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Robeco Bp Global Premium Equities F Eur (0P000163TA)

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218,590 +1,360    +0,63%
12/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Robeco Institutional Asset Mgmt BV
ISIN:  LU1208675808 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 4,83B
Robeco BP Global Premium Equities F EUR 218,590 +1,360 +0,63%

0P000163TA Overzicht

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Aandelen Wereldwijd Large-Cap Waarde

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Adres Weena 850
Rotterdam, 3014 DA
Telefoon +31 10 2241224


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Soyoun Song Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Mr. Song is an equity analyst with Boston Partners, specializing in Non-U.S. Industries with a focus in industrial and material sectors of the equity market. He joined the firm from ThornTree Capital where he was a managing director with responsibility for its global industrials long/short portfolio. Prior to that, Mr. Song was a managing director at Bain Capital’s Brookside Fund where he co-managed its global industrials long/short portfolio. He began his investing career at Bain Capital in its North American private equity practice. Before that, he was a consultant at McKinsey & Company. Mr. Song holds an M.B.A. degree from Harvard Business School, an M.Sc. in clinical medicine from Oxford University, and an A.B. in biochemical sciences from Harvard College. He has fifteen years of investment experience.
Joshua M. Jones Portfolio Manager 2015 now
Biografie Mr. Jones is a portfolio manager on Boston Partners Global Equity and International Equity products. Prior to this role, he was a research analyst specializing in the energy, metals and mining sectors of the equity market and was a global generalist. He joined the firm from Cambridge Associates where he was a consulting associate specializing in hedge fund clients. Mr. Jones holds a B.A. degree in economics from Bowdoin College. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. He has sixteen years of investment experience.
Christopher K. Hart Portfolio Manager 2005 now
Biografie Mr. Hart is a portfolio manager for Boston Partners Global Equity and International Equity products. Prior to this, he was the portfolio manager for the Boston Partners International Small Cap Value product and before that, an assistant portfolio manager for the Boston Partners Small Cap Value products for three years. Previously, he was a research analyst and specialized in conglomerates, engineering and construction, building, machinery, aerospace & defense, and REITs sectors of the equity market. He joined the firm from Fidelity Investments where he was a research analyst. Mr. Hart holds a B.S. degree in finance, with a concentration in corporate finance from Clemson University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. He has twenty-nine years of investment experience.
Joshua White Portfolio Manager 2018 2021
Biografie Joshua White is a portfolio manager for the Boston Partners Large Cap Value strategy. His experience at the firm included managing a portion of the Boston Partners Long/Short Research strategy while covering multiple economic sectors including basic industries, consumer durables, and capital goods. Mr. White was also a portfolio manager on Boston Partners Global Equity and International Equity strategies and before that, he was a global generalist providing fundamental research on global equities. Mr. White holds a B.A. degree in mathematics from Middlebury College. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and has 15 years of industry experience.
Steven L. Pollack Senior Portfolio Manager 2008 2009
Biografie Mr. Pollack is a portfolio manager for Boston Partners Mid Cap Value Equity product. He has been with Boston Partners since 2000. He joined the firm from Hughes Investments where he spent twelve years as an equity portfolio manager, managing value equity across the market capitalization spectrum. He also oversaw the outside investment managers who manage assets for Hughes’ pension plan. He began his career at Hughes as an Investment Analyst where he spent four years covering a variety of industries and sectors. Prior to that, he was with Remington, Inc., and Arthur Anderson & Co. Mr. Pollack is a graduate from Georgia Institute of Technology and holds an M.B.A. from The Anderson School of Management at the University of California at Los Angeles. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. He has thirty-six years of investment experience.
Patrick Wollenberg - 2004 2008
Biografie Patrick is a Portfolio Manager of the Trillium ESG Global Equity strategy and Research Analyst covering the financial sector. Patrick joined as an Analyst in September 2018 with previous experience as a portfolio manager and equity research analyst for several Global and European equity funds at ING Investment Management and Robeco Asset Management, where he started his career in 1994. Immediately prior to joining Trillium, he was an Investment Director at John Hancock Investments (JHI), covering global, international, emerging markets and US equity funds for John Hancock. While at JHI, Patrick served as an ESG specialist at the firm, driving product development, content creation and client education. Patrick also served in due diligence roles at Merrill Lynch Global Wealth & Investment Management. Patrick completed his Masters of Science (Honors) in Business Administration in 1992 and Masters of Science Economics (Honors) in 1994 from Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Patrick is a Certified European Financial Analyst.
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