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Midf Amanah Shariah Money Market Fund (0P00008MC7)

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1,000 0,000    0,00%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in MYR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Maleisië
Emittent:  MIDF Amanah Asset Management Berhad
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 40,36M
MIDF Amanah Shariah Money Market Fund 1,000 0,000 0,00%

0P00008MC7 Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Midf Amanah Shariah Money Market Fund. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P00008MC7.

Money Market - Malaysia (Sharia)

Totale activa






Contact Informatie

Adres Level 4, Menara MIDF,
Kuala Lumpur, 50200
Telefoon 03-2173 8488
Fax 03-2173 8555


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Nor Aishah Saad - 2024 now
Biografie Nor Aishah joined MIDF Amanah in July 2020 as the Chief Investment Officer. She has more than 23 years of experience in fund management industry. Prior to joining MIDF Amanah, she was the Head of Investment at Valuecap Sdn Bhd (“Valuecap”), primarily responsible for managing Valuecap’s investment portfolio over the span of 15 years since 2004. She has served EPF, one of the premier institutions with asset size of more than RM100 billion for nine years prior to joining Valuecap. During her tenure with Valuecap, she played a key role as Project Coordinator of the Group’s ETF and ESG market initiatives via seeding of funds for investments and for the purpose of facilitating collaboration arrangements with external parties on ETF products (Islamic and Conventional). She was a member of the Group’s Portfolio Review Committee, Asset Allocation Work Group and Group Compliance and Risk Committee. She graduated from Western Michigan University U.S.A. with a Bachelor degree in Financial Studies. She obtained the Capital Market Services Representative License (CMSRL) in 2014.
Encik Suhaimi Abdullah - 2020 2024
Biografie He has over 22 years of experience in fund management industry both locally and abroad. Prior to joining MIDF Amanah, he spent 12 years with a Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund as a Senior Manager for Public Market Investments and Asset Allocation & Portfolio Management. His previous role involved macro and financial market research, formulating investment strategies for Global Equity, Fixed Income & Currency Overlay portfolios as well as determining allocation of funds and selection of external managers. Prior to that, he was attached to several asset management firms including RHB Asset Management, SBB Asset Management and BHLB Asset Management as Vice President of Investment over a span of 6 years from 2001. Suhaimi started his career in investment as a trainee with Permodalan Nasional Berhad (“PNB”) in 1992 before joining BBMB Kewangan Berhad as a Credit Analyst. He later re-joined PNB in 1997 where he spent 4 years as a Senior Analyst in one of the Unit Trust Funds under the PNB Group. Suhaimi is a CFA holder since 2001 and graduated from University of Nottingham, UK with a MBA in Financial Studies.
Encik Azlan Hussin - 2017 2024
Biografie Azlan has more than 12 years of experience in fund management. He started his career with SBB Asset Management (SBBAM) as an Investment Analyst and he was later promoted to Vice President of Investment managing a portfolio ranging from unit trust, government agencies and corporate to insurance companies. During his tenure at SBBAM, Azlan was the fund manager responsible for the portfolio of a major statutory body. Subsequently, he left SBBAM to join AmanahRaya-JMF Asset Management as the General Manager for Equity Investment where he managed portfolios worth RM1 billion ranging from trust funds, state government funds and corporate funds. At AmanahRaya-JMF Asset Management, he also assisted in drafting the overall investment policies and guidelines for Amanah Raya Berhad which is wholly owned by the Ministry of Finance (Incorporated). He graduated with BA (Hons.) in Accounting and Finance from the South Bank University, London and later obtained his ACCA from Emile Woolf College, London.
Azlina Abdul Aziz - 2013 2024
Biografie Azlina Abdul Aziz, Fund Manager, joined MIDFA in March 2013. Prior to joining MIDFA, she was a fund manager with RHB Investment Management (RHBIM) for 8 years. During her tenure there, she managed both equity and balance portfolios with a total value of RM450mil for various types of clients namely institutions, state funds, unit trusts and high net-worth individuals. Before RHBIM, she was a fund manager with Maybank Investment Management managing primarily high net-worth individuals. She graduated in 1996 from Ball State University, USA with a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science.
Scott Kok Seng Lim - 2012 2013
Biografie Scott Lim Kok Seng, Chief Executive Officer/Chief Investment Officer, joined MIDF Amanah in September 2008 and was appointed to the Board on 28 October 2008. He graduated from University of Wisconsin in Madison, USA with a distinction in Finance. He also heads the Investment division of MIDF Amanah and has more than 15 years of experience in managing Malaysian and regional equity portfolios and unit trust funds. He was previously attached to CMS Dresdner Asset Management for 10 years as a Fund Manager and subsequently appointed as Chief Investment Officer in 2004. His financial market experience also includes 5 years at Pheim Asset Management and Premier Capital Management.
Jason Chun Hee Tham - 2012 2013
Biografie Jason Tham Chun Hee, Fund Manager, graduated from The University of New South Wales (Australia) in 1999. He started his career in HLG Asset Management as an Investment Analyst, before joining a local insurance company, Asia Life (M) Berhad as a Senior Investment Executive. Thereafter, he joined CMS Dresdner Asset Management in 2006 as a Fund Manager, managing the equity and fixed income portfolios. He joined MIDF Amanah Management in 2008. He is a member of MIDF Amanah’s Investment Committee. He holds a CMSRL issued by the SC under the Act.
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