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Schroder International Selection Fund Italian Equity A Accumulation Eur (0P00000AN8)

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67,092 +0,910    +1,37%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A.
ISIN:  LU0106238719 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 182,14M
Schroder International Selection Fund Italian Equi 67,092 +0,910 +1,37%

0P00000AN8 Overzicht

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Adres Sennigerberg
Luxembourg, L-1736
Telefoon +352 341 342 202
Fax +352 341 342 342


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Tim Pedroni - 2022 now
Biografie Analyst for European small, mid and large equity [to be amended to include Fund Manager from 1 July].Joined Schroders in November 2021. Previously on the sell side at Mediobanca, London, from 2013 as Generalist Equity sales servicing hedge funds and institutional clients. 2017-2021: European Utilities & Infrastructure Specialist Sales role, ranked in II/Extel surveys At Credit Suisse in a Pan European equities sales role from 2006 to 2013, covering Milan and UK based institutions (in Milan for 5 years and then London 3 years). 2011-2021: Stock Picker/contributor to Alpha Capture Systems (e.g. TOPS, 2 Sigma).MSc in Economics and Business, Universita’ Cattolica, Milan Italy. Regular lecturer at Milan’s Bocconi University, annually hosting class on valuation and market multiples (MSc in Finance)
Hannah Piper Portfolio Manager 2015 2024
Biografie Hannah Piper is a European Equity Fund Manager at Schroders. She has managed Schroder ISF Italian Equity since January 2015 and Schroder European Alpha Plus Fund since March 2020. Hannah has also co-managed Schroder ISF European Smaller Companies since October 2019. She joined Schroders in 2012 as an analyst for smaller companies. Hannah’s investment career commenced in 2010 at UBS, specialising in the UK Chemicals sector. Speaks fluent Italian. Qualifications: Chartered Accountant from PwC; BSc in Natural Sciences from Durham University.
Jack Dempsey Portfolio Manager 2020 2022
Biografie Manager of Schroder ISF Circular Economy. Co-manager of Schroder Circular Economy Private Plus. Previously managed an Italian equity strategy. Worked as an analyst across Global and European equity desks Joined Schroders in 2016 and is a CFA Charterholder First class degree in business and economics from Trinity College, Dublin
Nicholette MacDonald-Brown Portfolio Manager 2011 2015
Biografie – Manager of European Sustainable Equity strategy – Responsible for managing Pan European blend portfolios since January 2015 – Joined Schroders in August 2011 – Previously spent 11 years at Goldman Sachs, most recently as an investment professional for Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, a global multi asset class hedge fund where she was responsible for the European industrial, utility, infrastructure and travel and leisure sectors – Former roles included research and portfolio management responsibilities for Global, EAFE and single country products, and Co-Head of the UK and European Small Cap Equity Team – Degree in Economics and Politics, Bristol University – Chartered Financial Analyst
Riitta Hujanen Manager 2008 2011
Biografie Riita joined Schroders in October 2007 with primary responsibility for the SISF EURO Active Value, SISF European Active Value and Schroder European Fund. She moved to London in May 2006 and joined investment boutique Montanaro Fund Managers, managing a variety of European equity mandates including the American Express Funds European Small Cap, ‘A’ rated by S&P. After a brief period at Fides Asset Management managing pan European equity portfolios for institutional clients, in 2002 joined OKO Asset Management and became Head of a team of three portfolio managers responsible for European equity strategies. Riita managed the OP Value Fund from March 2003 to March 2006, delivering strong and consistent outperformance versus a value index. Her investment career commenced in January 1997 when Riitta joined SEB Gyllenberg as an equity analyst. In 1999 began managing portfolios for SEB Gyllenberg. Her career began in 1990 as a Financial Communications Manager at Polar Corporation and subsequently an Investor Relations Manager at M-Real. She has a Masters in Politics and MBA.
Angelo Manca - 2005 2008
Adrian de mol van Otterloo Director/portfolio Manager 2000 2005
Biografie Adrian joined the Schroders Graduate Scheme in 1996, initially as an analyst in the European Equity Research department and is now a Director. He has a degree in Business Economics and an MSc in Financial Economics. He is a CFA Charter holder. Since 2000, he has managed a number of mutual funds and mandates for institutional clients. In 1999 he was voted one of the top 20 fund managers according to Reuters. Voted one of top 20 buy side analysts according to Institutional Investor in 2001.
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