds a B.A. in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge.
Bruno Paulson Managing Director 2009 now
Biografie Bruno is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2009. Prior to joining the firm, Bruno worked for Sanford Bernstein in London, where he was a Senior Analyst covering the financial sector for 8 years. Previously, he was a manager at the Boston Consulting Group where he focused on the financial services industry. Bruno has an MBA from INSEAD where he received the Ford Prize for graduating top of class. He was also a Research Fellow in Political Economy at Nuffield College, Oxford, and received a B.A. in Politics, Philosophy and Economics with 1st Class Honors from Keble College, Oxford. Bruno was a parent-founder of The Rise School, a free school for children with high-functioning autism. He is a governor at Kensington Aldridge Academy, where he chairs the Business Committee.
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